Author Topic: Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)  (Read 2626 times)

Offline Smittiy

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Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:44:19 PM »
Today was my second day in City-45, and it was surprisingly better than yesterday, (my first day), aside from the fact that I was caught up in the middle of an event of sorts. The event was exciting and lengthy, when upwards of ten citizens, myself included were carried into the Nexus to be treated by the CP Shield for an unknown infection. I made it out alive, others weren't so lucky suffering beatings, and some died, but I made it and was reunited with my cousin Wilson Smith. I'm safe for now, but no one knows what the future holds, and who knows this may have been only my first close encounter with death. I hope to god I'll be okay.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 10:43:04 PM by Smittiy »

Offline Smittiy

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Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 07:11:22 PM »
Today was hell. It started off normal, but it went to shit quickly. I was waiting outside the Nexus to appeal for more rights for citizens, when a CP said, " You two come with me" thinking he was talking to me I went inside the barricade, an when I realized he wasn't talking to me it was too late. He ordered me to wait in the airlock, he called it a, "Level 3", and then he tied me up and beat me. after being released my cousin Wilson and I went back to our apartment and holy shit did I have a lot on my mind. Afterwards I went and got my rations, and now I'm writing in this stupid journal. It makes me laugh when I think about this journal, and it brings a tear to my eye, this was the last thing my brother Josh gave to me before he went to the outlands. God I hope he's okay, he stopped writing months ago.

Offline Smittiy

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Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 10:35:19 PM »
Day four, it feels weird saying that, only four days here and life is still not improving. Today a man tried to recruit me into a rebel group, I accepted at first, but was then questioned in the Nexus, after that I informed a CP of what was going on. They found him cowering in his apartment, and killed him, but before they killed him, he managed to wound two officers with knives. The idiot tried recruiting me, and was not even discrete, two random citizens heard him and reported it as well, so it was not my fault... completely. I'm not a damn loyalist!, but I'm not completely anti-combine. At this point I really don't know. My cousin Will wasn't around much today, and as a result I was knocked out and dragged into an apartment, after about twenty minutes, I woke up on a park bench. Apparently a CP shot the lock off the door, and dragged me out. The bastard who assaulted me is still out there though, and when I see him I'm going to beat the shit out of him. Well tomorrow is always better, right? We'll see, I guess.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 10:41:14 PM by Smittiy »

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Re: Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 11:26:46 PM »
Its been a few days now, too many to count, but I've finally gotten around to writing in this damn journal again. Today was great, not only did I finally get some furniture for my drab apartment, I got my first full deep sleep for months. There was a CP sweep of the apartments, and I was clean but a woman in the hall passed out from the stress, and I had to get assistance from the CP's again. She made it ,thank god, but I never got to catch her name. All I remember was her British accent, and that she was very shy. Oh god I think I might really like her... well this complicates a lot of things. Until next time journal! God I need a better hobby.

Offline Smittiy

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Re: Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 10:22:10 PM »
Today in effort to gain favor with the CP's and reported contraband, but the bastards beat me for, "possessing it", when the items didn't belong to me. I met one nice guard, Unit 999. He was very kind, and did not want to have to punish me for a crime I did not commit, but it was protocol. I'm at my breaking point now, I'll try and keep it together for now, but it gets harder every day I go on like this. I'm going to start a business soon though, that will give me a nice venue to aid my friends, and keep me occupied, and still no word from Josh, hope he's okay in the outlands.

Offline Smittiy

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Re: Stuard Smith's Journal (City-45 RP Journal)
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2012, 11:02:40 PM »
Its been months since I've written in this old thing, I haven't had the time really, especially with all the shit that's been going on lately. Just yesterday my friend Joe, and I were savagely beaten and robbed, I told a CP, and he actually seemed to care...... I know that's not true though, they don't give a shit about us. I try to respect them, and be as nice as possible, but they still seem to have a very cold resentment for all of the citizens, even the ones who like them. There is one CP who I do really like, Rct. 228, he seems different, but who am I kidding, hes probably just an ass like all of the rest, till next time, if there is a next time...


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