Total Members Voted: 0
Voting closed: August 20, 2011, 12:56:01 AM
The custom map is more of a what we need now. The two servers, outlands and city, both have maps which are having a hard time supporting RP. The city has everything HL2RP needs but its bland. Outlands has paths to help move rebels along without being spotted and good hideouts but it's too cramped which takes away the vast feel outlands should have.Here's my question. Should I work on City 32 (approximately 4-6 months) or City32 Outlands (approximately 2-4 months)?Post input. The poll doesn't determine the outcome of this. Your input does. The poll just helps me see what people want more.
you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Ok then I will post here. I think the map is fine as it is. Go work on City 32 and stop trying to get out of it like you did with rockford.
I would say do city because of minges, but statua says reducing minges is not a reason...