I personally appreciate you trying to better the community. However, reading over this, it seems like this would need a lot of active players to operate, which is unfortunately a no-no to my knowledge. If a new gamemode was created, the only reasonable theme behind it would be that it could be played independently, with low population, and high population. A great example of this is Underdone, TTT. It would also have to be extremely easy to get in to such as the previous gamemodes. I'm not even sure how HL2RP itself became popular.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
Good luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter. It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"
Quote from: Cow 8-) on August 19, 2014, 04:24:13 PMGood luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter. It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"Those were the good old days lol, but back to the topic I think if they actually wanted to try the game mode they could learn. Think about a map the size of gm_flatland, that's what I was thinking size wise and the factions would be in the four different corners. However that's if statua is good enough
The map is plausible. The HRP map right now has a little less then half max z space for flying and I never have problems flying around it. The idea of teleports is already in the works for the HRP2 map however needs some guidance to get working completely. Flying wouldn't be an issue.The game however, I really don't see how it will grow and tbh, doesn't sound appealing in the first place.