Author Topic: Anime thoughts.  (Read 7538 times)

Offline AcornMan

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Re: Anime thoughts.
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2013, 10:14:14 AM »
Some of the stuff that I've been watching has been really good, mainly a lot of things that you can easily find on Hulu and watch for free, I'm not really able to suggest something that I know that you'd enjoy however, I would suggest looking into something like Campione! or The Devil is a Part-Timer if you like the sort of anime that has some good plot as well as a bit of ecchi humor.
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Re: Anime thoughts.
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2013, 12:30:59 AM »
There are a LOT of good anime shows out there, too many to watch to be honest. SAO was a good one, and if I may say, the best one I have seen to date (and am really hoping for the next season if the people will stop working on Guilty Crown *gag*) is "High School of the Dead." It has good characters, great story (even if most of it was being held out for later seasons), and great humor. I can also recommend Dot Hack (.//hack is the title) and Sekirei (the most recently watched). As for a favorite, I have to give it to the old show I watched when I was a kid coming home from school. This anime just holds a place in my heart that nothing else has come close to, Robotech. Loved the show when I was little, still love it today.. even if it is outdated in art and acting..

If you have any preferences I could recommend a few, can't say I am watching as many as I have been but I will do what I can to share what I can.
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