Author Topic: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!  (Read 5164 times)

Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:40:55 PM »
I love the hl2rp server but it needs more English members on it maybe if you advertise it and ittl lure ppl in cuz only Americans now ply the hl2rp server

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 06:02:04 PM »
That's a lot easier said than done, believe me. You think we haven't already thought of or tried that? Trust me, we have. One does not simply advertise HL2rp simply for the reason there aren't places you CAN really advertise it without getting flamed. Facepunch? Ha. Want to see one of the comments made on a thread of someone who advertised their HL2rp server? I'll quote it.

May I ask why you're doing HL2 RP? Is it because that's all you know and can't think of anything original. You know what? Don't answer that question, I just answered it for you. Seriously, I'm not trying to run your community here, but at least do something halfway original. There's hundreds of roleplay themes you could be doing, but instead resort to HL2 RP. You're no different than the other 25+ HL2 RP servers out there. Regardless of what you're running, I just don't see how Games in Progress is a good place to adverstise a serious roleplay community. The only things here are shitty Minecraft servers.

Garry just needs to add the Servers section back to the GMod section. That would be so much better for the community.

Edit: Nevermind. Garry finally figured out the only thing that was being posted in this section was Minecraft shit. Disregard anything I said about Minecraft servers. You might actually get a few players. That doesn't mean Garry shouldn't add the servers section back. But meh.

Ha. You're funny. You're also right - it isn't forcing me to play it. But does that mean I should just stand idle as more and more people flock to it because HL2 RP is the only thing they know how to do? No. But are you seriously disagreeing that HL2 RP is unoriginal? I'd like to know how long you've been roleplaying. No one is forcing me to play it, but the sheer amount of idiots that play it makes my head spin.

Also, you really put me in my place when you told me to shut the fuck up. I think I'll just go be emo and cut myself. :(

I couldn't give two shits about HL2RP and i'm not going to debate if it's original or not and why the hell do you care if people flock to it? They'll soon find out for themselves if they like it not. Also, I'm sure joining HL2rp servers isn't the only thing people know how to do, in fact, I'd be surprised if anyone joined the server.
I care because some people (including myself) actually think of a good canon and all that good stuff. When someone puts an HL2 RP server up, it not only lessens the amount of roleplayers willing to try something new, but it also gives the roleplay community a bad name. Look at Facepunch for example. I understand people will find out if they like it or not, but when the servers list is full of nothing but HL2 RP, it makes it harder for people to find other servers. A lot of old roleplayers have probably quit for that exact reason - it's just too damn difficult to find a community that isn't HL2 RP. Also, regarding your comment stating players know more than HL2 RP... You're right, some of them do. On the other hand, most don't. If you go ask the average HL2 RPer what Severance is, they'll say they don't know. You know why? Because everyone flocks to HL2 RP and can't/wont try anything new because that's all they know, or they can't find a server running an original idea.

Edit: Also, are you just really tired of hearing the whole HL2 RP thing? Because we have a right to be a little ticked off at those who run it. Next time, don't be so hostile with your comments. Just saying.

Don't get me wrong, I want HL2rp populated as much as the next guy, but saying "admins, do something about it" does not help in the slightest. On the other hand, making useful suggestions that we can possibly implement in order to gain a population of European or other American players who will be dedicated are more than welcome.

tl;dr make a useful suggestion instead of just saying:
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Re: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 06:26:47 PM »
"advertise hl2rp" - going to add that to my list of oxymorons

Invite your friends or something instead of requesting an advertisement just for English folk to join (I'm guessing you want people in BST to play at the same time as you)

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Re: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2013, 06:59:18 PM »
I'm nomrally on around...."English" time. Usally play around 3-8PM. In, and around there in GMT-8. Weekends i'm on whenever the server has more than one person online.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

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Re: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2013, 09:02:27 PM »
Our job isn't just to keep it popular because it's only successful if the players want it to be. We can have 8 admins on the server every day but if no players join then nothing is achieved.

Offline DrVengeance

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Re: Make the hl2rp server popular admins!
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2013, 09:10:18 AM »
 The thing with Gmod servers (or any server for that matter), unless it's a niche and you're only server toting Bioshock RP, your best friend is population; which is a proven theory/method (whatever). You get five people on, next thing you know there's ten; the population inclines to a more favourable number. To aid in this cause, you create a rich, interesting environment to hook the player and want to see more unfold. Administrators are not the key to success in the population, the player is.

 I've only ever met English-speaking peoples on HL2RP, with the exception of two.
The usual mind-set of 'CITY IS DEAD!' and the popular defiance with the exclamation 'Invite all of your friends!' are both mundane and stupid; best way to create the spark, is to have interesting things happening (which aren't events, before you try to grill me).

 The problem I've found with 90% of the HLRP (is the 2 really needed?) players is the lack of spontaneity or open-mindedness; not to say it's totally absent, but it's just not to the same degree of other RP servers.
 A power vacuum in P3 could cause groups of power-hungry criminals to contest for areas; as such giving P3 the old air it had — I wouldn't have been caught dead in P3 a few months back on my other characters.
 Rather than you typical food/ooc item shop, why not open a barber shop? Someone needs to give citizens their haircuts, at the same time giving an environment of sociability; having the regulars sat around chatting whilst you shave and haircut a man.
 Open a P3/sewers clinic (with auths, think Anders from DA2; without auths, think a nice guy that's trying his best with no real knowledge), to help those which have been injured in the power-struggle, illicit activities or those in the wrong place at the wrong time, deal with the laundromat as an IC way of getting really bad bandages out of old/ruined clothing.

 Teamspeak is always full of chatter and jabba on the topic of City and it's unfortunate disposition of being just another brick in the wall, there are some great suggestions put forwards, but they never pass the starting line.
 This is just my grasp on things, but I could be incorrect to a superlative degree, with a mind slowed by hobbit leaf.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 09:14:32 AM by DrVengeance »
have a nice day :)


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