Author Topic: Brandon's SFM (Source Film Maker) Pictures  (Read 6083 times)

Offline BrandonSmith

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Brandon's SFM (Source Film Maker) Pictures
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:46:27 PM »
Hey guys.

I'm sure some people in this community, or tons use the SFM and are probably a lot more talented with it then I am.

I've got about 143 hours on it right now and enjoy making pictures and stuff like that.

If you've got any tips or anything about the SFM I'd be more than happy to hear them.

The pics vary in amount of time I put into them and thus quality.

Chris Baker - Learning to treat patients.

Brandon R. Smith - Scavenging in the slums.

Offline Eas

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Re: Brandon's SFM (Source Film Maker) Pictures
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 12:32:28 AM »
Very nice. I especially like the first one.
As for some criticism, all I can really say is give some meaning to the 'trash' props in the background. For example, in the second picture, why would there just be a random cinder block there? Why is there just a random microwave on that table there?
Besides that, nice job. I'd like to see more.


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