Author Topic: Omega 337 Dawn of War  (Read 3458 times)

Offline Pielolz

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Omega 337 Dawn of War
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:12:50 PM »
                            This is a work in progress the whole point is to try make people less likely to rebel

                                    *A barren desert devoid of life; hot wind blows dust.. Also a human skull on the ground. The skull is crushed to powder as a large heavily armored boot hits it*

* About 17 Combine Soldiers are moving through this desert; weapons ready.*

*They come upto a ridge, the leader puts his fist upwards motioning to stop*

He puts two fingers upto his ear and says " Omega 337 Bravo this is Omega 337 Actual we have eyes on target; advise?"

* A medium sized camp is visible beyond the ridge as the soldiers lie low looking at it*

Over the radio a voice responds "Omega 337 Actual this is Omega 337 Bravo you have the green to engage over."

The lead soldier replys "Copy that; out." He then says to his squad "Listen up we have about 16 hostiles in this camp, bring RPGs to bear!" two soldier run up next to the leader with RPGs and aim it at the camp "Fire at will!" He tells them "Fire in the hole!" The troopers say as two rockets fire and fastly aproach the camp, they strike home at two of the shacks and they exsplode into fire balls. Rebels panicking taking up defensive position. "Open fire!" Yells the leader; all of his squad charge down weapons barking. The nearest rebel fires his SMG at them missing horridly, the soldier replys to that by exsploding his head with some pure darkmatter. The rebel leader screams "Kill them! Kill them all!" as he fires at the nearest soldier, the soldier dives to the side allowing his brother to end the creten's life with three shots to the chest spraying the rebel's comrads with gore. Four soldiers dive into cover bullets wizing above their heads as their comrads also goto cover. One of the soldiers turns to his brother and says "On my mark we end their lives." The other soldiers nod "MARK!" He roars as they pop up guns ablazing; Dark matter flying into three rebels as their guts fly out of their bodys and their heads exsplode. The soldiers laugh as one of them launches an orb into the nearest shack, collapsing it and destroying the inhabitants on a molecular level. A foolish rebel takes some pot shots with a 357 at the Leader missing horridly. The reply to this? A solid shot to the gut as he collapses onto the ground; gun aside as he slowly bleeds out. Two of the rebels drop their weapons in surrender; a foolish move. They are ended by several shots to the torso.. Most of the camp is dead now, only ones alive are injured beyond fighting capability. The Leader walks upto the nearest injured level and picks him up by the neck with one hand. The rebel says "Please dont kill me! I beg you!" The leader says "Dont beg for a life you do not deserve!" As his hand constricts around his neck, a wet crunch is heard as his spine is shattered and wind pipe is crush; luaghing he casts his body aside and curb stomps another injured failure. "This wasnt even a fight, it was a sluaghter." As he ends another rebel..

*Screen fades to black*

(//OOC Is this canon? Yes it is; the Union would love to show their dominance. This makes people less likely to rebel, watching rebels die by the dozens. This is very canon, scare people away from rebellion. Every communist/rebllion likely country does it. Fear works. This is canon and also a work in progress. IF you feel I shouldt have this I'll lock and snip it. This is also a reply to Under the Union, under the sheets (Did I get that right?) That is more for the female demographic, this is
more.. Masculine.//)

EDIT: Corrected some Spelling/gramatical errors
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 10:59:53 AM by [={.N.A.L.}=] Renegade Awsome »

Offline GeeMayn

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Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 01:14:19 PM »
You do realize that about %100 of lulwebulz fail at rp?

What honestly makes you think this will do any better?

Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 01:36:59 PM »
You do realize that about %100 of lulwebulz fail at rp?

What honestly makes you think this will do any better?
//If you fail at Rp and you consider you're a rebel and all that then you're a lolwebul.
So of course %100 of them are failrpers.
I might make a vote about making an official resistance.

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 07:39:33 PM »
This is for the ones who actualy RP.. What do you think?

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 08:57:00 PM »
Actualy Bravo is HQ/advisory. Actual is the ground team (Ie actualy on the feild) Glad you like it.

Offline Das

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Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 09:30:17 PM »
I started this with my epic soap opera, just saying.
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 (A Union Supremecy Show)
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 09:34:12 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> ( I get its Halo; The song is epic. It is now the theme song, yes another inspiration from Das. Credit goes to The sir or madam whom inspired this)

                        * The Leader of Omega 337 Actual, Varco (Or 1337 And no I didt use 1337 for leet calm down) Stands across the desk of the COTA Commander.*

(We'll just call him Varco because its easier)

Varco cradles his helmet under his arm and says "Sir; Interogative, why are we hitting rebel sights in the Outlands? What is the point of such puny conflicts?" He replys "We believe the Rebels are planning on laying seige to Vladimus or Orestean; possibly Helsreach." "Sir permission to speak freely?" Varco asks "Granted" The Commander replys "You honestly believe that the rebels can possibly lay seige to Orestean? Or Vladimus? And its an either farther leap to suggest Helsreach. Out conflict earlier today was a sluaghter, we didt take one casualtie when they took 100% What makes you think they can posses the force let alone skill; to lay seige to Vladimus, Helsreach or Orestean?" The commander replys "We dont want to take any risks." "Its not a risk its a fly hitting a windsheild." The Commander sighs "Its actualy not my orders.. Its the Benafactors." "You've got to be kidding me." Varco says in dis-belief  "What you believe they will attack Cryth too?" "Perhaps" The commander replys "We need you and your team to move out to a pre-war ghost town. Intel stuggests that the Rebels have acquired an Engine." Varco replys "An Engine? If that was possible why are you sending Infantry?" The commander responds "We dont know 100% but we do know that there is resistence." "Yes sir" Varco says walking out of the room to get his men

KEY: Vladimus: A large fortess that houses Advisors, Gunships, Striders and mass amounts of COTA

Orestean: A huge factory complex that churns out machines of war and weapons for the Combine.

Helsreach: An absolutely massive base that houses tens if not hundreds of thousands of COTA.

Cryth: Like Nova Prospekt but bigger; Nova Prospekt is so "popular" Because its local in the HL2 canon, this one isnt close to Nova Prospekt.

"I see it." Says the lead Marksman Xarl looking through his scope "Any sign of an Engine?" Varco asks "Negative." He replys "Well thats a relief.. How large is their force?" "I say 200 strong." Varco curses "And they lead us to a death trap." Apothcarion Talos says "Maybe if they get some more men it'd be an even fight."  "Damnit Talos their is 17 of us and 200 of them! We are outnumbered  2-1 We should call in for an Air-strike or long range artillary." "Uzas!" Varco calls as the long range radio operator hustles up "Gimme that radio!" Uzas hands Varco the radio "Omega 337 Bravo this is Omega 337 Actual, no sign of the Engine.. But to make matters worse their is a force of 200 strong how copy over?" A voice comes over the radio "Omega 337 Actual this is Omega 337 Bravo we are sending in a Gunship and Reinforcements; Good hunting." "Alright listen up! We have air-support and reinforcements coming in about two mikes! A gunship and about 5 Dropships." Varco calls to them as they hide safely overseeing the base as the distant form of a gunship followed by five dropships is seen "Ave Dominus Nox." Says Varco As the gunship's lower canon spits out a beam of dark matter eradicating a building as its gun is roaring. The gunships hammer down and poor out more OTA as the gunship is wreaking havok. "TAKE NO PRISONERS!" Varco roars as they charge towards the base with their comrads. Varco shoots an Orb into a house as it exsplodes; obvously a munitions depot. His Ar2 barks as Dark Matter bites into flesh as rebels collapse around him; The fools are running around in chaotic panick as they fire in random directions mercilessly being slaughtered left and right. One of the COTA reinforcements blasts one of the Rebel Sergeants away wth 3 well placed shots. The gunships soars over head and shoots another beam into a building sending it into a fire ball. The canon roars as rebels are blasted apart. Varco jumps over some some cover caving in a crouched rebel's chest and fires a round into his head, showered by blood and gore he charges forth and unloads into a group of the rebels showering each other in blood as they collapse helpless.. He walks through the battle feild weapons barking laughing as rebels cower and flee before their inevetable sluaghter.. Suddenly a Rebel runs out of a build hold a clever and takes a swing at Varco. He blocks it with his gun as its casted aside by the blow; Varco draws his Combat Knife and swings at the rebel. He misses and the rebel takes a blind swipe. Varco easily side stebs and grabs his wrist; He twists it as a wet crunch is heard as his wrist is broken. He takes his knife and wrenches it into his guy and pulls it upwards. Spilling his intestines and all of his vital organs out. He kicks aside the corpse, sheaths his knife and picks up his gun and re-joins the battle. His comrads stand around him weapons barking as rebels die all around them. Luaghing. Then.. A defeaning exsplosion is heard.

*The screen fades to black*

« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 10:35:35 PM by [={.N.A.L.}=] Renegade Awsome »

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Re: Omega 337 A Combine Action Thriller
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 12:07:52 AM »
// The radio codes and stuff are rather off, but other then that, very nice. Not to mention, if this is the OTA and shit, they wouldn't have names, only numbers really.

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 A Combine Action Thriller
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2011, 12:14:50 AM »
// Yea but names are easier to remember then numbers. You connect with them more

Offline Vegas

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Re: Omega 337 A Combine Action Thriller
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2011, 12:35:08 AM »
// Not for me, if it's names and its all OTA shit, its like 'waitwhut, this doesnt make sense' but if you tell me the three-digit number of a CP, I'll be like 'oh hey that guy lol'

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 A Combine Action Thriller
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2011, 12:50:59 AM »
Yea but its a lot easier to keep track of in my mind and put type out. I also want a connection to the characters

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 Dawn of War
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2011, 01:11:59 PM »

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Omega 337 Dawn of War
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2011, 09:40:22 PM »
Buildings lay in ruin; body's scatter the area, blackened scorched earth surrounds the area. 1337's cracked red optical flickers into life. He gets to his feet and grabs his rifle.. His HUD nothing but static. He clicks off his helmet and tosses it aside and barks out "Sound off!" 100 voices call out to him; No casualties.. A desisive victory. He walks amongst the ruins; he see's a man crawling amongst the rubbel blood pouring out of his stomach. His AR2 barks, chunks of bone and organs splatter out of his back as he collapses. He continues his walk; then he notices somthing.. A woman cowers in the rubbel with.. A child.. No more then two years of age.. Realisation flashes before his eyes as the woman's face and back of her head mix on a wall. With a flick of his rifle the child is knocked out. He grabs him and goes to 1210 and says; "Call in for immidiant evac and shelling of this area. Take the child back to the nearest City." "Yes sir." 1210 replys, he grabs the child and radios in what his commander told him to.

1337 stands in his white armor; helmet under his arm and AR2 on his back. Before him stands 666; commander of all OW forces stationed on Earth. 666 Easily stood at 3 meters in hight and half of that in width; his armor is bedect in medals and commemorations. His helmet was on the desk he leaned across. 5 platinium studs were riveted above his eyebrow as he listened to 1337. "This is most diserning.." 666 said to 1337, his reply "How did this happen?" "291 believes that a Solar Flar disabled the generators at the North and South Poles. 102 of C8 believes some sort of internal computer glitch that rendered it down without our knowledge." "I highly admire both of them but how likely is this?" "More likely then you think" "By the way 1337; you're getting a two week transfer to C18." "All of Omega 337 or just me?" "Just you." "Yes sir, I have some things to get in order first" "Alright." 1337 saluted and left

His heavy boots thunked onto the metal decking, he rounded a corner and saw 1210 and he called out "1210!" He saluted and replied "Yes sir?" "You're acting squad leader for two weeks dont question me." "Yes sir" He replied. 1337 then went for the Hanger. He walked into the hanger; a gunship ready to dust off hovered a foot above the deck. He walked onto the gang ramp and took his jump seat. The gang ramp clanked into place as the gunship departed....


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