Author Topic: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application  (Read 7352 times)

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:21:48 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3-4 years

Character Section

-The ability to Transport Light Weapons (Pistols)
-The ability to Transport very limited amounts of ammunition
-Moderate Medical Knowledge
-Moderate Sugrical Knowledge

Name: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Rex has been in the outlands for some time now. He has done many things and has joined many affiliations. For now, he is a medic at the clinic in the local Inn located at the Outlands. He is also a medic working for the famous trading group T.O.T.O. He has learned a great deal of things and has acquired much knowledge. Through this, he has learned several methods on how to follow through with a multitude of operations.
   Once Rex has joined the Clinic at the inn, he has found a vast majority of books that entail medical knowledge and surgical prowess. Luckily, on his first day he had his first experience with a medical emergency. He was walking with a group from the Inn at the riverbed when they stumbled upon a woman who was collapsed on the ground. She wasn’t responsive to shakes or taps to the face, so Rex and the lead medic turned her on her side to examine her for injuries. They found out that her tibia had been broken and the bone had pierced through the posterior side of the leg, leaving a bloody mesh of blood and torn muscle. The lead medic and Rex had encountered a huge problem. Luckily, she was unconscious, so the large amount of pain she would feel from the upcoming procedure would be harmless. In shock and awe, Rex watched the lead medic slowly shove the shattered and broken bone back into the woman’s leg. Snapped back into reality, the woman asked Rex to attend to her open gash. He then reached into his small backpack and laid down a medkit next to the woman and opened it, revealing its contents. Rex had a some spare thread that was thick enough to stitch the wound together. He was also given a vial of anti-biotic and anti-septic to prevent infection of the wound. He first removed the cap of the vial, revealing a needle and he then slowly injected it into the carotid artery. After both vials were injected into the same area, he grabbed the needle and thick thread. He then, began to sew the wound to a close, wiping away any blood around the wound. Once he finished said task, he asked the lead medic what they should do with the woman. She said, “We have done all we can do. Just wait for her to wake up." He nodded to her and had followed her all the way back to the inn along with the others accompanying them.
   Once back at the Inn, Rex and another senior member met at the top floor, which was considered the clinic. There was a commotion downstairs that was caused by a man bringing in a collapsed woman. She was breathing, but it was shallow and raspy. Her pulse was very low and her body temperature was lowering as well. Rex and the Senior Medic went downstairs and told the man to hand over the limp woman over to them. Rex, being the stronger male, took the woman and heaved her over his shoulders. He then slowly placed her down onto the rigid bed. The female senior surgeon prepped her for a quick examination. As she opened the woman’s shirt, she noticed that there was an extremely large and dark bruise all around her chest region. Rex looked over her shoulder and asked, “Wow…that’s a really deep bruise. I’ve seen shit like that before. People usually get’em that dark when they broke a bone or hurt a lung.” Before he could move forward, she slammed a book on Rex’s chest and said to him, “Read up and help me.” He nodded to her and cracked open the book. He looked in the index for the section on Cardiovascular Trauma. Once he has spotted the correct page number, he quickly flips it to the correct page in a great rush. Once he looks up, he sees the senior medic attempt to begin the procedure. She opened the woman’s mouth and set a medkit next to her body on the bed. She unclipped its hinges and removed some surgical tubing from it. She slowly slid it down her throat, stopping once it has reached an obstruction. Rex assumes this is a surgical procedure to allow the liquid to flow out of her lungs and on to the bedside. She then removes a scalpel from the open medkit case and opens the woman’s chest by making a lateral incision along the chest, opening it using surgical spreaders to open up her chest. From this point on, Rex begins to jot down notes inside of the book she handed him using a worn down pencil he found inside of the book.
   Once finished with the procedure, Rex snaps the book full of notes shut and shoves them back into his bag. He then asks the senior surgeon, “Am I needed here anymore ma’am?” she replies with, “Nope, don’t need ya for now.” He nods to her and continues to walk downstairs and out of the door. On the dirt road, he finds the leader of the TOTO trading group lugging around a small cart full of materials. Rex was looking for them for quite some time now in order to join their ranks. He asked her, “Hey aren’t you in TOTO?” she responded with a subtle, “Yes, I am.” Rex then said, “You know where the leader is? I’m looking forward to be recruited.” She replied, “You’re looking at her.” He responded with, “Ah, okay. Well are spots open.” She said, “Yes, a few are if you’re looking to join. Follow me back to the outpost.” Rex nodded and moved over to the cart to help her heave the object over to the outpost. Afterwards, they both entered the outpost and continued upstairs for a discussion about recruitment. She asked him a range of questions entailing on why he would want to join TOTO and what he can do as a member. Remembering he still has the medical book, he declares himself a medic. She nods to him and says, “We need some medics, too many infantry men.” He nodded to her and said, “Thank you ma’am.” She tossed him a TOTO armband a small guide to trade routes and a small map of the outlands. It also showed a small map of the outer-lining of City 45. She said to him, “Use it wisely, and you will make it far.” With those words, he nods to her and headed out the door.
   As he makes his way down the road, he meets up with one of the many Vortigaunts he had befriended. The Vortigaunt, Cathuul, offered to guide him back to the City, but he refused to venture into its walls with him. Rex agreed with his statement and promised him that as soon as he needed to venture out of the city, he would help guide himself the rest of the way using the book given to him. Later that day, Rex has met up with a number of Vortigaunts. He asked them the same question and they all told him that they would guide him to the walls, but they won’t venture with him into the City. Rex, elated at this news, returns to his new TOTO quarters and begins outline his plan for a return to City 45. He plans on returning…..very soon.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-New trade routes for TOTO
-Ammo sales for TOTO
-I could save my own life/ some passive rp for myself
-I could save another's life/ some passive rp for others

-Increase on Caravan Raids/more attacks on TOTO Caravan.
-The ammo is crude and can backfire causing severe injury or death.
-Moderate Medicinal Knowledge is limited when it comes to fatal viruses and diseases/also if the book is lost, then the perks are lost
-Moderate Surgical Knowledge is limited when it comes to fatal injuries, such as cardiac surgery or organ replacement.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to help increase the amount of passive RP in the outlands for the clinic and I will also help the orginzation TOTO become an offical trading group. The defects will allow a P2L factor to help combat RP and to help continue a Passive RP situation for a long period of time.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I know this may seem a bit extreme, but when you are given guides on how to do things, then you can just read them and follow them step by step. And if it's not in the guide, then it's out of my range of work.

Offline Zail

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 08:28:05 PM »
An okay good story.
I dont see where the "ekstra trade routes" and the "ammo supplies" coming from.
The medical knowledge would be limited a lot, due to lack of experience. (You can't do everything, from reading a book.)
Yet again, medics is actually needed.
I'll support the medical knowledge, but not the trade routes or ammo supplies.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 09:49:36 PM »
Not really trade routes, more like....a guide on how to transport a weapon without having it seen or detected, also i'm good without the ammo supply thing. This is more for TOTO than it is for me.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 10:22:01 PM by [ZARP] »

Offline A Dark Tree

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 10:39:01 PM »
+1  I've roleplayed with him several times, and every time he's great, an amazing rper.
Add me on steam, the name is Saaaaaaaaaaaan.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 05:22:33 PM »
I'll support this for having current fundamental knowledge of medical procedures and the progressive ability to learn more things. That would mean that you would be able to conduct treatment of basic wounds as long as it isn't treating a patient for a gunshot wound. Gunshot wound treatment would require somebody with high level knowledge to train you.

I'm fine with that. Since he's already in the Clinic, he will gain some aspect of Advanced Medical Knowledge after viewing several instances of medical proceedures involving bullet wound treatment. But do you agree with the Trade Routes? And if they are brought into city, I can only bring one weapon, but I can go back to the Outlands to get more, yet, it can heavily increase my chances of being caught if constantly used.

Offline Zail

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 07:15:34 AM »
So what I see, is that we agree on the medical knowledge and sugrical.
I see those fit, since I know the users RP and I highly doubt he's going to abuse the.
Would a SA please state his opinion on the weapon / ammunition trade routes?
I'm still in a negative support regarding those, but I want to see a SA's opinion.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 01:58:49 PM »
So what I see, is that we agree on the medical knowledge and sugrical.
I see those fit, since I know the users RP and I highly doubt he's going to abuse the.
Would a SA please state his opinion on the weapon / ammunition trade routes?
I'm still in a negative support regarding those, but I want to see a SA's opinion.

Ammo i'm good without,  it's just the weapons I need you're opinion on.

Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2012, 12:15:35 PM »
If it does anything, I can vouche for him. He's a really good RP'er and should be able to handle these auths without abusing them.
Matther 'Shadow' McDermit
Outlands, Alive; helping refugees and giving out supplies.

Walton Pier
Publicly shot and killed after being forced to jump off the Nexus from having too much contrabands

Matt Pir
City 45, Alive; protesting the Combine.

Megan Jills
City 45, Alive; grows tired of Combine rule

Walker Moep
City 45, Loyalist; Helping the UU clean

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 02:33:50 AM »
The transport of weapons.
Is it for: Transporting the weapons between the city and outlands? / just a general selling weapons! / Character gaining a weapon?
Please respond to this.
Beside Waffle. Please read up on the rules, next time you post.

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 02:41:39 AM »
I ICly support a movement like this, and would support him along the way. I also suppotr him ICly if he's wanting to be able to transport stuff into the City. If I'm reading it correctly, that is.

-PS. If you don't know, I lead TOTO.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 08:10:41 PM »
The transport of weapons.
Is it for: Transporting the weapons between the city and outlands? / just a general selling weapons! / Character gaining a weapon?
Please respond to this.
Beside Waffle. Please read up on the rules, next time you post.

I'd have it personally for City, but only for a select few and I must have a strict limit on the amount of guns I can bring in. But if you guys feel as if it is safer for me to just trade around Outlands, then that's fine.

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2012, 05:00:18 PM »
I'd be fine with the weapon trading stuff in Outlands, for the City I think this would be okay under supervision, not that we don't trust you but this sort of thing can easily get out of hand (even without realizing), I'm not going to accept it but rather urge/hope for some other SAs or admins to post their opinion because it really is more a thing for a lot of us to decide rather than just 2 or 3 of us (if you know what I mean...) - the rest of the app though I have no issue with, so consider this mostly accepted I suppose, but the trading route idea on hold for now.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2012, 06:12:51 PM »
I'd be fine with the weapon trading stuff in Outlands, for the City I think this would be okay under supervision, not that we don't trust you but this sort of thing can easily get out of hand (even without realizing), I'm not going to accept it but rather urge/hope for some other SAs or admins to post their opinion because it really is more a thing for a lot of us to decide rather than just 2 or 3 of us (if you know what I mean...) - the rest of the app though I have no issue with, so consider this mostly accepted I suppose, but the trading route idea on hold for now.

I have no problem with this. If it does get accepted for City and Outlands, can I just ask a SA to complete an action for such a deal?

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2012, 04:28:02 PM »
I'd be fine with the weapon trading stuff in Outlands, for the City I think this would be okay under supervision, not that we don't trust you but this sort of thing can easily get out of hand (even without realizing), I'm not going to accept it but rather urge/hope for some other SAs or admins to post their opinion because it really is more a thing for a lot of us to decide rather than just 2 or 3 of us (if you know what I mean...) - the rest of the app though I have no issue with, so consider this mostly accepted I suppose, but the trading route idea on hold for now.

I have no problem with this. If it does get accepted for City and Outlands, can I just ask a SA to complete an action for such a deal?

I can agree with all of this, so here's what we can do:

Accepted for the fundamental medical knowledge, and progressive learning.

And the trade stuff, we can do a trial run, if it looks like it'll work out, it can stay.

Any other thoughts and opinions would still be appreciated.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2012, 09:16:52 PM »
I'd be fine with the weapon trading stuff in Outlands, for the City I think this would be okay under supervision, not that we don't trust you but this sort of thing can easily get out of hand (even without realizing), I'm not going to accept it but rather urge/hope for some other SAs or admins to post their opinion because it really is more a thing for a lot of us to decide rather than just 2 or 3 of us (if you know what I mean...) - the rest of the app though I have no issue with, so consider this mostly accepted I suppose, but the trading route idea on hold for now.

I have no problem with this. If it does get accepted for City and Outlands, can I just ask a SA to complete an action for such a deal?

I can agree with all of this, so here's what we can do:

Accepted for the fundamental medical knowledge, and progressive learning.

And the trade stuff, we can do a trial run, if it looks like it'll work out, it can stay.

Any other thoughts and opinions would still be appreciated.

Sounds outstanding, with the low player base in the Outlands, I guess I can start from the bottom up and try to bring some trade to City, mainly with the assistance of Vortigaunts if that's okay?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 12:24:36 AM by Kom??Яk »


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