Why do you blame everything on me?
[CG:SA] OzJackal has banned OzJackal for 12 hours (Gonna be very drunk, will probably do something dumb if I reconnect - its for my own good lol).
Why are you rarely on the forums? I've only ever seen you once or twice on OCRP.
Tell us a bit about your personal life?What music you into?Why dont I see you much everwe'll bang, okay?
Whats your dayz camp coords?Can we make love?Bye.
Hi.How are you?How's life?What do you think of me?Who's tha best adminge? (Lol I love asking this question.)What do you expect from OCRP2?On a scale of 1 to 10, rate Crap-Head's lua 'skill'.Hold old are you?Do you still play DayZ?if(aboveQuestion == "Yes"){Why don't ya play with me fag?}What do you think of Purple?
HiWhat do you think about me? (copied Nicknero and basically everyone that asked this question)How is life as a super-admin?Why don't you play OCRP with me anymore ?Why do you hog all the money in OCRP?
Hey Quarantine. Do you like lemon pie? Get out of here stalker or I said come in, don't stand there? Do you have a girlfriend? What is your favourite videogame? What is your favourite movie? Are books shit?
Hi?What do you think of me? (RP wise and CG wise)Favorite food?Favorite show?Penis or anus? (sorry had to do it ($ectly 8isexual))Favorite book?Favorite subject?Tacos?
Any tip's for anybody on the forums? Do you play any instruments?