Author Topic: 'Bane''s Authorization Application  (Read 3196 times)

Offline swag master spiderman

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'Bane''s Authorization Application
« on: August 08, 2012, 05:44:05 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Turian Councilor / Moon
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 year

Character Section

A mask constructed of an OTA soldier helmet (eyes and mouth only)
Moderate H2H skills
An unregistered citizen (Thus the one word name)
Higher than average strength via steroid addiction

Name: 'Bane'
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
On the Eve of August 4th 1977, in a cabin in Norway, a child is born. James Thompson, son of Jack Thompson and Abigail Mark, the Thompsons were in the logging business; they grew trees only to cut them down and sell the wood to paper companies then repeat the process. They were never a wealthy family but nor were poor either, they made just enough to have some excess cash. Young James aspired to be like his father when he grew up; have his own business, live among nature, have a steady income, James would often try to help with the lifting but he was only a child, all seemed well. However, Abigail had a past history with gambling, over the years leading up to James's tenth birthday, she had ran up quite a debt, it was one month after James turned ten that some very shady people came looking for their money that was promised to them, they sent round thugs to get it at night.

When the Thompson's said they didn't have the money, these thugs started to take anything of value from the house, while holding the Thompson family to gunpoint. Everything was taken, including James's presents; anything of value was hauled into the thug's truck. The thugs then lit up the forest around the cabin, torching the family's income source, then left. Enraged by the loss of the forest, the now destitute, Jack Thompson took out his rage on his wife, to him; she was responsible for the whole thing. In the violent beating of his wife, Jack had unintentionally killed Abigail; her head cracked open when she was tossed against the side of a table and bludgeoned with a poker by Jack. In panic, Jack attempted to silence his son, he ran outside after James; who had fled into the ablaze forest. James found Jack and shot him with Jack's shotgun he had taken from under his dad's bed. The authorities found James; curled up in a ball amongst the ashes of the fire, a dusting of fresh snow over the blackened earth, James was half suffocated and when he was brought around, burst into tears.

After the deaths of his family, James was put into care, he was never friends with any of the other children, he liked it that way, they would never understand, he told himself. At school, a lot people bullied him, his lack of friends was to persist until the age of 14 when a couple adopted him. James was to then move to the UK to continue his education. His carers lived with him in London's upmarket suburbs and worked in for an executive board for some cosmetics company. James was quiet around his carers; he didn't like them very much, as much as they tried to connect to him. When James went to school, he was bullied once more, this time it was far worse. In the stress, James turned to smoking and drinking; he was expelled from his high school and at 16 James ran away from home. It was in London he would spend the next six months out on the street, sleeping rough, begging for money to feed his addictions that conquered him. He lowered himself to sleeping under bridges, in doorways, in construction sites, anywhere. After half a year of homelessness, James was once again taken in by the authorities and given a free hostel room in south London and was given a job doing manual labour in a warehouse. The pay was poor but allowed him to put some towards a cheap gym, he would go there everyday for as much as ten hours a day and focus his anger into one thing, boxing. His pent up anger of his past made him vicious in the ring, a truly talented fighter, at the age of 18 James met a man named "Nick", Nick offered James a job; a fighter in the underground fight clubs, it was an offer James couldn't refuse, Nick was now James's trainer.
James quit his job in the warehouse and became focused entirely on the boxing, everyday, without fail, he would train and train, determined to be the best and make a name for himself. It was in the run-up to James's first match that Nick decided to give James's steroids, James was reluctant at first but gave in and fought his first opponent under the influence of the enhancers; he fought with ferocious strength, flooring his foe in a couple punches, the thrill of victory was sweet, for the first time since when he was a little boy, James felt the warmth of happiness. He had won the first of many matches, over his career, James progressed up through the leagues, taking on better boxers, in time he earned the title "Bane" for his reputation as the bane of any fighter he faced, destined to reach the top and claim the place of underground champion. When James was 22, he had the chance finally to face the champion. James trained hard in the weeks leading up to the match. Nick then decided to up the dose of steroids for James before the match, unsafe levels even for James; who had become addicted to the drugs now. The fight finished violently, James had broken his rival's back, paralysing him. His rival pressed charges in court, the investigation found that James was indeed under the influence of steroids; Nick then confessed the long-term use. With his reputation shattered, and the verdict not looking good, James confronted Nick, enraged. They argued, the confrontation ended with Nick dead; tossed down a flight of stairs then beaten to death. In 1999 James (22) was tried by a High Court then sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in a high security complex for the murder, he was sent to the maximum security German prison of Stammheim after an incident involving the transit driver nearly being killed by James.

James's time in prison was long and tiresome. He made a name for himself by breaking another inmate's arms when he tried to threaten him, the wardens feared James and dared not try to tackle him without at least three others on hand to help. James kept his title even on the inside, the inmates only knew him as Bane and those that knew his real name dared not speak it for fear of being broken by him. Despite Thompson's notorious reputation, he remained isolated by choice, often spending hundreds of hours at a time in solitary confinement, biding time, planning his actions and attempting to piece together an escape plan. The plan however came too late as the as the year 2016 dawned and the world was to change forever.

The Portal Storms hit the prison hard, smashing the complex walls and collapsing the south end of solitary confinement. The storms ensued a riot that raged out of control rapidly; Bane made his escape in the panic, along with a dozen other inmates. James split away from the group and headed south, into the wilderness, away from the city. It was a mere few hours after the storm that an alien sound roared in the distance; the sound of an invasion force descending from rips in the sky, the Combine had arrived.

For the first few months, James lived in the forests of southern Germany, looting the abandoned forest villages and living in the woods, oblivious to the invader's regime being imposed. The tasks in the wild let him put focus away from the crushing addiction he still hadn't got over, however even he knew that they would not distract him forever, the urge, the lust to fulfill his addiction was growing by every passing hour.  Then after a while, now four months of living in the wilderness, Bane saw the Aliens clearly; humanoid, clad in black, impressive armour, deep monotone voices... They fascinated James; he would follow them from a distance, watching them sweep the forests. One day, James saw them engage in a short firefight, a hunter of some sorts was held up in a cabin, the OTA surrounded it and began to close in around it. The hunter took out a unit from one of the windows but was hit in the shoulder straight after, once the battle was over, OTA left their fallen comrade, killed the bleeding hunter and moved on.

James entered the cabin and found the corpse of the hunter; an old man, his eyes cold and desperate. James then dragged the body of the Overwatch soldier into the house and tried to take the helmet off. He pulled and pulled but for all his force it was to no avail, James spent a couple days in that cabin, with the unit's body, attempting to break the helmet off, he tried several methods including using the hunter's knife to hack it off, eventually the neck weak spot succumbed to the blade and opened up enough for James to tear the mask off. The face of the unit was a colourless face; sunken eyes soulless black and surgical scars across its hairless scalp.

The helmet had been pried off but it did not fit James, it was the wrong shape, too narrow at the base, like it had been welded onto the soldier, not put on. James then decided to use this mask as a tool; it would be his symbol, his symbol of power over his enemies, an image to burn into the conscious minds of anyone he came across. He lived in this cabin for the next two months, hunted in the surrounding area, catching the odd fish in a nearby river. James continued to shape the mask; he sharpened the knife, hacked away at it until the blade dulled, then repeated. If he wasn't sleeping, hunting or working on the mask, he was exercising, not wanting to lose touch with his physical qualities. By the end of the two months (Now January 2016) James had cut out the area of the vocoder and the eyes and had then made three straps that ran from the left, right and top it and met at the back of his head. The electronics were fried, completely dead, the vocoder had long ceased operation, and the red light that once radiated from the eyes had dimmed to an occasional flicker. The mask was worth the effort though; it had been both his task and his tormentor to him in time he had channelled his very soul into this mask, it was by definition, an extension of him.

It was at this point Bane travelled; he left the cabin and ventured east, to Austria. It took six months to reach the surrounding area of Vienna, now City 45, there, in the wild around the urban zone, he discovered a group of refugees who had just escaped, Bane was told of what happens in the city, about the CCA. Bane then felt the feelings of injustice, he felt depressed by the news that humanity is enslaved! Bane then thought of what to do; should he go back? Wait in the woods until they find him and kill him and they wipe us all out? Or should he go to this city and try to stop this... This genocide, this madness that happens within the walls of that city and countless others. No. Bane knew what had to be done; he traded his clothes (They were from the cabin, he had been wearing them throughout the travel) for one of the refugee's jumpsuits and went in through the gap in the grid where the refugees came from.

Bane decided he would go to this city, to see this "Union" and their grand machine, he does not fear them but is no fool, he still wishes to live. When there, Bane would exist as the definition of fear, they will hunt him, they will fear him and may well find him but the message he will send will be that infinitely more powerful than Bane's physical strength; that they feel fear and what they fear is the people...

If he becomes a symbol, if the Mask becomes a legend, then it will send a message to the oppressors; a message of defiance and a message of justice.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The Mask Perks:
Looks scary
Masks Bane's face
Gives his already deep voice a menacing muffle

The H2H skill Perks:
Useful when confronted with foes
Combined with Bane's strength, it makes a formidable weapon

The non-registered perks:
Can't be identified by fingerprints on a database
No knowledge of past the CCA can use
Allows him to go by one name

Steroid Perks:
Increased rage when under their influence
Increased Strength

Mask Defects:
Is VERY noticeable
Is slightly shallow of air, running with it on can be difficult
Restricts vision

H2H Defects:
Slightly out of touch seeing how it's been over a year since he actually fought someone with them
Not effective against guns
Maintained via excessive steriod use

Steroid Defects:
Shakes, fits of rage when under their influence, headaches
Will need to constantly find more for his addiction

Unregistered defects:
Becomes target the CCA can identify as an unregistered
Unable to retrieve rations, needs alternative food/water source

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Create some really great anti-citizen RP for both the CCA and the Anti-Citizens
A balanced variety to roleplay that isn't seen much
Have something to do related to anti-citizen/resistance roleplay (and include others, of course).

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nobody else.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I'm a batfag, edited a bit where it explains not using steroids during the period in the wilderness.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:54:09 PM by Turian Councilor ? Moon »

Offline raged

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2012, 06:05:10 PM »
// great originality

Offline swag master spiderman

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 06:16:15 PM »
// did someone do a batman character before me? :(

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 06:52:40 PM »
I really hope this isn't serious. The last thing we need is people thinking this is batmanRP.

Offline swag master spiderman

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 07:36:16 PM »
Nah, just wrote a 2000 word backstory or so as a joke. Im looking for something different and I'd rather not have the standard ex military/special service ninja. I think people will know from the title of the server it's not batman RP.

Basically I'd like an anti citizen but I'd like him to be influenced from something a bit better than CoD or splinter cell.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:43:19 PM by Turian Councilor ? Moon »

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 07:53:38 PM »
This sounds way more interesting then the usual AC lineup. Also I see a list of differences.

1. Childhood
2. Bane II doesn't need the mask
3. Bane I doesn't use steroids
4. Bane II wasn't trapped in a hole for years
5. Bane II wasn't in the league of shadows and didn't become a ninja
6. Bane II doesn't have anyone like Talia
7. Bane II doesn't use shitloads of men and guns
8. Bane II isn't planning to destroy the city
9. Bane I has serious face injury
10. Completely different clothing
11. Bane I wasn't a boxer/fighter
12. Bane II has completely different motives

Really all they share are a name and mask, the physical elements were achieved differently.

Just saying.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 08:35:35 PM by David 8 »

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 09:15:42 PM »
For the record. No you're not the first to have a character lightly or heavily inspired in Batman characters, Eli's pretty heavily influenced by some of the villians and batman himself, but i took my time to diferentiate it too :P It can work if you put in your own spins into it

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2012, 01:12:46 AM »
As intimidating as the backstory looks, you're not really asking for much that could seriously tip the balance of the server in an OOCly undesirable way. The backstory has more than enough detail to cover the authorisations that you're seeking so I'm happy to support this.

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2012, 07:07:53 AM »
For the record. No you're not the first to have a character lightly or heavily inspired in Batman characters, Eli's pretty heavily influenced by some of the villians and batman himself, but i took my time to diferentiate it too :P It can work if you put in your own spins into it

I have, the boxing part was completely my own and so is the history with parental problems and drug abuse. The only thing that is similar is the general theme and the criminal history.

Also, thank you ozjackal for your support.

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2012, 04:26:31 PM »
I don't really like the idea of this being in the City but as Jackal has said there's nothing too overpowered or whatever so I'll give this my support and leave it open for other admin's opinions on this.

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Re: 'Bane''s Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 03:47:21 PM »
Having read through the app once again, I am also satisfied, this'll work.



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