Author Topic: Vileria Luain's authorization application.  (Read 3475 times)

Offline Zail

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Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:17:00 PM »
Steam Name:


How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game)
For two years.

How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?
For one and a half year.

How long have you been playing Half-Life 2 Roleplay?
For a good year or more.

Authorizations being applied for:
Electric lead pipe.

Character Name:
Silene Teilar.

Character Age:


Character Affiliation:
Resistance. More likely neutral.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
“I’ve got to get me something new to wear, instead of this old vest...”
Vileria was inside P3, walking around in the streets, looking around for something to wear. In the distance, she could see an old, crumbled cardboard, getting picked up by the freezing wind and blown upwards, above the buildings.
“There goes that jacket.” She thought for herself.
She wandered deeper inside of P3, keeping herself on alert. No one would ever know, what could happen in here or… Who were in here? Rapists, muggers, murderers. Every single one of those, were in here. The question was just... Who would they be and where would they be?
She crossed her arms across her chest, shivering heavily in the cold wind, looking around for a place, where she could fin cover. She looked up, watching the sky. Dark clouds, which wasn’t good. The thought about catching ill, wasn’t the best one, she had on mind, so she kept going.
“Perhaps the old canals… The dark room might create a slight cover… At least for the rain, if it comes.”
She turned around on her heels, starting to walk the other way around, lost in her thoughts. A sudden object, blocking her way, came across her. She looked up, seeing an older male. His outfit was like hers. He had an old, dusty city forty-five jumpsuit, with a few scratches here and there. But the smell, coming from him, was the worst. He smelled like fish… Rotten fish.
She looked him over, clutching her hands. Something was wrong… Terrible wrong.
“Well, hello there… Young… Lady… Why are you outside here… All alone?”
“None of your business, get out of my way.”
She attempted to push him out of her way, though he kept on standing.
“Quick, are we? No time, to chat with an old man?”
“No, I don’t. I’m busy, leave me.”
“All right then. Take care of yourself, would ya?”
The male stepped to his left, allowing her to pass as he spoke the last words.
Perhaps she was too quick? No, rather quick than too slow, no one could know what he was intending to do.
A cold, freezing wind, got blown through the tunnels, striking Vileria in the face, as if it were a punch. She grinned her teeth’s, clutching her hands into fists. A fire, that’s what she needed. Or perhaps an apartment? How would she love one. Just to lie in a bed and relax, in one of the apartments in precinct one.
She kept on going, slightly in a jogging tempo, as she walked through the tunnels. Voices. She could hear voices, coming from the end of the tunnel.
A male and a female, discussing about something. Well, not her problem, theirs. She walked past them, easily seeing they were highly frustrated. Perhaps it was about tokens? She didn’t care, she just wanted to get some cover.
“Finally… The canals, bloody damn on time.” She mumbled for herself.
She went around the canals, towards the stairs and grabbed onto it. The feeling of cold, freezing metal, went straight through her cloth gloves. She bit her lower lip, attempting to make the pain cover the chilling feel.
As she lowered herself down into the canal, the smell of rusty iron, mixed up with the smell of rotten food items, oil, water and other things, she couldn’t even set names on, were catching up in her nose.
When she came all the way down, she turned to her left, reaching downwards to her belt and clipped the flashlight off it, turning it on.
The flashlight came to life, flickering heavily, lightening the darkness up.
She went straight towards the dark area, making the flashlight light up her path. Inside, she looked around. At least, she was in cover from the rain and she could perhaps use one of the pipes as cover from the wind. A bedroll could be used now, but whatsoever. She could survive without for the time being.
She looked around, lightening the area up. An old, dusty lead pipe caught her eye. What did this thing do down here? Perhaps some idiot had broken it off the showers, inside the Union Civil housing. Well, it could be useful for self-defense.. She turned around on her heels, looking outside.
“Sun is setting… Might just make it comfortable for now.”
She went towards one of the pipes, crawling inside. She turned her flashlight back off, clipping it to her belt, looking around the pipe. It wasn’t as much comfortable as she had imagined. It was cold and dirty. Insects were crawling around on its inside. She could easily feel them against her skin, as they went beneath her cloths.
“This is going to be a terrible night.” She thought, a small tear appearing in her eyes.

The next morning, she woke up bathing in sweat. What a terrible dream she had, had. The first second, she was with her family. The next, she saw their death over and over again.
She closes her eyes, attempting to forget it again.
She crawled back outside of the pipe, looking to her right, towards the entrance of the room. It seemed sunny. Perhaps it could be a good day? She went straight towards the ladder, crawling back up. Perhaps the male came from down there. She didn’t smell that well anymore… If she even did before. A bath would be needed and she could only get that in one place. The Universial Civil Housing in precint one.
The rail tracks would be the best idea, no one would see her coming from there. A unit could perhaps block her way, at that stupid hard point.
She went back inside, deeper into precinct three, walking along the streets to the old train station.
As she walked, she memorized the old car van, which had some old destroyed wheels. Useful, she could make some fine gloves out of them, though they would perhaps not keep her hands THAT warm. Well, better than nothing.. She headed directly for the old car van, slightly jogging her way there. On the way, she saw people starting to come out of the bar, having beers in their hands. Of course. Partied the entire night, what should she expect?..
At the car van, she looked around herself, before she reached down for the destroyed wheels. Yes, these tires would make some fine gloves.
She looked around the van, looking for anything else, worthy enough to scavenge. The car engine perhaps? She walked in front of the car, looking down inside of, where the engine should had been. Nothing, except a small battery and a few wires. She shrugged slightly for herself, before she reached out and grabbed both of the items. Perhaps she could trade them, or… She quickly stuffed the items into her backpack, running around the van, grabbing the wheel and started to roll it off to the apartments.
A plan went through her head, as she ran beside of the rolling idea. A nice plan perhaps? If it were able to work, she would have a nice self-defense weapon.

List the perks these authorizations will give you.
+Improved self-defense.
+Improved intimidating.
+Passive rp, to make the pipe work.

List the defects these authorizations will give you.
-Lead pipe would be visible. Too big to hide = Would easy be found during a char search. (CCA.)
-Slightly bigger, than a normal weapon = Heavier. She would have to hide the pipe at a place, if she wanted to enter plaza. Meanwhile it could be found.
-If not wearing the gloves, she would get electricity shocks herself.
-May malfunction sometimes.
-Would have to find batteries, for the pipe to work.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects and the authorization?
Just a smaller hand weapon, to use in self-defense and perhaps intimidating people.
I’m not going to use it, to mug people, as I see no need for it.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one.

Which server is this for?
The Half life two roleplaying city. server. (HL2RP)

Extra Notes (optional):
Yes, there might be grammatic mistakes, which I don't doubt there is. :P
If you find some, just point them out and I'll fix it.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 12:57:10 PM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Globey

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Re: Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 07:03:04 PM »
Interesting story, but a 12 volt battery wouldn't do much. People put 9 volt batteries to their tongues for fun... You'd also need a means of effectively conducting the admittedly already low charge.
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Offline Arthas Tyrell

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Re: Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 11:10:50 PM »
The back story makes sense, and everything else seems alright, just the fact thats it 12 volt batteries. People play with 9 volts all the time, so 12 volt wouldn't even be enough to injure someone, just a minor pinch, unless the pipe has enough force, you would be knocking them out physically, instead of with electricity. -+ Support
-Arthas Tyrell: Neutral, more likely rebellious.

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Offline Zail

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Re: Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2012, 12:17:43 PM »
I don't plan, on making the electricity force, in the pipe massive.
What I'm looking for, would be that it would be able to be felt, when contacted with your skin.
You would be able to feel it and a small.... "Smack", if I may so, when contact has been established.

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Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 02:26:37 PM »
Actually, the volts dont mean a whole lot. Its more of the amps. Take this for example, a 12v airsoft gun battery is about the size of a small TV remote. A 12v car battery is almost 10x that size. Theres been cases where people have killed themselves boosting a car in the rain cause of the 12v battery. So the 12v would in fact do a fair amount of damage.

Heres the major problems I see:

Tire rubber is stiff. How will you make golves? Make a handle instead.

Lead isnt a good conductor. An iron or copper pipe would be best.

A 12v car battery weighs about 20-30lbs. You dont just pick it up. Its heaved.

You missed removing the bolts from the wheel (a tire iron would be needed. No finger loosening)

Just connecting the battery to the pipe wouldnt work. You would have to attach both wires to the top so when they contact skin, they electrocute the person similar to the way a contact taser works with the pronged terminals.

Do some homework and update a few things. +/- support for now.


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Re: Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 05:32:37 PM »
This has been here a while.. hmm, I'm fine with all this... but finding a big/good enough battery for the pipe to actually do anything worthwhile, that will be the hard part.

If no objections within a few days, this'll be accepted.

Offline Kom????k

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Re: Vileria Luain's authorization application.
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2012, 03:00:50 PM »
Alright, accepted.


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