Full Name: Mike Jensen
Citizen identification(CID): 97094
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UHC:A:1
Total Loyalist Points: 5
Sex: Male
Age: 28
How long have you been in City45:
For 1 year now.
Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I want to join the CWU because i am selling everyday it would just make allot easier to receive my good and i would be able to receive many other good than i have now..
A 01 unit also told me that i should go join the CWU so that kinda made the burst to make the application.
Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
Past experience with work/labor:
Everyday i run my shop and have done the last 8 months, in a random places of the city everytime.. I do get a quite good profit out from that..
Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
CWU members can sell all UU branded items to citizens.
CWU can also have electronic devices such as a request device and a handhold radio which is need for the CWU businesses to run around properly. With the right papers some CWU member may have some medical supplies for the wounded around the city.
CWU may also have other "tool" in posses such as a knife for cutting the food out.. a shovel for the outside of the shop.. all those kinda pointing items that can hurt but are need in a basic shop.
The CWU can in no way have medical supplies when not have the right papers.. CWU may not have or sell Level one contraband such as weapons, ammo, fake ID's. The CWU may not sell drugs of any kind at all..
Tell us about what you can do.:
I am a great salesman and i know what prices will sell best .. I've tried them all!
I know all the hot-spots for where you would sell the most and gain most tokens.
I can deliver shipments if needed and help in any other way the union sees me fit.
If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
Depends on the problem... If he is looking for a housing i will take to the nearest officer to allocate him..
Then i would talk to him about how things are in city 45.. how to act around cops and what to do if he sees any level three +violators..
I will then go off by giving him a ration package and a request device.
~OOC Section~
Name: Pepper
Timezone: GMT+1
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20789052
Roleplay Experience: 5 Years
Serious Roleplay Experience: 1½ Year
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
Waking up in my UCH apartment.. getting some good breakfast.. Get out on the street see if anyone is in needed of help.. if not.. i would start setting up my shop in one of the shops there are in the city.. or on the grass area, then go place my order of goods to the CWU's HQ and just wait for it to arrive.. Then sell my goods until around 6pm where i pack up and maybe takes a little walk in the plaza and talk with some citizens.. When going home after a good day with allot of profits and allot happy citizens.
Character Backstory:
Mike Jensen was born 1982.
When he turned 15 he woke up a normal day..walked down the stairs to the living room and called for his parents, but no one answered. They were gone.
After that day, he moved out from the house and found a little place in the slums.. to much emotional shit was going on in his head when he were in his parents house.
In the slums he used allot time training with the items he had "Metal poles, Bags with stone" to get his anger out, instead of letting it go of on another citizen..
He found a group of citizens that also were living in the slums.. He joined them and lived with them for awhile.. While living with them they explored many places and secret paths trough the slums..
At the age of 16 Mike were taken into a secret training class which were hold in a basement by a guy called Jason Flakicke, He had 6 students.. He taught them a softer way of combat fighting and how to defend them self if they ever were at gun point..
Then he started to help were he could, he joined a underground medical group called T-MEN "The Medical Enforcers" for a couple of months he help people to get healthier and get through the struggles of the day..
At the age of 27 Mike was moved to city 45.
He spent allot time in the bar in sector 6. But finally moved into the UCH block.. where he is still living today at the age of 28, trying to through each day. ,
He is living quietly and trying the best he can to help the Union in any way it is needed, if it is cleaning.. moving boxes.. hell rubbing a units shoe.. he would do it!