Author Topic: Alex Korbin's Authorization Application  (Read 2703 times)

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Alex Korbin's Authorization Application
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:19:46 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Frolie
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 5 years or so (Oblivion and Fallout 3).
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About a year.

Character Section

-Extensive Computer Technology Expertise.

-Access to complex technological hardware, namely Circuit Converters and Microcontroller parts.

Name: Alex Korbin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Born in Brooklyn in 1995, Alex Korbin was the second child of Netia Korbin. Alex would never know his own father, or that of his brother, though he knew them to be different people. Mikhail, Alex’s brother, was born in Russia 10 years prior to Alex’s birth, before he and his mother immigrated to America. Netia made little money, and struggled to provide for her two sons. She tried her best to care for Alex and Mikhail, but with the small amount of money she made, she knew that she would never be able to provide for them healthily.

Even as an infant, signs of mental anguish were evident in Alex. He would rarely sleep, and constantly screamed and cried when awake. He would often spend several consecutive days awake in this state. Netia felt horribly guilty, believing that her inability to provide for her child was the reason for his distress. To remedy this, she left Alex in the care of Mikhail while she took up a second job. Consequently, Mikhail never went to school, and cared for Alex through most of his infancy.

The small family continued to live in poverty for several more years, until Alex had reached the age of 8. Though his seemingly nonsensical fits of terror had, for the most part, stopped, he grew more and more of an oddity as he aged. He rarely spoke, rarely ate, rarely sleep, and never left their cramped apartment. Although his mother and brother knew that something was wrong with him, they didn’t have the money to take him to a doctor. It was around this time when Netia, Alex’s mother, disappeared. She went off to her night job, leaving Alex in Mikhail’s care, and never returned. Mikhail, who was now 18, later became Alex’s legal guardian.

Mikhail was desperate for money, and the lowly minimum-wage job he had wasn’t enough to provide for himself and Alex. Anxious for cash, he eventually fell in with a dangerous Russian gang, hoping to get just enough money to take Alex to the doctor. Alex knew that Mikhail had joined a gang, but he never learned what Mikhail actually did. With the money from his new “job”, Mikhail took Alex to a doctor, who directed him to a psychotherapist, who eventually diagnosed Alex as a schizophrenic, and many years later, also diagnosed him with a delusional personality disorder. Mikhail paid for his medication easily, as well as upgrading their living accommodations, and purchasing Alex his first computer when he was 12 (with the intent of online schooling).

Online schooling was far from Alex’s interest range. His interest in electronics was piqued the moment he turned his computer on. In lieu of interest in what it could do, he was first obsessed with how it worked. The very night he received the device, he stripped it apart to learn how it worked. At first, Mikhail was furious in the fact that the money that he had literally risked his life for had been torn apart. However, he later realized that this was the first thing that Alex had any passionate interest in. Determined to keep his asocial brother interested in something, if not anything, Mikhail became much more involved with the Russian crime family.

By the time that Alex was 15, Mikhail (now at the age of 25) was personally managing several different people to aid the multi-pronged crime operation. Even Alex was in on the crime family. By then, Alex had honed his craftsmanship with computer software and hardware to a professional standard, and utilized his skills by laundering money through a false business. Mikhail was hesitant to allow his only brother to collaborate in his work, but Alex insisted, and being that he still wouldn’t leave the house, he grudgingly accepted.

By the time that Alex was 19, the crime circuit had gotten out of control. The crimes perpetrated by the gang’s members became increasingly violent and risky. Mikhail knew that if he continued to involve Alex in his work, then he would eventually put him in jail, or worse, get him killed.

Alex’s life changed radically in the following months. Mikhail and another gang member were robbing a convenience store at gunpoint, when the gang member suddenly shot and killed the clerk. Mikhail knew he had to leave town immediately, before implicating himself and his brother in the crimes. He cut his ties with the rest of the crime family, left Alex a large amount of money to manage his way through the next few months, then left, promising Alex that he would return when enough time has passed.

Without some one to make sure he stayed in check, Alex quickly became a frantic mess. Within a week of Mikhail’s departure, Alex found himself in the hospital. His delirium was so extreme that he couldn’t recall how he got there. The doctors told him that some he had attempted suicide. Alex’s landlady (who had come by to collect the rent that Mikhail had forgotten to pay during his anxious need to leave town) had found him, crumpled inside his bathtub after slitting his wrists.

After he physically recovered in the intensive care floor of the hospital, Alex was transferred to the mental rehabilitation ward for a mandatory three days. It was during his time recovering in the hospital that the combine invasion began. He watched on the news as the seven-hour war began. The battle had not yet reached New York, and the National Guard was orchestrating emergency evacuations. Amidst the chaos, Alex found himself back at his apartment. Ever consumed with electronics, Alex managed to pack two duffel bags full of his most valued projects and tools before the combine actually arrived in the city.

As Alex exited his apartment, a bus loaded with evacuees picked him up as he fled from the warfare. The bus didn’t make it too far; in fact, it barely traveled more than two blocks before a combine unit careened it into a subway entrance. Alex was among the few survivors of the crash. An armed National Guard corporal directed them into the subway tunnels, which Alex (with his bags in tow) and the remaining humans fled into for what would be the remainder of the seven-hour war.

When the survivors were found in the subway tunnel a day after Breen negotiated for the safety of earth, they were rushed through the registration and location processes. Alex was in a complete haze. With diminishing blood loss from his suicide attempt, and his lack of medication, he wasn’t able to distinguish reality from hallucination. His bags, of course, were confiscated, and he was shipped off to live in what would later be recognized as city 45.

With the small amount of connection to reality he had, Alex managed to lie low for the next few months. He thought that if he considered rebellion, even thought of it, that death was certain. His opinions towards resistance changed during a violent riot amongst the citizens of the city. His inspiration didn’t come from observing the vigor of the citizens, but from a chance occurrence that he couldn’t help but interpret as some kind of sign.

That chance occurrence was the discovery of his old gear; the two duffle bags he had stuffed full of his tools and projects. The bags were simply lying on the floor of an open apartment room. Not able to comprehend how they possibly could have gotten to the city, Alex was convinced that their appearance was a sign from the Shepherd (One of the primary voices who speaks to Alex. He’s much more detailed ICly) that his purpose in the city was to fight the Universal Union.

After the discovery of his old gear, Alex retreated to a hide-out in the slums. His fascination for UU technology and his motivation for resistance is the only thing that has managed to keep him from deterioration. With no exact plan, he continues to linger in District 6, waiting for his moment,

*This is just a short note detailing how his bags actually wound up in the city*
When his bags had been confiscated during the preliminary registration process, they had been loaded onto a train to be completely destroyed. The particular train car containing the bags derailed shortly outside of City45, and was discovered many years later buy scavengers looking for tings to sell in District six. Although they seemed to be worth a lot, they were next to worthless because no one knew how to properly use them. Without purpose for the equipment, the vendor who discovered the bags sold them at an extremely low price to a young rebel who thought he could one day make use of them. In a rush to aid in the riot the day Alex discovered the bags, he left his door wide open.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
- Extreme knowledge in electronics and complex computers
- Tools and equipment involved in complex technological hardware manufacturing

- Alex's mental illness make him unpredictable. His actions put him at extreme risk of being noticed by CPs and Overwatch.
- Alex's dependance on others for social stability makes him easily manipulable.
- Alex's ability to produce any fruitful information or technology is critically impaired by his inability to get new hardware.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I've always though that the role-play on city was kind of predictable. The lolwebuls would do something stupid and non-effective, the UU would crush everything and anything, and most citizens would go on in their constant delirium. With my auths, I hope to contribute to another angle in city life, and also enhance passive RP, as any progress would take inane amounts of work.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else will need these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I selected both servers, because I'm not quite sure where the unpredictable RP of this character will take me.
I'm a fag

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Re: Alex Korbin's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2012, 10:34:52 PM »
+Support, nice job on the back story, I'll wait on other administrators to place their input before accepting.
A real human beeeeeiiinnnggg.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Alex Korbin's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 11:39:14 PM »
I'll support this because your well-written backstory covered how you got the authorisations.

I'm intrigued as to how you'll go about using these if you're accepted.

Offline Krisrules

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Re: Alex Korbin's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2012, 04:59:56 AM »
I'm also in support, you have an exceptional back story and your not known for being a bad player which is another positive.

With two admins and a super-admin, I think the final decision is apparent so im gonna go ahead and lock this.

Authorisations accepted!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 01:23:20 AM by Kom??Як »


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