Author Topic: Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn's Authorization Application  (Read 1868 times)

Offline Tyrex

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Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn's Authorization Application
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:23:58 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Tyler
Age: Fifteen.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Four to Five Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Three to Two Years.

Character Section

A crude, homemade flare gun, with limited ammunition unless crafted otherwise.

Name: Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn
Age: Twenty-one.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
I have included both an RPed, more detailed version, and a TL;DR version.

     'Pyro' asked around, looking for someone with ANY skill in chemistry, he was determined to add another pyrotechnic weapon to his disposal.    He met a man named, Charlie Scott.  He and Charlie spent time in the labs, Charlie informed 'Pyro' of a homemade napalm recipe that he learned in High School.  'Pyro' grabbed an old shotgun, shortening it greatly, taking the spring from the pump, placing it directly into the barrel, removing the hammer.  He made some napalm which consisted of Styrofoam and Gasoline.  He also carved some Styrofoam 'bullets', to later cover in the napalm.  He would have to reset the spring and light the improvised, 'flares' each time he shot it.

Like I said earlier, below is the RPed more detailed version, I strongly suggest reading it before posting supports, thank you.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Charlie Scott says "And Pyro, you seem like a pretty top notch guy, I'm glad to be parta' the team wit'cha."
** 'Pyro' turns, nodding, "I've got to go do something... Thinkin' of making a flare gun, y'know anything about chemistry?"
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "A little."
Charlie Scott says "You need shit that burns?"
Charlie Scott says "Well first."
Charlie Scott says "That's the easy part."
Charlie Scott says "You need something to propel."
** 'Pyro' shrugs, "I need shit that will laun- Exactly.
Charlie Scott says "Chemistry won't help with shit."
'Pyro' says "The chemical parts though."
Charlie Scott says "You need either a easily useable sping loaded one."
Charlie Scott says "Or... one that uses air pressure."
'Pyro' says "Hmmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Oh wait!"
'Pyro' says "The spring would be more reasonable, not sure where to get an air compressor."
Charlie Scott says "I know how to make a small flare."
'Pyro' says "Really?"
Charlie Scott says "It take the idea of reloading rounds."
'Pyro' says "I can just manually load them."
Charlie Scott says "But instead of a bullet, you've got a flare like warhead."
Charlie Scott says "Since you've got a shotgun we've got a bit movin' room."
'Pyro' says "I don't have a shotgun, I used one to make my flamethrower, shit's hard to find out here."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "We'll thinka' something."
'Pyro' says "It can be the shittiest looking thing, as long as it works."
'Pyro' says "Let's go to the labs."
Charlie Scott says "We just need to use the space inside of the shotgun shell."
Charlie Scott says "To our advantage."
** Charlie Scott turns towards Markus.
Charlie Scott says "Oh, Sorry man."
Markus Ekerstrand says "I need to speak to Charlie for a moment."
Charlie Scott says "Didn't notice you while we were science-ing."
** 'Pyro' nods, "I'll be in the labs."
Charlie Scott says "And... yeah, sure."
Charlie Scott says "I'll follow ya'."
** 'Pyro' punches the code in.
[6'5'|159Lbs|29yrs|Bur...] says "Hello?"
** 'Pyro' raises an eyebrow, "Yes."
[6'5'|159Lbs|29yrs|Bur...] says "What happened to Civiwatch?"
'Pyro' says "It's been disbanded."
[6'5'|159Lbs|29yrs|Bur...] says "Oh."
** 'Pyro' walks towards the elevator.
Markus Ekerstrand says "To the labs, Charlie!"
** Markus Ekerstrand turns to the keypad, thinking.
Markus Ekerstrand says "Uh.."
** Markus Ekerstrand taps on the keypad, hopefully entering the correct code.
'Pyro' says "Just go, it's the same as the gate."
Markus Ekerstrand says "Yeah I know."
** 'Pyro' puts his eyes to the retinal scanner.
Charlie Scott says "Yes."
** 'Pyro' puts his eyes to the retinal scanner.
** 'Pyro' touches the pressure sensative gate.
Markus Ekerstrand says "I will let you two work."
Markus Ekerstrand says "Enjoy yourselves."
Charlie Scott says "Alrighty."
'Pyro' says "So, what do we need..."
'Pyro' says "Some metal, obviously."
** Charlie Scott lifts up a red marker from the table, uncapping it.
** Charlie Scott leans in towards the board, pressing the marker against it's face.
** 'Pyro' looks, crossing his arms.
** Charlie Scott begins drawing.
** Charlie Scott does a rudimentary sketch of the portions of a Shotgun Shell, The casing, primer, BBs, gunpowder.
Charlie Scott says "Alright."
** Charlie Scott flips the marker in his hand, tapping it's butt against the cut away of the shotgun shell.
** Charlie Scott drags it under where the BBs would be.
Charlie Scott says "We have about..."
Charlie Scott says "Half an Inch of working space."
'Pyro' says "Couldn't I just use like... An alcohol soaked base?"
Charlie Scott says "No."
Charlie Scott says "Alcohol burns away too quickly."
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "We need Phospherous."
'Pyro' says "Where the fuck..."
'Pyro' says "Where are we gonna get Phospherous..."
Charlie Scott says "Well..."
Charlie Scott says "We need White Phospherous."
'Pyro' says "You don't understand, materials are extremely limited out here."
Charlie Scott says "But that's generally phospherous."
Charlie Scott says "I understand."
'Pyro' says "The only way would be to make it somehow."
Charlie Scott says "... One moment."
** 'Pyro' walks over to the computer.
Charlie Scott says "We can probably mix bleach and something along the lines of a salt."
** 'Pyro' starts pressing buttons on the keyboard, as things pop up on the screen.
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
'Pyro' says "That could work actually."
** 'Pyro' turns around, "No harm in trying."
** 'Pyro' walks over to the cabinet.
** 'Pyro' opens it up, peering inside the junk scattered, he spots a jug of bleach and a salt jug.
** 'Pyro' grabs them in his hands, walking over to the table.
Charlie Scott says "Alright..."
Charlie Scott says "Let's do some tests."
Charlie Scott says "Have any alcohol?"
Charlie Scott says "Maybe... fuel?"
Charlie Scott says "Oh shit..."
'Pyro' says "Yeah, in my backpack, I have a jug of gas on my belt."
** 'Pyro' takes off his backpack, pulling out a jug of whiskey.
Charlie Scott says "Do you still use that gasoline in your flamethrower?"
'Pyro' says "Yup."
Charlie Scott says "Dump it out."
Charlie Scott says "We're making Naplam."
** 'Pyro' unclips the jug, setting it on the table, "What..."
Charlie Scott says "You know that gelatinous fire?"
Charlie Scott says "That doesn't stop burning."
Charlie Scott says "We're making it man."
'Pyro' says "I don't think we can..."
Charlie Scott says "Why not?"
'Pyro' says "I need that gas for my flamethrower too..."
Charlie Scott says "We just... Melt styrofoam in the gasoline"
Charlie Scott says "Plop that back into your flamethrower."
Charlie Scott says "And increase the power of the pilot light."
Charlie Scott says "Along with the motor that pushes the gasoline out."
'Pyro' says "This is not a top of the line flamethrower."
'Pyro' says "All I have is a spraycan and gasoline with alchohol and a lighter."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Let's revamp it."
Charlie Scott says "Alright..."
'Pyro' says "Let's stick to the flare... I'm fine with how this works now."
Charlie Scott says "... let's draw this out out."
Charlie Scott says "We can do both?"
'Pyro' says "If we have enough resources."
'Pyro' says "I want the flare gun first."
Charlie Scott says "The fuel may work for both."
Charlie Scott says "Alright."
Charlie Scott says "Let's get some styoroam."
'Pyro' says "There should be some stryofoam boxes in the freezer."
Charlie Scott says "Mhm..."
Charlie Scott says "We melt it in a mix of gasoline and alcohol."
Charlie Scott says "Maybe add salts."
Charlie Scott says "And stirr it into a jelly."
Charlie Scott says "That jelly can be used for your flamethrower."
Charlie Scott says "or..."
Charlie Scott says "We can coat... some pourus rocks with it."
'Pyro' says "I wouldn't want to waste the napalm on my flamethrower."
'Pyro' says "Does the napalm stick to shit?"
Charlie Scott says "Yes."
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "But the object we use needs to be light."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Bingo."
'Pyro' says "Maybe we could make it into a throwable thing."
Charlie Scott says "We use a parachute."
Charlie Scott says "Make a small one."
Charlie Scott says "Make the flare one quarter of an inch."
Charlie Scott says "It'll be JUST like those model rockets you made in science club..."
Charlie Scott says "... or the ones I made in science club."
Charlie Scott says "... alone..."
** Charlie Scott quickens his speech.
'Pyro' says "Alright."
Charlie Scott says "buuuuuut the state of my psyche in middleschool is irrelevant."
** 'Pyro' nods, "Let's get started."
Charlie Scott says "Mhm..."
'Pyro' says "So what is this going to do?"
'Pyro' says "Just shoot up, then float down on fire?"
Charlie Scott says "Yes."
'Pyro' says "Why the floating part?"
Charlie Scott says "We're using it as a flare, correct?"
'Pyro' says "Scratch the flare."
'Pyro' says "I like the napalm part."
Charlie Scott says "If we're setting off a signal, it should stay in the air as long as possible."
'Pyro' says "I wasn't going to use it for signal purposes..."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Napalm then..."
Charlie Scott says "Like I said."
Charlie Scott says "We have what we need for it."
'Pyro' says "Maybe we could throw it."
'Pyro' says "Light it and quickly toss it."
Charlie Scott says "Let us buff your, "Flamethrower""
Charlie Scott says "No."
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "A small vaccuum cleaner?"
'Pyro' says "Maybe we could wrap the napalm in a cloth."
Charlie Scott says "That should do the trick."
Charlie Scott says "It's a jelly."
Charlie Scott says "Not a liquid."
'Pyro' says "I know."
Charlie Scott says "We can't really... *wrap* it well."
'Pyro' says "I think we could."
'Pyro' says "You can wrap anything up."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "... Throwing it would just be stupid."
Charlie Scott says "It'll be better to have it come out of a funnel of sorts."
'Pyro' says "Not necessarily, I already throw my molotovs."
'Pyro' says "Wait..."
'Pyro' says "Could we form the napalm inside the molotov..."
'Pyro' says "Instead of using gasoline like I did, use napalm instead."
'Pyro' says "Would napalm spread?"
Charlie Scott says "Not well."
Charlie Scott says "It's very thick."
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "You see."
Charlie Scott says "It's only-..."
Charlie Scott radios in "Yes. Thank you."
'Pyro' says "Then there would be no use unless I used it directly on someone."
Charlie Scott says "Exactly."
Charlie Scott says "That's why we'd need a Vacuum cleaner of sorts."
Charlie Scott says "To expel the flaming jelly onto our foes."
'Pyro' says "Dammit, could we possibly coat bullets in the napalm?"
Charlie Scott says "No."
'Pyro' says "It would just rip off probably."
Charlie Scott says "It would jam the weapon."
'Pyro' says "And that."
Charlie Scott says "And later cause it to explode."
Charlie Scott says "In your hands."
'Pyro' says "Damn, we don't have the resources to make a mini-vacuum cleaner."
** Charlie Scott shrugs.
Charlie Scott says "We might."
Charlie Scott says "We have air-conditioning."
'Pyro' says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "But anyway."
'Pyro' says "We've made no progress."
Charlie Scott says "We have the knowhow and tools to make Napalm."
Charlie Scott says "So we did take a large step."
'Pyro' says "I guess."
Charlie Scott says "Now we just need two more bits."
'Pyro' says "The launcher..."
Charlie Scott says "We're One third'a the way there."
Charlie Scott says "I'll go do some browsing."
'Pyro' says "I honestly wanted a flare gun so I could use something long range."
Charlie Scott says "It'd be difficult."
Charlie Scott says "But we can do it."
** 'Pyro' nods, "Let's just do what we were going to do originally, we can worry about the napalm later."
Charlie Scott says "Napalm will be the fire part of the flare."
'Pyro' says "I can get some metal and craft it, that's no pro-"
'Pyro' says "True."
'Pyro' says "Okay... So napalm will be the flaming part..."
Charlie Scott says "Mhm..."
'Pyro' says "The metal will be the spring and launcher..."
Charlie Scott says "Spring will only work for short range."
Charlie Scott says "Unless it's very light and we use a very high quality spring."
'Pyro' says "Where are we going to get an air compressor?"
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "... we can dick aroung with a hand pump."
Charlie Scott says "Like one'a those pumps for a basketball or tire."
'Pyro' says "Yeah, but that doesn't have near enough force."
Charlie Scott says "If we compress enough air it will."
Charlie Scott says "We might be able to find a few oxygen tanks."
'Pyro' says "I honestly think the spring would work better..."
Charlie Scott says "It might."
'Pyro' says "The flare part isn't that heavy."
Charlie Scott says "But then we'd have to take apart a shotgun."
'Pyro' says "Mhm."
Charlie Scott says "Or perhaps the recoil spring of an old AR-15."
'Pyro' says "Haven't seen those in a while."
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Now we just need a housing."
Charlie Scott says "But that's all the drawing board."
'Pyro' says "If we find a shotgun, we can trim it down for the housing."
Charlie Scott says "Yes."
'Pyro' says "Just reposition things on it, attach the spring to something else."
Charlie Scott says "Replace the firing pin with a spring linked to the chamber."
'Pyro' says "Mhm."
Charlie Scott says "Have the spring inside of the weapon coil when you pump back the spring to rack the slide."
Charlie Scott says "And then done."
Charlie Scott says "Nice."
Charlie Scott says "Alright."
Charlie Scott says "Planning is set."
'Pyro' says "Now I just gotta get one."
'Pyro' says "There was some in the Storage Room."
'Pyro' says "I'll go get one and come back."
** Charlie Scott picks up the marker once more, leaning in towards the board.
** 'Pyro' unlocks the gun cabinet, pulling out a pump-action SPAS-12, locking it again.
** Markus Ekerstrand nods to Charlie.
Joseph Connors says "Alright then."
Markus Ekerstrand says "Just showing him around."
Charlie Scott says "Nice."
Markus Ekerstrand says "This is Charlie and Pyro, you probably remember them."
** 'Pyro' walks in, carrying a pump-action in his hands.
Charlie Scott says "We're building weapons of shitty destrution."
Charlie Scott says "Want to watch?"
** 'Pyro' sets it down on the table.
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "Alright."
Charlie Scott says "This works."
Charlie Scott says "We can't do this all today."
'Pyro' says "We need to take it apart safely."
Charlie Scott says "Not now."
Charlie Scott says "Napalm takes a week to ferment."
'Pyro' says "A week..."
Charlie Scott says "Yes."
** Markus Ekerstrand nods.
'Pyro' says "Damn."
Charlie Scott says "Mhm..."
'Pyro' says "We can still work on the base."
Charlie Scott says "Yeah."
Charlie Scott says "Let's start tommorow."
Joseph Connors says "What are you guys doing?"
Charlie Scott says "It's been hell of a month getting here from Geneva."
Charlie Scott says "Alright..."
'Pyro' says "I'm gonna work on it for a little."
Charlie Scott says "I'm going to sleep."
Charlie Scott says "Don't kill yourself."
** 'Pyro' nods.
Charlie Scott says "Just uh..."
Charlie Scott says "... Toss all the materials into a bucket and let it sit."
Charlie Scott says "Stir twice every Twelve hours."
Charlie Scott says "And I mean thoughroughly."
'Pyro' says "Gasoline... Alcohol... Styrofoam... And bleach?"
Charlie Scott says "Hmm..."
Charlie Scott says "No bleach."
'Pyro' says "Alright."
Charlie Scott says "Fifty Gas."
Charlie Scott says "Twenty Alcohol."
'Pyro' says "The rest?"
Charlie Scott says "Thirty Styrofoam"
'Pyro' says "Got it."
Charlie Scott says "Just let it sit untill the syrofoam is all flakey and no longer a solid."
Charlie Scott says "But that should take a while."
Charlie Scott says "I'm out."


** 'Pyro' returns to the supplies, looking at the shotgun.
** 'Pyro' picks it up, setting it on the table.
** 'Pyro' fiddles with the shotgun.
** The shotgun somehow disassembles.
** 'Pyro' nods, pulling it apart, looking at the mechanics.
** 'Pyro' spots the spring in the pump, he pulls out his knife, slicing it.
** 'Pyro' pulls the spring out, springing it with his fingers, "Got it..."
** 'Pyro' takes the spring, shoving it down the barrel.
** 'Pyro' looks at the spring extending down the barrel, he takes his knife, sawing the shotgun down to the spring end.
** 'Pyro' takes his knife, also sawing off the stock slowly.
** 'Pyro' looks over the extremely shortened shotgun, with the spring in it, thinking.
** 'Pyro' smirks, "I got it, do you know how I could hook the spring up to the trigger?"
'Pyro' says "I'll just take the hammer, or whatever it's called, out."
Zak Grant says "Yeah, want me to do it now?"
'Pyro' says "I think I got it..."
** 'Pyro' tugs on the hammer, dislodging it from the gun, he sets it aside, looking at the lip of the trigger, "Perfect, I just have
** to reset the spring every time."
** 'Pyro' slides the top of the shotgun back on, "Now to make the flares."
** 'Pyro' takes his knife, breaking up the styrofoam box.
** 'Pyro' pours the styrofoam into the jug, carrying it towards the stove.
** 'Pyro' sets the stove on, watching it, he takes the fork from earlier, stirring the jug frequently.
** Thirty minutes pass.
** 'Pyro' stops stirring, the styrofoam and gasoline mixed into a gel-like napalm.
** 'Pyro' turns off the stove, looking over it, he closes the jug, clipping it on his belt, walking back over to the improvised flare gun.
** 'Pyro' takes another styrofoam box, setting it against the barrel, measuring the circumference.
** 'Pyro' takes the box off, cutting several, styrofoam, 'bullets'.
** 'Pyro' takes the 'bullets' putting them in his backpack.
** [No visible features |...] looks through his bag, eventually pulling out some bandages and a med-kit.
** 'Pyro' takes the flare gun, clipping it on his belt, "I'll coat the styrofoam in napalm later...  Just gotta light them before I
** fire them, I also gotta reset the spring each time, but that's easy..."

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ A new fire-based weapon.
+ A good backup for long-range engagements that his flamethrower can't reach.
+ Would ICly set targets on fire if hit correctly.

- Not the greatest range, inaccurate.
- Terrible ammo cache, takes time to produce ammo.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I would use it as a backup weapon for 'Pyro'.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Edit 4/10 5:24 PM EST: Fixed Spoiler?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 05:27:48 PM by Tyler »

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Re: Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 12:33:53 AM »
The backstory is of exceptional quality and clearly shows that work was put into creating the item. You have my support.

Offline Tyrex

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Re: Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 01:55:29 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Oz, you, SatN, and Bluff, have been pretty much the only ones checking them recently.

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Re: Nick 'Pyro' Sandborn's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 08:29:34 PM »
I'll have to accept this then. Your RP is draw-dropping, Tyler. Keep it up.



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