Character Name:Matthew "The Oldman" HendersonAge: 60 (3/16/1957)
Fatal Flaw/Defect: Kindness: He will always attempt to save others who have not done harm to him(Or to anyone that hes seen.), often puts his life on the line to do so.
CID: REVOKEDPhysical Description:Mental State: Recovering from paranoia/acute amnesia(I dunno if that's real, but he forgot large parts of his past not due to the combine)
Physical State: Missing right leg(Replaced with a hook spring leg) Scarred face, weak body, high salt content(Been surviving off of canned goods hes found), Scarred chest, Strong frame.
Background: (Short version)
Strengths - Skills/Traits: Advance medical training/working a clinic in a war torn area has given him a slight advancement in first aid and treating war injures, his fake leg can be used as a weapon to cause minor damage to some one(Or major if he gets a good hit) on top of making easier for his to swipe a leg.
Weaknesses: Weak shooter, Emotions get the better of him easily.
Research Notes: Matt is kinda a mix of the Doctor and a few other people(Who I can't really remember/name) Research References:[LINKS]
Accent: Deep southern accent with some British mixed in. Mannerisms: Will some times play with his gun/talk to him self, Always tries to be friendly with every one, will always tip his hat to the lady's.