A citizen brought an explosive into the Nexus (with RP) and responding units roleplayed it out properly. The explosive was a large one, large enough to leave a lot of debris and kill 4 soldiers (RP'd NPCs). This would mean her face would be destroyed, and since no NOVA units responded, other than 922, she died due to her injuries. This caused a lot of problems. The CCA now put the people that made the explosive responsible for the CA's death. There was also information and 922 (me) went through trying to treat Dr. Vanessa Tiefiel.
While in the server, a day after it happened, still being discussed with units ICly, Dr. Vanessa starts making broadcasts. I understand that it was an event, but NLR doesn't work the same with CA's as it does with citizens. The citizens ICly have been told she has died, and units have been told ICly that she has died, and some units witnessed the explosion it self.
I apologize for complaining, it's just I find it unfair that a lot of RP has to be destroyed and derailed just for a CA to continue being alive ICly.