Author Topic: Jessie Calverne's Authorization Application  (Read 2667 times)

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Jessie Calverne's Authorization Application
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:36:59 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Dr. Wubs
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 5 years or so (Oblivion and Fallout 3).
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About a year.

Character Section

- Knowledge required for making improvised explosives and gases

Name: Jessie Calverne
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
     Before the seven hour war:

   Born on a farm in rural Nebraska, Jessie's childhood was a disturbing tale. His sadistic father, his only parent, beat him mercilessly on a constant basis, and sexually abused him frequently . Jessie's mental capacity wore thin over time, and eventually broke when he was twelve years old. While his father slept, Jessie took his fathers rifle from on top of the fridge, and shot him in the head. He left his fathers corpse in the room, and carried on with the farm chores as though nothing had changed. This continued for about five weeks, until a stranger stopped for directions, noticed the smell of the fathers rotting corpse, and called the sheriff of the closest town.
   In response to his actions, it was eventually decided that Jessie would be mandatorily institutionalized until he was deemed fit for society. Despite what he had done, Jessie seemed to be completely normal. After four months, he was officially declared "stable", and was put into foster care. After three years in the system, Jessie was relocated to New York City, were he spent five months with a negligent single mother before running away, hoping to find something better on the streets.
   (Just a note, the backstory is now going to become more comprehensive, as this details how Jessie came to have in-depth knowledge about explosives/poisonous gases manufacturing)

  Having been raised in a rural environment, Jessie knew nothing about surviving on the streets. Now 15, Jessie was desperate for food and shelter. His hate for the average human intensified when he resorted to begging. No one showed any compassion. He was often spit at, or cursed at. The culmination of a manipulable youth capable of murder, with a fractured mental ideology and a hate for just about anyone, Jessie was the model recruit for extremists. A russian man that went by Yuri invited Jessie into his home. For a week, he feed him, and allowed him to live in his home. However, as Jessie became comfortable with Yuri, Yuri began to fill his head with wild idea's and extreme propositions. He said that humanity had beaten them, and that humanity deserved to be beaten back. Jessie listened, and when the time came, Yuri introduced him to his friends.
   Yuri, and the majority of his friends, were illegal immigrants from over-seas. When they reached America by boat, it was difficult to get jobs. They were the subject of discrimination, and occasionally beating, due to being foreigners. Feed up with this treatment, they collectively formed the True Human Coalition, an extremist group set on striking back against the society that treated them like dirt. Jessie was introduced to the group after having lived with Yuri for a full month. Yuri introduced Jessie to Mikhail, who had previously belonged to a Serbian terrorist cell. Mikhail was extremely well informed about improvised weapons, primarily explosives and poisonous gases. Mikhail spent months teaching Jessie everything he knew, from simple gases like amonia and bleach, to complex explosives like crystalized mercury. While Mikhail mentored Jessie, Yuri and his right-hand man Aleksy planned where they would strike, when the time came.
   After a year and a half of collective teaching and planning, Mikhail introduced Jessie to their primary weapon: Botulinum Toxin. This protein could be mass replicated with a certain bacterium, and released in the form of a gas. Upon skin, eye, or internal contact, it shuts down the nervous system, causing the victim to have extreme seizures, eventually resulting in a coma, and finally death; all in under 3 minutes. Taking the gases properties into consideration, Yuri and Aleksy thought of the perfect place to unleash their weapon: John F. Kennedy Airport. They planned to drive several vans right into the building, with the gas loaded in pressurized tanks inside the vehicles. The crashes would be enough to puncture the cans inside the vehicles, and the gas would be propelled out of the vehicle by the explosion. With correct timing, the kill count would be massive.
  The day of the proposed attack was grimly brilliant: Christmas weekend. Thousands would be flying in and out to visit their loved ones for the holidays, which would ensure that the population of the airport would be high. All together, they had come up with eleven vans, each one filled with eight large cans of pressurized Botulinum. The vans would drive either through the walk in entrances, and the cargo entrances, hitting the airport at every angle to insure maximum causalities. However, on the night of the attack their plan stopped.
  Some one working closely with the coalition had been working as an informant. As the vans drove to their positions, helicopters and BTRs appeared from seemingly no where. Every vehicle was stopped before it reached its target, and no one was killed by the gases. Shortly after, the police attempted to raid the warehouse that the True Human Coalition was using as a compound, but were met with gunfire and explosives. Inside the weapons lab of the building, Jessie and Mikhail scrambled to pack their things, namely their lab clothing, gas masks, notes, and promising experiments they had been working on together. They managed to slip inside of an evacuation tunnel they had installed, which utilized a short connection of subway tunnels and sewer systems to escape the building. The two managed to flee from the city, and get to a safe house shortly outside of the city limits. They waited for eight days before finally getting a call on Mikhail's pre-paid phone, which was only to be used should they be discovered.
   The call was from Yuri, who had some how managed to escape the police as well. Yuri told Mikhail that he had no doubt in his mind when he accused Jessie of leaking the attack details to the police. Yuri ordered that Mikhail kill Jessie immediately. Jessie was attempting to get a fire started in the living room fireplace when Mikhail entered, gun in hand, and demanded to know if Jessie had told the police of the coalition's intentions. Jessie denied it, stating that he had been loyal to the cause since the day he met Yuri. Mikhail couldn't bring himself to kill Jessie, and eventually set the gun down. However, the compassion between Jessie and Mikhail wasn't mutual. In a homage to his first murder, Jessie killed Mikhail the following night with a tire iron, and fled the safe house in search of a new life some where else.
   Knowing that he wouldn't last long in the united states before the feds tracked him down, Jessie took both his and Mikhail's bags onto a storage freighter, were he smuggled himself across the sea in a container filled with crates of oranges. When the freighter stopped, he found himself in Sweden. Shortly after arriving in Stockholm, he found himself running from a different enemy.

     The Seven Hour war begins

   Gunfire, soldiers, and vehicles roared all around him as Jessie cowered inside the small hotel he found refuge in. He had pulled a gas mask over his head as a pre-caution, and was nervously gripping Mikhail's pistol as he anxiously awaited anyone breaching his makeshift barrier. He braced himself against the wall, gun shakily pointed towards the doorway for 4 hours. The gunfire had died down for the most part, but there was still the occasional bang of a fire arm, or the infrequent pop of a pulse-rifle. Suddenly, rushed foot steps approached the door, followed by a swift kick the blew the door completely of it's hinges, and directly into Jessie. He crumpled against the wall and fired four shots through the door that pressed on him, and was rewarded with the mechanized scream of a combine soldier, and the squawking over the radio.
   Pushing the door off himself, Jessie swung the bag over his shoulder, feeling the need to relocate. Squeezing through the narrow window in the bathroom, he took off into the woods, traversing towards the south.

     1 & 1/2 year later.

   Jessie had been traveling south for a year and half from Sweden, passing Combine detection through Denmark, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary before finally finding a place to settle where others had settled: Romania. He mostly stumbled upon the sub-society of runaway citizens by accident, but had read of it on a small map some citizen had evidently left behind. Settling in the woods in hopes of avoiding interaction with other citizens, he now survives in a small, shoddily built shack over looking the lake. Mikhail and his notes and weapons are now buried in a small case outside of Jessie's shack, laying dormant should they ever need to be used.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
- The know-how to make improvised explosives and gases
- The equipment Jessie escaped with (including the apparel, just for my char's description).

- Extremely paranoid (this isn't effected by my auths, just my char's personality).
- Heavier load to carry
- He may be recognized as a member of the True Human Coalition (the group was as all over the news after the terror attack attempt)

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
- Passive roleplay for when the server is slow (i.e. building the afore mentioned gases/explosives).
- Assisting or attacking different factions, depending on my IC relationships with them.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else will need these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I gotta apologize for my complete absence of dialogue. My story telling abilities are rather lacking :P
I'm a fag

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Re: Jessie Calverne's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 12:21:34 PM »
I hope you have the chance and get the authorizations for it, this looks good.
Although admins may say you can't apply this because it would fall on the rule of Weapons/Ammo.
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

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Re: Jessie Calverne's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2012, 12:08:05 AM »
You have my +support for having the knowledge required for making improvised explosives and gases

Offline wag1

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Re: Jessie Calverne's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2012, 03:57:41 AM »
Agreed. Your RP seems to be quite good, so I'll accept you. Although you have been accepted for the auths to make explosives and gases, it doesn't mean you can just blow up and gas everything in sight. Make sure you limit yourselves and RP almost everything you do regarding the explosives. Don't use them as an OP guardian angel in every situation, what I mean by this is don't just blow your enemies up or gas the entire outlands n' shit.

I doubt you would do any of this, anyways. Lol.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 01:44:12 AM by Kom??Як »


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