Author Topic: Charlotte Diederich's journal  (Read 1767 times)

Offline Lewis

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Charlotte Diederich's journal
« on: July 01, 2011, 05:06:03 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
Yes, this character is German, some parts will be in German, a lot of it will be in English as the character studied English at university, if any of the German words are wrong, blame the translator :D

*The front cover is a laminated piece of blank paper, with the name "Charlotte Diederich" written on it; many of the pages are filled, presumably from earlier in Charlotte's life.*

I suppose I've not written in this thing for years... I found it earlier when I was searching through my suitcase... well... not much happening in this... place... well... I'm sharing a room with a man... his name is Alex... well, he's a good friend, I suppose, but he's being acting...what is the word in English... strange... selstam...earlier, he broke down crying in front of me, I honestly don't know why... he went out for a while, and he came back with two things... he called them... bio-somethings... biogel... I think... he said he got them incase he got shot, or worse... I hope Alex isn't getting into anything too dangerous...

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: Charlotte Diederich's journal
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 05:30:17 PM »
// Looks like he forgot about eve. Finnaly... Fuck... I am happy. You bettter keep him off my back.  :P\\
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline Lewis

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Re: Charlotte Diederich's journal
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 08:06:03 PM »
Another uneventful day in the wonderful place known as City 18... well... not much happened today, except I found some milk, and bought a melon... it was great... hadn't had them for years... something didn't taste quite right about them though...
There was a fight in the apartment block... UCH... earlier... a women was being beaten, and some guy jumped out and started to beat the man with a wrench... a bit... hectic, if you ask me... then, about... zehn... minutes ago... a man came to my apartment, claiming that he knew my "brother"... dummes arschloch... I guess that Breen's  Water isn't so good for you... haven't seen my brother for years...

Offline Lewis

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Re: Charlotte Diederich's journal
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2011, 09:58:24 PM »
I just woke up... I fainted again... that's the second time in a few days... I don't know why... I need to stop thinking about my family, maybe that's what is causing it... hell, I don't know...
I got rid of the older part of my journal to try and steer my mind from them... looks like it hasn't been working... Might go get something to eat now, some of that watermelon... it still doesn't taste right, but it's all I've got... and I've got an aching headache...

*A small wooden amulet resembling a fish is taped to the bottom of the page.*

Offline Lewis

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Re: Charlotte Diederich's journal
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 09:26:46 AM »
Well, what just happened is what you would call "just shit"...
All I've heard that someone or something blew half the UCH up... It took out my apartment and a few others... lucky we've got a temporary place up the top floor, which wasn't affected by the blast...


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