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Messages - RenRen

Pages: [1]
"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Montana aaanything.
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:47:59 PM »
As the title says, ask dem questions.

[[Remove pls]]

Introductions / Hello there Catalyst, From your Mexican.
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:23:32 AM »
Hello, i'm Alexander Montana, but you might aswell know me as RenRen,Montana,Ren, or just McRen.
Anyways i have been leading several communites, if anyone remember Cerberus? Or maybe, Corelight? Which is actully up and running now.
Anyways to the point, all that makes me so stressed that i cant really do it anymore, so i decided that ill hang around on CG, and ill start playing on the HL2RP server as soon as Clockwork is released.
I got /some/ experience with LUA,HTML,MYSQL.
If you somehow want to talk with me, or just have me on your friendlist, or maybe you just want to see me talk about tacos?
Well feel free to add me, i'm actully very social you can find my steam here.
I'm looking forward to with you all fun with you all.

General Discussion / Re: Explain the hl2rp problem please
« on: December 04, 2012, 04:08:19 PM »
i dont understand why you guys dosent use nexus instead of Clockwork, there isnt such a big difference.

Introductions / McRen finally arrived at CG.
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:45:16 AM »
Good day lads, well ill just make this short i played on CG a few months ago before my computer crashed, and i recently fixed it so well i'm back now, i'm probably known as "McRen" and i have been at uhh..Visuality Gaming as a SuperAdmin but well, things changed so i'm here now.
I'm probably going to use these name icly "Lana Meyer and Alexander McRen so uhh.. im looking forward to role-play with you guys :)
Thanks for your time.


Introductions / Re: Hello everyone!
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:42:18 PM »
Welcome !:)

Guides / Re: A Guide to Combat Roleplay.
« on: August 07, 2012, 11:22:59 AM »
Good guide, everyone who is new to serious rp should read this

Post Auto-Merged: August 07, 2012, 04:59:38 PM
This is a good guide, it shows the basic of combatRP.
I like this :3

Introductions / Hello there.
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:45:48 PM »
Hello there i think its time for myself to introduce me, i just CAME back to Catalyst, i have been gone for like...3-4 months or so?
I'm from the Community Visuality Gaming, but i decided that i want some HL2RP aswell, and i'm a serious roleplayer and im looking forward to roleplay with all of you! :)


(( Sorry for the bad grammar, its 4 am and im very tired..))

General Discussion / Re: Elder scrolls online?
« on: June 17, 2012, 07:35:08 PM »
I'm afraid that they're going to destroy the TES series since i dont think it was built to become an MMORPG
But but... it can be good im going to buy it so we will see!

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