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Messages - The Sage
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:36:55 AM »
The Sage's City Administrator application
What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name)
Dr. Joseph Monroe
Age: Seventeen
Do you have past experience? If so then where? Generalized RP: Two years of experience. As a CA: A few months at a community called 'Roleplayers United' which has since faded out.
How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay? Overall, about a year. I joined back in 2011.
How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up) I'm very busy but when I get a chance to get on I like to spend Two to Four hours on it at the least.
Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time? Yes.
Do people consider you a good roleplayer? They do, I'm a very detailed roleplayer and almost never slip up on my spelling or grammer.
Are you a good listener? Yes I am.
Do you have good grammar? Yes I do. Have you ever been banned? Never. Do you know HL canon inside and out. I know it like the back of my hand.
Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)
Joseph Monroe was born in a gated high class community located in Western Scotland, his father was a modest but highly successful Politician in the area, and his mother was the owner of a franchised coffee shop. A side-effect of this was Joseph getting anything and everything he wanted, which surprisingly wasn't much. He had inherited his father's modest personality, but it blended with his mother's 'I want to rule the world' attitude The end result being a bread basket of traits that made Joseph who he was. When Joseph was starting school his parents' afforded him the best education they could buy, which ended in him knowing more then the student four grades ahead of him. His intelligence, however, was a social weakness. Whenever he was at school, he'd remain quiet, and reserved. He'd observe his peers acting like fools, yelling at each other, or laughing at things that didn't quiet make sense. All the while he just sat in the back and watched, wondering how it was that he wasn't like them, how he acted..More refined. He chalked it up to his social status, and his intelligence, but his curiosity of the human mind and how it acted only grew from there.
When he finished High School at the young age of 18, he spared no time to rest and enjoy the fact that he was out of grade school. No, instead he had his parents' loan him some money so he could go to a University located in Germany. He had studied world history, and realized that a lot of the smartest people in the world went to school in Germany. As such, he wanted to gain the knowledge that they had. It was very expensive for him to get the same high class teachings he had always received, but he still got it, this lead to him becoming a master of the mind, and through teachings and experience, a master of the tongue and written word. He studied Politics, how they worked and how to operate as one, he also earned a degree in psychology, the study of the mind, and ethics.
After all was said and done, he had been in school for twelve years before he earned a Doctorate in psychology, a PhD in Political Science, and Ethics. After this he decided to settle in Germany, where he used his degree in Psychology to start up a business, which earned him great amounts of money. He was able to live a privileged life, although he wasn't satisfied, he wanted people to see his point of view. Naturally the best way to do this was for him to write a book, labeled 'Underneath the Underneath.' The book was a fictional story about a man who had to uncover a conspiracy and reveal it to the local government, the book itself had heavy undertones, which ironically could only be picked up on if you read underneath the underneath.
Three years later, the Resonance Cascade began, the city he was in was barricaded, soldiers placed on the borders, they allowed no one to leave, when asked why they would often say something like, “You don't want to know what's on the other side of these gates.” Although everyone knew the stories, a science lab had a breakthrough which resulted in portals sucking up alien life-forms and throwing them onto Earth. The Governments of the world claimed it was under control, but then /they/ came.
It was an average day on city lock-down, Joseph was looking out the window, he was reflecting on the Resonance Cascade, and how one simple mistake lead to world-wide turmoil. Then, the skies seemed to tear as UFO's appeared, they looked almost organic, they used weapons never seen before to decimate the military presence in the city. Joseph had tried to block his door with a wardrobe next to it, however it didn't stop the gas-masked men as they kicked open the door, knocking over the wardrobe with it and running in, Joseph was still looking out the window, when he turned to the noise, the world went black.
He awoke on the train, putting his hand on his fore-head as he looked around, he noticed some food and water, but decided against eating and drinking when he heard a man tell someone other then himself that it “Made you forget.” He tried to stand but sat back down when his back was strained, it was clear that when he hit the ground, he hit it hard. He noticed a suit-case next to him, opening it he examined the contents. There was the copy of his book he had been given prior to it's public release, and a brown suit, he was confused, but accepted it, he shut the suitcase and picked it up, for the first time he felt fear, 'Fear of what?' he wondered, was it the unfamiliar situation? The fact that everyone wore similar clothes, and that the train bore signs of attack? Or was it..Wait, he remembered why he was afraid. Yes, his city had been attacked by an unknown military force, and he was knocked out by a soldier. He felt something in his pocket, pulling it out, he saw a picture of him, his name, and something called a 'CID' which was a random jumble of numbers.
He went to a check-point, where men that wore uniforms similar to the ones the soldiers that kicked down his door wore, stood. He approached them, they spoke, “Name and CID.” He spoke his name and CID, trying to remain calm in this situation. One of them looked it up on some kind of device, then spoke, “Joseph Monroe, your expected somewhere. Come with me.” All he could do was nod, and walk calmly with them, in reality his mind was going faster then it ever had before, he wondered if he had done something, if they were going to throw him in a prison, or worse. He entered a large building, and was greeted by a man in a suit similar to the one he had in his suitcase, he was informed that his Degree's had been found, and that people like him were needed in the 'Universal Union' as it was called. He was told he would be transferred to City Forty-Five, and that he should leave immediately. He did, and took the train, where he began to reflect on his life, he remembered something his mother told him, “If you are given an opportunity to take power, take it. Prove to the world that you are the great man I know you are.” He decided that what she said applied to this very situation. It was time he proved to everyone how great he was, how smart he was, and nothing was going to stop him.
This application has been denied due to multiple grammatical and punctuation errors. For a starting point if you choose to re-apply, I would spell "grammer" correctly.
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:21:00 PM »
In no particular order.
Political Science American History Band Class German Philosophy Math Psychology
I'm one of the luckier ones, what I like to study is actually what I need to study.
« on: September 08, 2012, 09:52:20 PM »
Hello, I'm back to this place after such a long time. I'm sure there's a lot of you who wont remember me(Considering I didn't do much while I was here and faded out over time.) Plus the fact it was back in January when I left, well that aside, Hello. Good day to you all.
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:28:41 PM »
That's actually what I was aiming for, thanks.
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:49:43 PM »
((Alright this is a little look into the two groups of Resistance as well as a bit to do about them, no I'm not claiming I know everything about them, this is meant to help out some newer players that want to know who to stick with if their on Outlands or are trying to make a good Rebel)) The Resistance The Resistance is any good Resistance roleplayer and they aren't very hard to miss. These guys usually write detailed /me's and aren't concerned with Weapons as much as they are escaping the Combine. They stick to Outlands most of the time, but can be found in the City usually in the Slums. They won't go out preaching to the nearest player about how they hate the Combine, then ask them to join, no they prefer to stick to the shadow's and most of the time you'll only see them when they want you to see them. They react different then webuls do when they are around anybody special and I'll list those reactions here as an easier way to tell them apart. Vortigaunts[ Very few of these creatures are seen in the City, the ones that are, are usually Conscripts, but sometimes you'll see a free city Vortigaunt. The Resistance tends to see them as an asset to defeating the Combine and might try to get them to help them, how differs on their experience as a Roleplayer. The Resistance will ask them if they need shelter and try to gain their trust and let the Vortigaunt join on their own most of the time, again this differs on the personality of the man or woman trying to get their help. As a Vortigaunt you'll be subject to both sides of the spectrum and will suffer from Webuls and have fun with The Resistance, most Vortigaunt players if not all are self trained in weeding out Webuls and can tell the difference on their own, but non-vortigaunt players might not be. City Administrators You rarely see a City Administrator outside the Nexus other then when he's on his balcony with guards all around him, as such you'll never see a Resistance member looking at them save for if their trying to get supplies from a store and just happen to be there, but this is very rare. CCA and Overwatch Resistance members are almost never seen walking around a CCA and only really see them if a gun barrel is pointed at there face. As such the Resistance will not harass the CCA like Webuls would and are always on the lookout for one so they can break camp and run. Overwatch is the bane of The Resistance and only the most experienced of them all will not fear them, if a Resistance member sees an Overwatch unit he'll try to escape, but the difference between escape and mingerunning is that escaping requires roleplaying and lots of attempts, and we all know what mingerunning is. Webuls The bane of every good Resistance roleplayer and the bane of the CCA simply because of their mingy attitudes towards them. They are usually Minges, actually scratch that they are always Minges. New players might get sucked in but the difference is they'll learn eventually and break away. I'll be listing their reactions like above but I won't be putting any pictures because they are all above ^^. It's also well to note these guys are almost always concerned with guns and are less concerned with escaping, the tell tale opposite of the resistance. Vortigaunts Webuls usually hoard around Vortigaunts and might find themselves annoying the hell out of the Vortigaunt player by asking for them to help them stop the Combine and asking them to help fight the combine. Vortigaunt players often use their Vorts to weed out the Webuls and help Admins ban them or educate them depending on if their a minge or new player. Also the Webuls never take anything seriously like Vortigaunts would and are known to result to punchwhoring a Vort that refuses to help them, so watch out. City Administrators Webuls are often seen shouting at City Administrators about how they suck and saying 'fuck the combine' when others are trying to enjoy a good bit of Roleplay. City Admins, disputably, are the best way to weed out a Webul. There isn't much I can add other then whats been said in one sentence as Webuls only reaction to City Administrators is to shout at them and throw stuff at them which leads them to getting beaten or killed. CCA and Overwatch Ah the most interesting part of dealing with Webuls. CCA members have to put up with them until they can detain them and get an Admin. Webuls tend to throw stuff at combine, quite literally as they can pick up something like a cash register and throw it at them to try and prop kill, with the reason "My caracter hatez the combine lulz." This leads to them getting banned most of the time. The Overwatch forces have an excuse to be able to waste a webul and usually summarily execute them, or they keep them locked up until an Admin gets them. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well thats all I have other then this, if you have a Webul in your room and they won't stop bothering you or minging around you, try to lock them up, but don't tell a CCA unit as you will get in trouble too, instead get an Admin.
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:43:17 PM »
I remember just the other day I was roleplaying with two others and we launched a massive network called the Safehouse Network, the Alliance members showed they could be good to us if we prove useful and to be honest I know if I want to roleplay with someone skilled to look at an Alliance member. It's just to bad the network got screwed up with the fucking admins spawned hordes of guardians and zombies(I'm looking at the admins that were on yesterday, you know who you are!) Well my point is, they are how they are for good reason.
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:02:04 AM »
The entire CCA application board is blank at the moment as said by people in the chatbox and I myself saw, it's every app not just new or old ones. Also some of the CA apps are disappearing, the posts are there but the apps are not.
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:54:39 AM »
Alex Marx's Civil Authority ApplicationOOC Name: Gunnerstrip7 IC Character Name: Alex Marx 1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.My character wants to join the CCA because he wants to help keep the streets clean, because he believes that he can do more to keep it clean then clean the walls and windows of the buildings. He believes this because he learned from the city itself, even if you clean all the dust and grime metaphorically speaking, they would gather again. He has seen many people around the city and none of them seem able to do anything. Alex's goal is to not be one of them, and instead become a member of the CCA as a means of standing out. Alex has seen plenty of crime, and despite requesting it to be taken care of or even directly telling a CCA unit, it would go unanswered and the criminal would get away Scott free. This made Alex furious, he felt like criminals belong in cells, not the streets. Thanks to this Alex felt as if he needed to take matters into his own hands, and join the CCA so he could detain those that don't deserve to walk the streets. Another reason Alex wants to join the CCA as he believes it will make him a better person in general, as he has seen units able to do things he and other citizens could only dream of. Things like that would fall under the category of running at certain speeds, or displaying their strength by defeating an Anti-Citizen. The final way he believes the CCA would make him better is that it would make him more courageous and less of a coward that he currently is. 2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)Alex Marx is a very quite man, and he also displays loner characteristics, such as preferring to be /away/ from people rather then talking to one of them. He is very trustworthy when it comes to following orders, and has a hard time doing anything when he is ordered to do something else. On the opposite side, it is very hard for him to trust someone, especially if he has just met them. Lastly he is very observant of his surrounding's and finds it hard not to notice small details. 3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.I myself expect CG's CCA to be a type of roleplay I have yet to experience, as well as a way for me to get to know people in the community better then I already do. I also expect it to help me with my roleplaying in general, as I will be forced to do types of roleplay I would normally not experience. My character expects the CCA to be a way for him to improve himself. As well as a way for him to help clean up the city as a whole rather then just cleaning windows and the roads. He also expects it to be a way to help himself get over certain characteristics of himself, like his tendency to stay quiet when it comes to a decision or event he could participate in. So overall he sees the CCA as a way to keep the city clean and a way to self improvement, and not much else. 4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.Alex Marx was a simple and quite man from birth. Never really speaking to people, he never developed any long time friends, and his family was more distant then anyone else he had met during his entire life. Alex grew up in southern Russia, and he was always thinking of what life would be like outside of the country, into places like England or America. After getting out of College Alex lived a simplistic life, working as a phone operator in a small town in Central Russia after moving there, having no reason to live in his old hometown. The way he lived was boring to him, and he had planned to move away to England after getting enough money gathered. But that day would never finish, as it was the day the portal storms occurred. The military rolled into his town and he was not permitted to leave, the resonance cascade had begun. While the outside world was infested with offworld parasites, Alex tried to live as a clerk at a small store, finding no use as a phone operator anymore. He believed the portal storms to be a small problem, easily contained by the government. All these thoughts ended when the Universal Union invaded earth and started the Seven Hour War. His town was one of the first to go, everyone being detained and checked, anyone below 18 was killed, and everyone like Alex, who was 25 at the time, was packed on trains and shipped off. It was clear there was no hope for earth anymore. He arrived at a new city, City 45, and found it hard to adjust to life there. He quickly found out that these 'loyalists' got better treatment, and people in the CCA got even better treatment. So Alex spent days working on accumulating 5 loyalist points, along with an armband. To get these points he cleaned up the City, cleaning walls, windows and streets. Once he received his armband, he applied for the CCA, hoping for the best. 5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming? If so, explain why it was removed.Never had one. OOC Details1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?A year 2. How long have you played on serious servers?Since I started roleplaying a year ago. 3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? Since May. 4. What Time zone are you in?GMT -6, Central Standard Time. 5. In what country do you live?United States of America. 6. How old are you?16 7. WhatÂ’s your most memorable quality RP experience?I'd have to say it was this one time on a Fallout RP server, I had a Vault Dweller get exiled. I still remember his first steps out of the building containing his Vault and his first conversations as I acted out the part of a person who hadn't stepped out of a small area his whole life. 8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?Yes I do IC SectionFull Name: Alex Marx CID: 90264 Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 6'0'' Hair Colour Black. Eye Colour: Brown. Sexual Orientation: Straight Weight: 150 lbs Mental Distinctions: Perceptive, Quite. Mental Defects: Has a hard time speaking up when he needs to. Mental Advantages: Has a way of knowing how to talk circles around people, and getting what he needs from them. Notable Qualities: Extremely organized, doesn't step out of term thanks to his quite nature. 1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?I have never been detained or apprehended for Sociostability Infractions. 2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes I do. 3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?Yes. 4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?I accept all actions done by me as my own and accept them as my responsibility. 5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?Yes I will. 6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?I believe I can help make the City a better place by applying what I know to help the Combine Civil Authority. I also believe I can make myself a better member of society by joining the Civil Authority and helping them in their cause. I hope I am considered for a position in the CCA, thank you for your time. Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen. I, Alex Marx hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds. [/b]
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:40:23 AM »
Why is it always so inactive? Has it always been like this? The few times I was on it there were very few people and we still managed to find some more fun in it. While I already have an idea, the fact there is less to do in Outlands that is provided by the server, why not add some things? Maybe hold some events and get people to come on more often and make Outlands a primary focus too. Outlands is a very fun server yet I never see anyone on it, as a matter of fact, today no one was on it except for the occasional one or two people. I guess my major question is, can something be done about it?
« on: December 06, 2011, 09:47:20 AM »
Player Section
Steam Name: Gunnerstrip7 Age: 16 How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Three years(four as of next January) How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Three years(was my first type of roleplay)
Character Section
Authorization(s): A Vortigaunt Refugee on the Outlands server.
Name: Hala'Moken Age: 87 Gender: Male Affiliation: None
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations. Hala'Moken stumbled into the Outlands after what seemed like days of running, hiding, and some fighting in the beginning. He waded his way through the sludge of the sewer system, and couldn't help but notice there was a lack of the humans and his kin down there. To him it seemed strange, why wouldn't more of the humans and his kin have escaped by now? All these questions made him think back to the beginning of the predicament he was in. He thought about how his home world had been invaded by a strange group of creatures who were very powerful. They enslaved all of his kin, and killed any that resisted.
At that time things seemed to only get worse for Hala'Moken and his kin, as they were forced onto a planet known as Xen where they found it extremely hard to survive in the new ecosystem.. Eventually rifts started opening up, and the Nihilanth saw this as a chance of escape. Everyone, including Hala'Moken was sent down to invade the new planet known as Earth. Hala'Moken and most of his Kin that didn't teleport directly into places like Black Mesa didn't see much fighting, so they had time to learn the flora of the planet. After the Seven Hour War when the Combine began creating Conscripts, Hala'Moken was quickly found and sent to City 26 as a Conscript.
While a Conscript he knew very little English, but began to pick up on the strange language as more and more of it was spoken around him. He began to speak it well, but didn't find much use in it, as he was either stuck in the Nexus, or under guard when cleaning. Eventually some citizen rebels that had managed to acquire metal rods and other items started to fight the guards. They took out Hala'Moken's guard and he managed to get freed from the metal neck brace that kept him docile to the combine. Him and the humans escaped the City, the humans had broken off to try and establish some kind of refugee system, while Hala'Moken continued on. After Hala'Moken finished his reminiscing he found himself next to a ladder, he climbed it and set his feet on the grass. He heard a combine chopper, "Not looking for the Hala'Moken, but the humans." Hala'Moken said to himself as he took off into a building, he felt that while he had escaped captivity, it would be a long road to true freedom.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Perks Can speak fluent Vortigese Can Use the Vortessence Can speak decent English
Defects Major target of the Overwatch Over-usage of the Vortessence can cause him exhaustion Refers to himself in third person and his English is confusing to some humans.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? I plan to give more RP to the Outlands server as I don't see many people on and definitely not many Vortigaunts. I hope to be a sort of IC mentor to people, giving them retribution when their mind seems lost in insanity or in a predicament, but is not completely lost.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) N/A
Which server does this apply for? Outlands
Extra Notes (optional):
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:43:33 AM »
Thanks Kronic, I had already asked some before hand but they said there was nothing available, so I guess I'll have to try again today. I got TT so I can get a rag and clean up the streets, makes for good passive to.
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:32:39 PM »
Well, I agree that you should cry it out, don't be on GMOD, and most of all, don't bottle it up. Bottling up emotions is the worst thing you can do. Try and relax, take some time off from your daily routine, and remember, you saved your dog from any further pain with your choice.
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:29:41 PM »
Hi there! I've been playing on the HL2RP servers(Both Canals and City) for a few days and I guess I should formally say Hi on the forums. You might notice I already have some posts, that's because I was here before but I lost interest in RP for a little while. I'm back though. So I hope to see you all around, also I wanted to know what are some things I can do to earn loyalist points and when I should do them.
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:48:36 PM »
OOC Section OOC Name:Gunnerstrip7 IC Character Name:Alex Marx 1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so. Alex Marx has wanted to help the world in some way, he was going to attempt to become a military officer after college. This was caused by growing up in a troubled neighborhood. It wasn’t technically a bad neighborhood but it was beginning to be troubled by a gang only known as “The Red Saints” Not only did he try to put up with this, he eventually did something about it, getting away with it somehow. Throughout his late adolescent years he had been getting average marks on his school grades. Still somehow he felt like he could do even more to help people. Not just his own neighborhood, but everybody. The Resonance Cascade stopped his plans for a military profession. He was moved into the city and tried to keep the place safe, although he never joined the police, instead he relied on being a vigilantly. Once the Combine arrived and the 7 hour war ended as quickly as it began, he began to forget his past thanks to brainwashing and began worshiping the combine as the perfect peacekeepers of earth. 2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy) Lawful to critical points, obedient even before brainwashing, Cruel if he believes it is what the law requires, Witty. 3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?Me: I expect serving for the CCA will help me widen my horizons on the role playing front. Being on the other side of the oppression would bring a since of dominance. Following strict rules might be a downside but it in my opinion will help me get better at Role Playing. Alex: For Alex he is expecting to be able to help keep law and order on the streets. While he is unaware of the brain washing he is receiving, he embraces it as a factor of him getting better at his profession. He knows that in the Civil Protection he will have to follow the rules to a T and go through training drills for a while before he can be deemed a worthy Civil Protection unit. 4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.Born in a nice neighborhood when he was a baby, Alex was brought up to believe in law and order especially at his most sensitive age. The way he was told he believed that Law should be maintained by any means necessary. This would be a component to his later life more than anyone would have expected. Throughout his childhood and adolescents he and other kids were tormented by a gang. This was a contribution to wanting to help others…no matter the cost. When he was 18 and in his senior year of high school, he gathered a group of friends who wanted the same thing he did. They gathered a small armament from their parents who all had some kind of weapon to defend themselves. When the gang approached their normal tormenting spot, the rag tag teen militia opened fire. It was horrible as the gang had its own weapons, everyone either died or was crippled…all but Alex. He had survived thanks to his quick wits to hide behind something right before the gang started shooting. When the cops showed up at the scene of the shootout, Alex was already gone. He ran away as he didn’t want to deal with the cops. He came back a few days later, saying he got heard the gunshots and had hid in a house down the block until the cops were done with the search as it blocked off the path to his house. His parents bought his story and life continued like it did, Alex however was changed from seeing everyone dying in front of him. He was…colder then he used to be, although it was not noticed by anyone not even himself. Years later, during his college years was when the Resonance Cascade and the destruction of black mesa occurred. He and everyone else at the college was moved into the city and settled there, this all occurred during the very end of his senior year. He had to drop the rest of his education plans as there was no way to learn otherwise at the time. Most of the adults had taken up arms to protect the city. When the seven hour war occurred Alex hid for the duration of it. The combine had stormed the building he was in and dragged them all off to city 72(Houston Texas) where they all were doomed to stay for their lives, most of them at least. He was forced to board a train after living in city 72 for a few years, where he learned to respect,obey, and help the combine in any way possible. The train sent him to City 18 where he resides even now in 2016,finally deciding to aspire to help the city maintain the peace. OOC Details1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? I have been Role Playing on servers for over a year now. 2. How long have you played on serious servers? For about 6 months. 3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? I have been on the servers for a month of gathered on and off time. 4. What Time zone are you in? Central Standard Time. 5. In what country do you live? The United States of America. 6. How old are you? 18 7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience? I would say when I was in a faction war in a Fallout server, a group of soldiers on my side survived for almost the whole match. 8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes I do. IC SectionFull Name: Alex Marx CID: #90264 Age: 36 Gender: Male Height:5 feet 8 inches Hair Colour jet black Eye Colour: dark brown Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Weight: 162 lbs Mental Distinctions: extremely obedient to his commanding officers. Mental Defects: He can be blissfully unaware of what he is doing if he believes his objective will help the town. Mental Advantages:He is extremely quick witted. Notable Qualities: His extremely lawful nature is rare among people now adays.
1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?No I haven’t
2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?Of course.
3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes I am.
4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? I take full responsibility for any actions I preform and those under my command.
5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? Until the day I die!
6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?I want to join the Combine Civil Authority to keep law and order on the streets of City 18 and everywhere else I am needed. I feel that the combine will help me achieve my goal of keeping the Law maintained no matter the cost.
Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.
I, Alex Marx hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds. [/b] Denied - application does not meet requirements.
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:37:19 PM »
Yeah you should still be able to get him back on city if you quickly notify an admin about this unfortunate even.