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Messages - borat0147

Pages: [1]
News and Announcements / Re: New version of the HL2RP Map
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:38:45 AM »
Will this fix the wires, the park, and boarded up windows in UCH from being Purple and Black checkered pixels?

You're probably missing EP2 / CS:S content. If you have those games installed, you'll need to make sure the boxes for them are checked under the (main menu) extensions -> game content thinger

Yes, HL2:EP2 is unavailable (I played on Orange Box before I joined PC Master Race) Is there any demo/download I can install to make them go away? If not, it's okay. It's just a minor eye-sore, and the occasional "ERROR" doesn't really bother me if I ask in OOC what it is.

News and Announcements / Re: New version of the HL2RP Map
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:38:34 PM »
Will this fix the wires, the park, and boarded up windows in UCH from being Purple and Black checkered pixels?

News and Announcements / Re: [01/06/2012] Half-Life 2 Roleplay Update
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:34:26 PM »
I'm enjoying the new additions and removals, I can't wait for more to come.

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