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Messages - A2DAY01D [POLAND]

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« on: July 16, 2012, 03:16:08 PM »
Ok, here is what I got.

5 Resistance mebers secretley come in from the outlands, to take city 45. In the midst, a high ranked leader is in the city. The attack would last IRL for about 2 hours. The civilians would either help one side or the other. Or get killed in the fight. Only a few people would survive. In the end, it would be a destroyed city, covered in blood and rubble. then we would RP the destruction. I already have a map in mind.

Then when the event is ending, the last CCA and civilians would be taken by drop ship to city 44.

Introductions / I need to do this.
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:52:05 PM »
Hello everyone, it has been nearly 4 months and havent even introduced myself. I am a 13 year old teenager who likes to game. I have 3 years of serious RP behind me. I will be glad to say this. It is time for me to join the big boys.

Civil Workers Union / Civil Worker Union Aplication Adam Walsh
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:31:52 AM »
In-game Name: Adam Walsh
Steam Name:(sBf)Sgt. Hilt
                            The reason i would like to join the CWU is because I would like to work for the people.  The people need supplies to entertain themselves.  If we don't entertain the people, they will rebel.  The wounded will die without our supplies.  The people need us.

                    Another reason I want to be CWU is because I want to get paid.  When I get paid, I can get more supplies.  Also I could be able to buy better and better places.  That means that I would get better buisness.   Also it ould give the combine less work because the CWU entertains the civilians.

                          I would really like to join the CWU to gain money and to work for the people.  The more supplies bought, the happier the combine.  Life will get easier everytime a CWU item is bought.  THe people need a character that has a story and a will to work for the people.  This is why I want to join the CWU.

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