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Messages - Rigruften - Join me.

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Maor UU Food
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:23:00 PM »
Gonna plus one this.

We half-way need it, and it'd be awesome to have. There's plenty of plugins on CloudSixteen for this.

Accepted / Josette Du Pres's Metropolice Force Application
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:11:04 PM »
Josette Du Pres's Metropolice Force Application

OOC Name: Rigruften

IC Character Name: Josette Du Pres

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Metropolice Force and what lead your character to do so.
  Josette Du Pres, my MPF character from /many/ different servers. AKA 175, and 00175.  Josette was a young french woman when the Seven Hour War happened, aged only at nineteen. The following paragraphs will explain her reasoning for joining, and what lead her to do so. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure how to explain it OOCly however, I'll do my best.
Josette Du Pres, her backstory and what led her to join the CCA.
  Josette was born at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France in 1997. She grew up in Paris, living with her Father Adrien Du Pres and spending the majority of her days reading, studying, and flirting with the boys in her school and neighborhood. In 2008, Josette was struck with tradegy, her father was murdered in the backstreets of Paris and his body was disposed of in the Catacombs of Paris. After this, she was sent away to live with her grandparents off in Bordeaux.

  Bordeaux was where she lived the rest of her 'Normal' life. Her grandmother was a registered nurse. Her grandfather was actually minorly famous due to his wine, however that's best not discussed at the moment. In 2015, the Seven Hour War happened and Josette was seperated from not only her friends, but what was left of her family.

  Josette lived in City-18 for three long, brutal, and horrid years. She was constantly abused for being one of few females left in the city. However, Josette found a friend here. CCA Unit, Oh-Oh-Two-Hundred-Twenty-One. Oh-Oh-Two-Hundred-Twenty-One, AKA Sebastian 'Marx' Rivera. Sebastian was in his mid-thirties and pretty much took Josette as a apprentice of the NOVA/HELIX division. From their relationship and such, Josette eventually decided it was in her best interest to join the Civil Protection and work her way towards the NOVA division.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Josette is a Trustworthy person. She is truly neutral, however if somebody does something against the 'law' she WILL take it into her own hands. She can be albit arrogant at times, however if put back into line she'll be fine.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
  The Combine Civil Authority to me, should teach me the basic values of how to RP a CCA unit. I believe with my experience, and/or new experience I could become a high-ranking ground unit, and or high command. I expect the units to be smart, and know what they're doing as well as know how to give orders. I also expect the SeC/High Command to not be biased, and hopefully be hardasses as they should be.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
   A woman lays in her bed, and in a split second is awoken. Suddenly, a loud siren booms across her City. A female voice comes over the intercom. "Ground units, unidentified person of interest. CODE; Search, Shadow, Lock, Contain, Amputate." She jumps from her hard bed, the springs making a loud squeak with every move she makes. Another voice say's over the intercom "Attention occupants, your block is now charged with permissive inactive coercion. Five ration units deducted."
She runs to her closet, searching through the jumbled mess of blue jumpsuits, eventually finding her 'Tuesday' jumpsuit. On the left breast there is a small white slip with her name and a set of numbers on it. "Josette Du' Pres CID;26654" She quickly slips it on over her white pajama's and darts for the door.

  She walks out of her door keeping a pace as she waves through crowds of citizens in the Union Civil Housing. She reaches the front and looks forward before seeing 'One of them' a taller man in a dark shirt, kevlar, green khaki's and a white helmet. A stun baton lay's at his side, he radio's in "<:: Control is 100% at this location. No sign of that 647E."
He stops speaking before looking over the citizens and tapping his Stun-Baton on. He simply states "<:: Citizens, ISOLATE!" The Citizens scatter out of the UCH before coming into the plaza of the city. The intercom flicks on again. "Attention residents, miscount detected in your block. Co-operation with your local protection team will grant a FULL ration reward."
She walks away from the unit, as do most citizens. She find her way to the exit of the UCH where she greeted by multiple units guarding the outside. She walks up to one, and before she can ask what is going on the unit sends a voice BOOMING from his Vo-Coder. "Citizen, APPLY." and, in return our little french princess responds "Josette Du' Pres, Sir...uh..." She looks down to the little white slip. "Citizen ID...Two-Six-Six-Five-Four." She looks up to the sky as the unit types her data into a small datapad on his wrist. The sky is dark, dark like the emptiness of her life. The sky begins to brighten to a gray as the unit begins speaking into his radio. "<:: Possible 404 here." She looks down at the unit, raising her eyebrow above her blue eyes. She say's in a questioning tone "Four-Oh-Four...sir?" The unit let's out a slight sigh and says in a quick, commanding tone. "<:: Move along." Before stepping to the side and letting her pass.

  The woman we now know as Josette would continue her way into the plaza and towards a familiar suit, her eyes focused on it as if it was a sort of friend. "Sebastian!" She exclaims, attempting to get 'it's' attention. The thing turns to her, looking her up and down for a moment before raising it's hand and pointing towards a building, this building was made of a odd steel of sorts. "The Nexus?" She ask inquisitively as she begins moving towards it. The unit behind her follows along, allowing a small chuckle to escape him, "I think it's time, Josette. I think you've learned enough from me to get into the CCA." He say's in response. The woman in front of him would stop almost instantly in her tracks, turning around and looking up to his tall, intimidating structure. "W-What? You really think so Sebastian?" She ask, a obvious look of worry falling over her face. He nods, beginning to speak. "Today is only the application, Darling. It'll be alright." The two would continue into the Nexus and Josette would have no idea what was going to happen to her from that point on.

5) Have you ever had a MPF character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
Around 3-5 years.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
8-9 months.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Currently one day. [Permission for this application obtained from Alaskan, Proof;]

4. What Time zone are you in?

5. In what country do you live?
United States of America

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
Heh, probably about two months ago.

Jeffery, my rebel character was on the brink of suicide. Through tons of a amazing passive, Jeff truly found what was right in his mind. I'd rather not really go into detail about this though.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
I'd rather not judge myself, but I believe so.

IC Section

Full Name: Josette Du Pres
CID: 26654
Age: Twenty-Two
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 140
Mental Distinctions: Unknown.
Mental Defects: N/A
Mental Advantages: IQ; 118. Otherwise, N/A.
Notable Qualities: Applicant has notable experience in the medical field.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
I do.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
I will.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
My purpose in this life is simple. I wish to help, protect, and serve those who I see as good. In my future experience as a Combine Civil Authority Unit, I believe I can truly help the force as a NOVA based unit. I am loyal, respectful, and know how to take orders as well as give them.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Josette Du Pres hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Suggestions / Re: Nicknames
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:36:37 PM »
Gonna +1 this, even though it's quite old. It'd be really nice.

Suggestions / Re: DAYZ
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:35:24 PM »
What about a DayZRP server? I doubt that there's any out there yet.

In my own opinion, DayZ shouldn't be part of the CG community. If you wanna play DayZ with CG players, join a server together.

Introductions / Re: Back Women
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:31:14 PM »
Welcome...back? I think?

Suggestions / Re: Raise the text limit
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:26:57 PM »
I would love for this to become reality especially because i like going into detail with my /me's

It's very easy to do, a in-game command in the system tab of the admin menu.
It'd be great, IMO. Splitting your /me's looks kinda bad.

Introductions / Rigruften
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:30:21 PM »

Hey there,

My name is Rigruften, I'm here in interest of the HL2RP server and, that's pretty much it. But, from what I've seen the community seems really nice, and HarborRP has been pretty fun in the short amount of time I've played it.  Now uh, I guess I can tell you my background?

2010, I bought Gmod. I found this thing called DarkRP, and it was truly the funnest thing I'd ever played at the time. I got some friends to buy it, and it was great. We played the #1 server on Gmod now, ThatDarkRP. It was cool, and I played there until about 2012, I got Server-Admin, and the players began to hate me. Stuff happens, if I hadn't left TDRP I would've never found HL2RP. In spring 2012, me and a good friend from TDRP moved to his server, VortexRP. It was good, we were about 32/32 every night for a few months. I was a high ranking admin, but the server was brought down by a corrupt Co-Owner. Me and Drew[The Owner] had our differences and split. Around December-October of 2012, I met one of my best internet based friends, Brandon. Who is here now. We played different games for awhile, DayZ, Arma 2, Arma 3, Indie games, Greenlights, a lot. of Synergy. And it was great, and one day we found our way back to Gmod.

In July, 2013 I joined my first HL2RP server, Littlenerd Gaming. It was great, the community was awesome, but...the owners were sub-par. Yet again, a corrupt Co-Owner stole all of the server's money and left. From there, we just lingered for awhile. We hopped different servers for a LONG time, until we found HIVE-RP. Man, this server was perfect. Great RP, great community, and great staff. The owners allowed us to continue our Char-Dev from previous servers which was good. This was the place where I learned to RP, and it was good for awhile. Skip to October, it was interesting. I got OP,  which quickly went to Community Manager. Me, Brandon, and a good friend of mine Plat were all put in high positions by the 'Council'. It was still OK till November. In November, donation's opened. PAC3 whitelist, Necrotic and Headcrab whitelist. The MPF began falling apart with a new ranking system put in place. In December, I made the decision to leave and make my own server. A lot of the players followed, besides my intentions to make sure they didn't.

December 31st, 2013. Disembodied Gaming opened. 32/32 for the first month. 15-20 for the second. And then, tragedy. The most respected member of my community left, it was my fault but he took everybody with him. It began to fail, and it went downhill. I decided to take a look at HIVE, which was now know as Citadel-Gaming. Horse mask, Golden AK-47's, Terrible new staff, and a absolutely revolting new playerbase. Minges, Minges everywhere.

February 28th, 2014. We shut down. I came to Catalyst, because it was apparently one of the best servers ever created for HL2RP, and I'm here now. Hopefully for awhile.

Thank you for reading, I suppose. I hope tommorow when HL2RP launches it'll be good. I can't wait.

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