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Messages - CrunchyKhaos

Pages: [1] 2
Media / Re: Comic Book Characters
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:05:27 AM »
Judge Dredd. Fucking badass lawman with a hardon for fucking up criminals. Best story? Mutant vote I think.
Pretty damn good choice, he's got some incredible series as a independent character, one of the best Independent characters I've read, up there with spawn.

Media / Comic Book Characters
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:21:59 PM »
I figured I would start up a quick topic to keep up morale while i'm working. Favorite and least favorite comic characters? Favorite or least favorite story arcs? I would have to say Dr. Manhattan is probably my favorite, reading what he has to say just blows my mind and is generally just fun to look at and think about. The best story I think I've read is New 52 Swamp Thing/ Animal Man, if you haven't read it, I would say it's a must read.

Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:44:03 PM »
Welcome to the party mate, the little time we played together so far you've been pretty cool, so have fun and I look forward to next time.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the User Above You
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:37:25 PM »
5/10 It's a fan I guess
7/10 Perfectly looped gif yo

Suggestions / Re: Replacement for HL2RP - Prison RP
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:35:21 AM »
Itl be the same in the way HL2RP is. Fun as fuck until you've done everything. Its too limited.

Only if we deny it the features suggested here, factions, gang wars, and corrupt guards would be good for constant action, and Roleplay would not be limited, not to mention the possibility of a smuggler, bribing the guards, ect. It's a new game type that the community will agree with, and play when its new, and if we keep events and attention to it such as Riots, prison breaks, ect, they'll continue to play when its old. HRP is old, with few things to do, but it remains populated, this will help us draw in new players and bring back old ones, it can be  a fantastic and positive experience, despite how limited a Prison RP may seem.

Suggestions / Re: Replacement for HL2RP - Prison RP
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:01:36 PM »
I would be willing to put my money in to this, and i'm sure others would as well, it's a fresh idea and new game mode, and the idea has been brought up with some people i know in the past, it's a thing people will commonly fantasize about making, and while being different and more intense than a simple Prison Break server we could have something that would possibly bring in new crowds and evolve at a nice pace. It's a good idea with many possibilities, for both systems and RP, I would ask that you give it some heavy thinking before deciding on this, it could be a big boost we need.

Forum Games / Re: One Word Story
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:16:56 PM »

Forum Games / Re: One Word Story
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:14:57 PM »

Forum Games / Re: One Word Story
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:35:20 PM »

Support & Help / Re: Reddit
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:26:39 AM »
Just press the random button in the top left with all the other subreddits, and once you get to the ones you like you subscribe to them, once you have a general selection you get thrown in to more subreddits closer to your interest, Channys favorite, and mine, and probably most of catalyst is probably /r/WTF.

General Discussion / Re: Post your 4th of July videos and pictures!
« on: July 06, 2014, 03:16:55 AM »

I wish this was a joke.
I really really do.

Ok so

This could go either way

1.) You were playing the game


2.) Someones arm got blown off and people had to clean it up

I very much like the second one!

But really I was playing the game, and all of a sudden our toilet decided to break and I spent Fourth of July using every towel in the house to make sure my wood floors didn't get fucked up, Gods bless America.

lmao nice 2nd option and did someone throw an M80 in your toilet or something?

I wish it was that exciting, your Fourth looked fahking awesome, I was just playing Viscera Cleanup with Channy and he  went to bed, like an hour later I was cleaning the Cryolab and I go to get a drink the hallways soaked to hell, the wood floor in  me spare room and hallways a bit warped but I'm probably gonna head out and do something actually fun this week, make a big bonfire in the old fairgrounds or some shite.

General Discussion / Re: Post your 4th of July videos and pictures!
« on: July 06, 2014, 02:02:54 AM »

I wish this was a joke.
I really really do.

Ok so

This could go either way

1.) You were playing the game


2.) Someones arm got blown off and people had to clean it up

I very much like the second one!

But really I was playing the game, and all of a sudden our toilet decided to break and I spent Fourth of July using every towel in the house to make sure my wood floors didn't get fucked up, Gods bless America.

General Discussion / Re: Post your 4th of July videos and pictures!
« on: July 06, 2014, 01:54:56 AM »

I wish this was a joke.
I really really do.

Suggestions / Re: Alter Rule 4
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:13:02 PM »
In all honestly it shouldn't even be this big of an issue, if the rule gets taken down or changed,  awesome people can post one word replies,if not? They need to spend an extra two seconds on making it prettier, I say just leave it up Rofl  with what we already have, either way there can't be THAT MUCH civil upheaval.

Suggestions / Re: Alter Rule 4
« on: July 03, 2014, 05:49:17 PM »
I don't see why it needs to be changed, if you have an opinion that's worth our time it's probably going to be more than one word, besides if you knew the rule was there and all you had to do was use an extra second to type in "I agree" or "I disagree"  like Cow said, you would be fine, really it's more common sense.

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