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Messages - Officialjake

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Black mesa RP sounds like a blast.  I heavily played on a server before it shut down.

Same, I think I saw you on a black mesa server. It was Aerolite Gaming I think.
I'd like to see a CG black Mesa RP

Yep.  The concept was great but I didn't really like their execution of BMRP.  I think the dev team we have hear could make an EXCELLENT BMRP server.

Black mesa RP sounds like a blast.  I heavily played on a server before it shut down.

People's Loyalist Party / Re: Civil Workers Union Takeover
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:45:45 PM »
**A note hangs below in neat handwriting**

Your group still hasn't given me those garbage and recycle bins.

-Monika Krause
**A letter with the offical seal of the PLP has been placed below the note in comic sans font**
Thank you for addressing this issue, we will work with our distribution centers and get them to you at once.  We are sorry for this delay but we have been real short on recycling bins recently due to a theft.

Out of Character for OOC:
You're evil...

They have noticed that people are starting to see COD as the cash cow that it is so now they have to throw in Kevin Spacy to get people to buy it.

General Discussion / Re: Post a picture of youself!
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:37:50 PM »
Long overdue why the hell not:

I was a AFJROTC cadet once.  I don't miss it at all really.  My unit was full of people who either A) Did it to get out of PT credit B) Didn't want to be there/were forced to by family C) Were terrible cadets.  Maybe your schools JROTC unit is better than mine is.  I know the high school across town from me had a AFJROTC unit that was 10x as better as mine was.

Now I am a AFROTC cadet in college actually working towards becoming a commissioned officer.

Post Auto-Merged: June 06, 2014, 08:44:08 PM

Here I am at the shooting range.  The firearm is a Glock 9mm.  I wanted to shoot the USP 45 they had but was with the family and they wanted the 9mm =(

Social Discussion / Re: What is your MBTI Personality type?
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:02:03 PM »
Mine seems to change between INTJ and INTP however most of the times I've done this test I've gotten INTJ. Always score very high on I and T, and moderate on N. P/J varies.

I do prefer this one though, it's a bit more in-depth and in my opinion has a better analysis.

That one is very in depth but I don't like how subjective some of the questions are.  Sometimes it can be hard to tell what the question really means.

I accidentally washed my headphones (for my phone) and now there is little to no bass in the right earphone.....  Today is a sad day.

I pickup on when music sounds off or incorrect very well after being in band in school so this is VERY irritating for me.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Officialjake's AMA
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:26:21 PM »
Why does no one populate HL2RP? Because 1. They are lazy and wait for other people to populate it which achieves nothing.  2. They prefer HRP /me gasps.
What do you think of me? (lel generic) I think you are a good RPer and are one of the people that really got my interest in HL2RP.
Favorite unit? (Not yours) 726 is pretty chill.
Favorite food? I hate picking favorites.... If I had to pick one it would be meat.  Preferably steak.  A good steak not crappy steak without flavor.
Favorite thing to do? I love flying, I am a student Pilot this would probably be my favorite thing to do followed by reading and playing video games.

Reply's in red

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Officialjake's AMA
« on: June 02, 2014, 04:00:44 PM »
How old are you? 18
Where do you live? Somewhere in the USA
HRP or HL2RP? HL2RP for sure.  I will only play HRP with a few people otherwise it get boring/mingy.
Favorite game? I would have to say my favorite game is either Civilization or Fallout:NV (modded)

Reply's in red.

How much do you care about your medbay?

"Ask Me Anything" / Officialjake's AMA
« on: June 02, 2014, 03:10:17 PM »
Ask me anything.  Please try to keep it serious. 

Social Discussion / Re: Help! I have viruses!
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:10:48 PM »
I know this is kinda late but be careful with any USB storage devices you put in the infected machine as those could become infected and spread to other machines you own.

Social Discussion / What is your MBTI Personality type?
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:08:06 PM »
Using this website you can find which MBTI type you are:

I am an ISTP which stands for (Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving)

76% ISTP

You can find more about you personality type here:

My personality is:

ISTP - The Mechanic

Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Risk-takers who they live for the moment. Usually interested in and talented at extreme sports. Uncomplicated in their desires. Loyal to their peers and to their internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems.

Suggestions / Re: Re: Hunger
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:50:15 PM »
No... Just no....
I don't want to reply on some silly script for me to RP eating at times. I rather decide myself what I want to RP today. Not having a script decide that for me.

Besides, I doubt anyone wants to starve to death because there are only ones in a rare blue moon when MPF actually does rations...

What I'm suggesting is a low-key hunger mod that requires you to eat relatively frequently (not frequently enough that you'll be asspulling food constantly, but frequently enough to be noticeable).

The detrimental effects to not eating wouldn't be anything too serious - all it would do is lower your stamina/increase stamina consumption rate and make you take a bit more damage from attacks. Nothing overdramatic, like dying or whatever. Just something to make a eating a small plus, and it will actually give the CWU food stalls/stores as well as rations an OOC purpose.

I'm open to whatever you feel like suggesting to improve the server, Nick. Actually suggest it.

For the record, I make a point of always doing at least one ration distribution if I'm online and the citizen population is high enough. Don't want to "starve" then do what practically every other citizen in HL2 canon would do and go looking for food in D6. I know for a fact that it isn't very hard to find.

+support if loosing hunger would not mean death.  I think that Comrade makes a great point that this would give people more incentive to join the CWU and set up shops as well as give more purpose to ration distribution.

EDIT:  I did have personal text.  I just accidentally typed it inside the quote box.  Please remove the warning.  Thanks.

5% warning issued for quoting someone without adding any personal text.  ~Hazard

Suggestions / Re: Hunger
« on: May 29, 2014, 04:19:37 PM »
We don't give out rations enough right now to justify having people need to buy food.  Older characters might have a lot of money but this could be a major turn off to new people to the server which we need right now.

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