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Messages - garry :D

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 49
IC Chat / "The Asylum"
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:57:46 AM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:28:59 AM »
I'll let void and Alex work on City Twenty Four. If any problems come up in x1f I'll patch, but I'm not making a city from scratch - way too time consuming.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: [OBSOLETE] RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:01:36 AM »
I went ahead and finished x1f, look further up this forum for it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:53:15 PM »
Screenshots of the renovated RDT and the garage.

Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

On a side note, I can't do the offices or the D6 apartment renovation due to the fact that the entity/brush limits are fast approaching.

X1F is done!

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Trent Marlow's Authorization Application
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:52:14 PM »
I talked this over with you in Steam and you told me how you would get tools and materials and it all checked out.


Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Honestly?
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:50:58 PM »
The CCA gets ranted at rather frequently and I have to agree that some units aren't taking their positions seriously. How can the quality of the RP coming from the CCA see an improvement if this is happening?

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:40:07 AM »
Looks like the D6 apartments won't be getting overhauled after all. Not enough space in terms of available brushes and entities and I'm not going to risk the progress I've made so far for an aesthetic replacement.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:48:42 AM »
Debug version:

Extract to GMod maps. Post any issues you see and I'll get to work on fixing them to the best of my ability. I fixed the issue with the RDT by the way:

9:17 PM - OzJackal: yeah that rdt was definetely dodgy as fuck
9:17 PM - OzJackal: removed the whole lower level distribution area and now I get a 50fps boost everywhere
9:22 PM - OzJackal: yep, rdt was definetely the cause
9:22 PM - OzJackal: i'm getting 120fps in d6 rather than the 30fps from before I took it out

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with upstairs seeing as it gets used rarely but at the moment my priority is to create a station where rations are served manually rather than dumping them into a box.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 06:34:14 AM »
8:26 PM - OzJackal: can you come up with some ideas for a new RDT, the current building is defective
8:27 PM - OzJackal: two areaportals sealing the building in aren't working and I had to remove them - before removal: 110fps in plaza, 80 average for other places
8:27 PM - OzJackal: after removal: 30fps in plaza, 25fps in other places

Bottom line: RDT is getting replaced with a manual method - non-negiotable.

Denied Authorizations / Re: Ashley White's Authorization Application
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:57:28 AM »
Zero effort has been put into this. You wouldn't be able to make infra-red goggles from things found in the canals.


Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Honestly?
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:57:16 AM »
Well, looks like a unit needs to be taught how to RP.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:43:32 AM »
Not to worry my love, for I will construct an adequate number of offices.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:05:45 AM »
Soz for double post but I've colour coded each item on the changelog to show the status. Yellow is WIP, green is complete.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:11:12 PM »
Putting in light switches for each apartment would cause RSO at around 20/40 players, unfortunately.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 21, 2012, 06:15:07 PM »
I'll take your suggestions into account.

I knew I was forgetting something with the incinerator. That'll be getting replaced with a much more server-friendly pit of acid.

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