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Messages - garry :D

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Mapping / Refuge
« on: June 30, 2012, 10:13:13 PM »
Refuge (WIP)
~ Ukraine, 2016 ~

Click to see the original size.

The general concept of the map is:
  • Resistance are heavily fortified in a remote area of the Ukraine but require a constant stream of supplies to survive the winter.
  • Supplies are gained (random spawned) from each of the three points on the map: a radio station, factory and a point which is yet to be decided (probably going to be a laboratory).
  • The Combine are aware of the Resistance's presence in this area but have not been able to pinpoint their base due to the harsh weather conditions and remoteness of their location.
  • Similarly, the Resistance know the Combine are using scouting parties in an effort to wipe them out but are unable to access their base of operations: a large cargo ship which floats several kilometers off the Ukrainian coast.

Map Overview:
Click to see the original size.

Spawn Area:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Combine Airwatch Facility:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Combine Dreadnought:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Resistance Trenches:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Combine Prison:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Ten sentences isn't going to cut it when it comes to securing any of these authorisations. If this has all been roleplayed out ingame it should be easy to write out a page or so on the main points of who, what, when, where, why and how.

I'll support this, but I honestly don't see the materials required for making a working gun something that would be readily available. I don't really see an MP7 factory being opened up either.

Bug Reports / Re: Citizen/CWU floating/bent over model fuck help me.
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:49:50 AM »
I've put a post up on Facepunch to see if we can get some assistance with the issue:

If all else fails I'll try to recompile it on the multiplayer engine with CSS settings which will probably mean all of the entities get replaced, fml.

An amendment has been made due to several Civil Administrators failing to recognise restrictions set out by the Code of Conduct.

CA's are no longer allowed to leave the Nexus, nor can they leave the office.

Civil Administrations shall not at any time:
- leave the security of the Nexus Civil Administration office without written permission from a Sectorial Commander. (amended 22/6/2012)

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Server Map.
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:53:32 AM »
The map is no longer flawed in terms of bugs that I should've picked up earlier.

As for the stretching models, I am running a clean install and only certain people are getting the error. I don't have anything special in regards to citizen models on the server and there is no reason for the animations to be messed up.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Matthew George character appeal
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:19:30 AM »
I'll go ahead and assume that something was wrong on your end with the map - probably because you're missing Episode Two content. Your inventory is clear and I'm happy to accept this.

Please ask an administrator ingame on the City server to un-outlandify your character.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Calo Nord's Outlands Appeal
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:16:14 AM »
Sorry for the wait.

I assume that since you posted your desire to keep him in the Outlands, I'll go ahead and lock this and relocate it to denied.

Edit: Whoops, read this wrong. Appeal accepted for Michael McCreary.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Bokslag's outlands appeal.
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:15:23 AM »
Sorry for the wait.

Accepted; please ask an admin ingame to un-outlandify your character.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Stuck in the outlands
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:14:57 AM »
Sorry for the wait.

Accepted; please ask an admin ingame to un-outlandify your character.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: John Smith's Appeal
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:14:00 AM »
Sorry for the wait.

Accepted; please ask an admin ingame to un-outlandify your character.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Roven's Outlands Appeal
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:13:08 AM »

Please ask an administrator ingame to un-outlandify your character.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Roven's PK Appeal
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:11:02 AM »
I would like a ninety-day probation period to keep my City Administrator character and continue organizing great passive citizen roleplay.

Appeal granted.

Bear in mind that future infractions with regards to a security escort (and I am willing to negotiate it down to a squad of four CCA units) will not meet the same result.

News and Announcements / Re: HL2RP City Map Update
« on: June 16, 2012, 09:23:40 PM »
I'm in the process of fixing the armoury code (idk how it got changed, it's missing the three other numbers in the logic entity) and the areaportal between the second D6 tunnel (which I assume should be a func_brush instead of a func_areaportalwindow).

The balcony door was a pre-existing issue and that is easily fixed. The acid pit using the trigger_remove on the player deathcam has already been fixed. I don't know why it's messing up the citizen models so please don't spam me with your hate ye, thx.

## FIXED ##
- fixed nexus balcony door not moving correctly
- fixed acid pit (trigger_remove getting rid of player deathcam caused a clientside crash)
- catwalk support beam in the middle of plaza removed
- fixed broken areaportal in second d6 tunnel
- armoury code changed (was missing information in the logic entities)
- medbay textures changed
- added ladder up to UCH lockdown office so that the building can be unlocked from outside

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