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Messages - ???????£??Rose Nocturna???

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Creations / Re: Making Signatures for OCRP Cash!
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:00:43 PM »
Ill give you 100K that I have no use for, seeing as I got the cars I like.  Um, I want two, both .gifs, both with purple and blue, and one showing admin, the other just my name+pic/whatever else you add.  I want them both too be beautiful.  You can cut the image used in my current sig if you want one I like.  I like that pic, but I need a new sig.

PS: I dun liek green

General Discussion / Re: Do any of you realize how FUCKED i am?
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:19:27 AM »
And thats why you live in england instead.

Once I am done with College, which I am not starting for maybe a year, I am going to move to Yorkshire or possible Whales.  Don't wanna be to close to London, too noisy.

News and Announcements / Re: [8/26/11] Orange Cosmos RP Update
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:16:50 AM »
Have you fixed the seating vectors?  Its starting to get annoying.

General Discussion / Re: Do any of you realize how FUCKED i am?
« on: August 27, 2011, 03:52:37 AM »
I live on the beach in Delaware.  And guess what, the 'rents said we are gonna push past this one... Cant leave the house, the power might go out, etc.

Krystal Draconis' City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name)

Dr. Krystal Draconis

Age: (IRL)


Do you have past experience? If so then where?

Not as a City administrator, but as a "leader".  I used to lead a faction on an apocalyptic roleplay server as "The Director", and I was basically a figurehead, but I actually had power, unlike a CA.

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?

Since its revival in April.

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)

Currently? At LEAST 5.

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?

Im American, have no job, and graduated from school.  Will that fit the bill?

Do people consider you a good roleplayer?

I've been in roleplay for more than three years.  I consider myself excellent by most standards.

Are you a good listener?

I would have to say so.

Do you have good grammar?

Is this application not proof enough of my good grammar?

Have you ever been banned?

Once, threw the flashbang while in observer.

Do you know HL canon inside and out.

I would not be making this application if I did not.  I might be somewhat rusty on the knowledge, so I will look over my sources again, just to be safe.

Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

     Well, every story has a beginning, and for Krystal, it was simple.  She was born and raised like a normal child in the state of New York, of the United States.  She took schooling in a private school north of the City, where she was taught well.  Everyone thought she was a genius at the time, due to her excellent ability to learn and adapt, as well as take control.  It became known she would be a great leader one day.

      Taking early leadership roles, she was a student council president for many years.  It was decided by her parents that they would send her to an Ivy League school, hoping for success.  She graduated top of her class.  She seemed like a natural born leader.  She immediately went to Harvard on a full ride scholarship, staying on campus, and determined.
      Krystal Draconis spent many of her years in Harvard University, eventually earning herself a Doctorate, making her a prime candidate for something as simple as a governor's office, and mere child's play for the spot of the US Presidency.  At thirty, when she graduated, she started campaigning for the Governor's seat in New York, slowly gathering leaders.  After two years, he luck and persistence paid off, and she was promptly handed this seat.  Her parents and friends were proud, but she was not quite satisfied.

     Her dream was to become a President.  Krystal had this dream since her final years in grade school.  Over the course of the next 2 years, she tried her hardest, campaigning, traveling, coming up with a platform.  She had run in an election, and after a few months of campaigning, terror struck.  Portal storms were all over the news, and new Zen life forms were seen everywhere.

     Not more than a few months after the horrific takeover, she was eventually rerouted to City 18, where she fit right in, but not doing much in leadership, as there were few, if any opportunities to do so.  Krystal did stand out as a leader, taking charge of group activities, such as cleaning and repair operations.  Once she heard that there was a spot open for City administration, she took right up on it, hoping to become the leader she used to be.


General Discussion / Re: See you all in the future, maybe.
« on: August 24, 2011, 08:32:59 AM »
Well, aint this dandy.  Sad to see ya go.

General Discussion / Re: Sooo.... What the hell?
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:58:51 PM »
It threw you out of your bed?  :o You said you felt it not got thrown by it.

That constitutes feeling it....

General Discussion / Re: Sooo.... What the hell?
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:25:10 PM »
That's good right?

It threw me out of my bed today, which by the way, is like a bunk bed, but the bottom bunk is actually a desk, AND, my house almost fell.  No, its horrible, and add on top of that the fact that WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THEM. [/rant]

General Discussion / Sooo.... What the hell?
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:17:09 PM »
As a lot of people know, on the eastern coast of America, lies the Delmarva Peninsula, which is in the center, or near the center of the "Ring of Fire".  The "Ring of Fire" is a tectonic plate.  Because of this fact, the Delmarva area doesn't ever get hit by quakes.  Well, today, the D.C. area was hit by a 5.8 Magnitude earthquake.  I felt it about 100 or so miles out.  Anyone else?  Oh, btw, it knocked the Steam serves in that area offline... So, if I were to, oh, idunno, join OCRP, my admin rank and other things would not load.   Wtf Earth...

News and Announcements / Re: Server Fund Drive
« on: August 22, 2011, 09:03:47 AM »
Working on money, as you guys know, I spent a tad more than 4k$ on a ring.

News and Announcements / Re: OCRP map change
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:24:52 AM »
FastDL needs fixed.. i got content and all but im missing shrooms, Tux models
Should be added in the content pack as Crap-Head said he updated it.

I'm scared crap-head uploaded malware into it.
Models and materials cannot contain viruses. This should be common knowledge.

Rofl, you and I both know thats total bullshit.  A material is a picture file, and picture files can contain a virus.  If I remember correctly, thats how virus programs that pose as windows defender options get onto a computer, via an image file.  I would know because this has happened, twice.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: r flags don't work
« on: August 16, 2011, 12:02:49 AM »
Yea, OP+...  why you would need them is beyond me.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« on: August 15, 2011, 11:28:48 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:  Krystal Draconis
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):  Any game? About 6 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Two or three

Character Section

Authorization(s):  Hydraulic Suit, CmD augmentation, and superior marksman and combat/evasive skills.

Name: C18.CCA.GRID-OfC.913
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: CCA/UU

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
Spending an IC two month's developing this suit to better combat units and high command, this suit project was started when 913 was demoted from a Commander to a simple GEAR/GRID 04 unit.  This project is still a WIP.

All of High Command will have access to what the specifics of the suit are, as this is top secret, to an extent. (once karma gives me HC forum access again >.>')

The Augmentations due to being prior CmD, allowing a tad more strength and a bit less personality.

The combat etc due to spending a week ingame training in every possible combat, evasion, and marksman course.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+A LARGE amount of strength, equivalent to that of a SeC, which I am told can lift half a ton due to augments.
+More speed, due to the hydraulics creating a longer and more powerful stride.
+Can jump higher and survive longer falls due to the hydraulic system.
+Can take a lot more damage, due to being outfit with about 150lbs of a polycarbonate iron-chromate (Steel)
+Better accuracy due to HUD that suggests a path of fire and tracks up to five targets.
+Can see through smokes, unaffected by flash-bangs due to lenses.
+Dispenses medicines when injured.
+Volted fist, replacing the need for a stunstick.
+Has access to the combine database equivalent of that units current rank, due to heads up display.
+Compatable with current radio, tech, eliminating need for a handheld radio.
+HUD displays current directives, and is always updating.
+An emergency "switch" which activates when the wearer is in deep shit, dropping all of the armour plates to the ground and leaving the unit armour-less and the hydraulics exposed, but heavily increasing agility and endurance.

-If not properly and constantly trained, the unit becomes reliant on the suit, decreasing his/her actual physical attributes.
-Uses a tremendous amount of power to use the hydraulics due to the weight of the armour.
-Needs to charge once every four ingame hours.
-Prevents one from being remotely flexible.
-The armour itself requires the aid of a powerful machine to place or remove, and when the armour is removed, the hydraulics are exposed.
-The suit can potentially spaz and kill the wearer.
-Hydraulics fail after about 8 stories fall, without the armour, and if landing properly, 4 with the armour.
-If the hydraulics fail, the owner will be immobilized.
-The volt fist uses a high wattage, lessening the amount of time the unit can use it per charge.
-Attacks from the rear can create a large hazard to the unit, as the unit cannot turn as fast, especially when in motion, due to momentum.
-The armour can lock up, also causing immobility.
-Walking on weaker structures MAY cause a collapse, if wearer is not careful, and is fully armoured.
-If someone were to theoretically hack into the CCA's mainframe, they would have total control over the suit, forcing that unit to do the hacker's bidding.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Help create better soldiers for the Universal Union, and to better defend our cities for whatever reasons our benifactors have decided.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Burning Bullet's Helix DvL, Jack-o-lanturns' Helix OfC, and Karma's & Toy's SeC's

Extra Notes (optional):
These are planned to be High Command Standard issue, minus the heavy armour, the heavy armour is for the SeC/CmD/Me.

Also, I wanted auths for having CmD level augmentations, being a prior CmD, as well as auths for enhanced combat skills, due to taking every marksman and combat training course offered, and being better trained than half of OTA. (I literally spent a whole day training with 887 in every possibly way combat, evasive, and marksman wise.)

Sounds legit. You and the players you listed I have seen and know can RP. Try to RP problems with it though.
Accepted ~Statua

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: City18 in a nuttshell
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:45:03 PM »
He ended up being banned for 4 days...

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Ice and his reform to the hl2rp community
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:16:59 AM »
Geez... And Ice is never on CWU, he plays a Level one anti-citizen in the city.

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