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Messages - The Joke

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Accepted Authorizations / Re: Ben Wilks's Authorization Application
« on: January 18, 2012, 04:43:09 PM »
Sorry but...a lot of editing going on here...

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: My Overall Apology
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:43:00 PM »
Dude listen here. Whenever I have RPed with you I have NEVER seen anything wrong with what you do. Everyone makes mistakes IRL and in RP (I should know...) But do not put yourself down. You are a great RPer. A good friend. And all I hope for is that I can RP with you more often :D

//Have fun kiddo

IC Chat / Re: Note on alliance board:
« on: January 12, 2012, 10:59:38 AM »
//Thats the people who I think are the Alliance (Forgot Angus, Frank, and Walter D:)

IC Chat / Re: Note on alliance board:
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:18:12 AM »
*Zak slowly posts this on the board, watching it for a while. Before turning and walking away*

General Discussion / Re: Goodbye: Lock this right away
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:07:31 AM »
Ima miss you Skyler  :'( It was great rping with you too. And I hope whatever has happened in your life, that you make the right decision and live by that. So goodbye  :'(

IC Chat / Re: Note on alliance board:
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:04:26 AM »
//Well its a shame to see you go :/ can you say whats up? or is that private?

Well man, its good news for you I guess. So if you are sure, I respect your decision. But, now you can RP as Walter a bit more! :D

IC Chat / Re: The Chronicles of Mike Boone
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:20:46 PM »
Moar?  :-[

IC Chat / Re: Map Posted in Alliance HQ
« on: January 05, 2012, 05:36:17 PM »
Dude, fucking incredible. No wonder you are the leader :D

Guides / Re: Guns, and how to use them! (S2M, S2K)
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:09:49 PM »
This is more for the Outlands server, due to the fact that on city having guns can be a major problem. Some minges get their hands on them

Guides / Guns, and how to use them! (S2M, S2K)
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:33:08 PM »
Hello, I am The Joke!

These days I can see that on Out lands (mostly), lots of people are starting to get guns, which is good, if you know how to use them.

First of all I want to start off with S2K, S2K stands for "Shoot to kill" really this is something that should be decided between the two parties that are fighting (PM each other if you want to S2K or not) Because sometimes people do not say anything and just kill for the fun of it, you should not make that mistake. I think its a old outdated rule, I am not sure (personally I do not use it and think its a stupid rule). But apparently, if you are at incredibly close range and RP killing someone, then that's allowed? I would not recommend doing this though as if it has not been agreed a lot of people will get angry and you will be blamed :3

S2M! My favourite thing to do. Right, S2M stands for "Shoot to miss" its pretty obvious, but I will say anyway. Basically, if you want just a fun little fire fight (with a reason to do so IC of course), then you RP shooting, and fire your guns in game. For example!

Person one gets up from behind his cover and tries to hit his target
*What you would do here is fire at a wall near your target (not too near, you might actually hit them) and they might either, RP that you hit them, or say that they did not get hit and fire back safely, lets do a example of being hit*

Person 2 gets hit, clutching his arm and screaming out, he tries to make a dash for the door as he cries out in pain
*Now, if you also agreed not to kill ICly then person one might do something like this*

Person one carries on firing trying to hit his target, he hits the wall behind him as he runs out
*Person one could have done lots of options here, he could of said he was reloading and could not fire at his target, anything you can imagine! just make sure that the other player is comfortable with the action you do, and if he says he/she is not, then just go from where you were told not to do that action and do it again correctly!*

I hope this has helped, if you have any questions regarding this post, then just PM me, or find me in game!

Thanks for reading

The Joke

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Alex King's Authorization Application
« on: January 02, 2012, 07:29:22 AM »
Sorry can i just say something? First of all Sicarius Renatus, i did not avoid rp, you just did not continue it. And if you did i am sorry i did not see. Second of all i disconnected to avoid any futher arguments, you gave no identification that the rp was continuing, 3rd of all i never saw you doing a /me so I rped walking out, 4th of all i never flamed, if anyone flamed it was you bitching about how you got shot even when we agreed to do it and you did not pain rp. Also if you do not like me, I do not care. But keep it to yourself instead of telling the world and trying to turn everyone against me. Sawnikdawg I kind of agree, but kind of do not agree. I agree with what happened to Zak Grant was wrong of me to do, i regret what i did and have tried to improve my rp. Also you have not been on your OTA for ages or even rped with me since he died, so you cannot say anything. I think you have tthe wrong Alex King btw, i am not sure. I have never had any characters under 19, so just saying. Lastly, i do agree I may need to improve my RP, but at the same time I think i have improved quite a lot. I do like people pointing out what mistakes I have made as it helps me learn from that mistake. Example: Yesterday Abbott had a character shooting at the Alliance, i went to a window and did not RP traveling to that window, he asked if i had and i agreed to go back and do it again. I am sorry if you think of me as a bad rper, i will try and improve, but overall all I have done is simple mistakes.

Accepted Authorizations / Alex King's Authorization Application
« on: January 01, 2012, 08:03:45 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Joke
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 year

Character Section

A child character who is 14, has minor skills with a knife, and is pretty independent.

Name: Alex King
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Chapter one: Prologue

As Alex stared at the the empty wasteland known as the Out lands from atop his mountain peak, he mourns his parents death. But he knows that this place might be his only chance of survival or death, he was prepared for either, as he stared down at his diary, writing his past experiences, so that he could keep the memories with him forever.

Chapter two: Upbringing

Alex lived comfortably. He did not live in luxury, nor in poverty. He watched people go by his window everyday, knowing they had a story to tell. As Alex jumped down from his bed, and raced down the stairs to get his breakfast. He spotted his father sitting in his favourite leather chair, reading his newspaper as always. As his farther took down his newspaper, he adjusted his glasses before saying "Hello Alex, finally waking up, I see?" Alex looked at him confused, before peering at the clock on the wall. It was mid-day. Alex's eyes widened, "Oh god, I am sorry, I have to go!" Alex quickly grabbed some bread and ran out of the room, running upstairs to put his clothes on. Before racing back down "Don't slam the-" Alex slammed the door shut before racing off "Door..." His mother finished as he left. Alex ran past everyone's homes, saying hello to each person as he went by. The town was small, old, and tired. But the community is what made it whole, everyone seemed to know each other.  As Alex raced into the woods, he found Suzy, "You are late..." She said sternly "I know...sorry, I had a...problem" Suzy smiled "Such a liar!" Alex smiled back before they both raced into the woods, "Right, take your pick." Suzy opened a suitcase, inside it lied so many knives that it filled the entire thing. "Uhh...this one." Alex brought out a large Bowie knife, "Huh...leave me with all the small ones" Suzy smiled as she brought out a kitchen knife "Lets go!" She yelled. racing in front of Alex, Alex smiled again, before racing after her.

Alex and Suzy peered out from behind trees opposite each other. Suzy put her finger to her lips and pointed out a small rabbit. Alex peered out quickly, before nodding silently. Slowly creeping up while the rabbit fed. Until "Get him!" Suzy yelled, as they both leapt for the rabbit. It ran off quickly deeper into the woods, while Suzy and Alex fell on top of each other. Gazing at each other, until Suzy said "Uhh...can you get off?" Alex nodded slowly, sliding off of her. "I'm going to go home..." Suzy said quietly, as Alex watched her leave. Once she had gone Alex ran home.

Chapter three: A new beginning

Alex woke up once more, staring out of his window as he usually did. Before walking down the steps to get breakfast again. He yawned, as usual his father peered down from his newspaper "Morning" he said "I am not late again am I?" His father looked up at the clock " its a Sunday , I did not think you saw Suzy on Sunday?" Alex looked at him blankly, "No...I guess not" He sat down ready for his breakfast, "Eat up" His mother said, as she laid down some bacons and eggs in front of him. He smiled up at her, before digging into his breakfast. "Morning!" Alex's sister appeared in the room. She was two years younger than Alex, but just as smart. "Morning" The room replied. All of a sudden, a flash appeared outside. "What in the world?" His mother pulled the blinds down, peering outside. "Oh my god..." She quickly dropped the plates and tried to get everyone into the attic, "What is it?" The room replied suddenly. Everyone rushed past her trying to peer outside, as Alex go to the bottom of the window he saw it. A large metal cylinder grew out of the ground. "Wow..." Alex murmured to himself as his father tried to pull him away from the window. "Alex. that's enough!" Alex kept peering out, and saw some strange creature appear out of the smoke. Screaming was heard from outside. People ran away, some with the animals attached to their head, they fell over suddenly, almost lifeless. "Into the attic!" Alex heard his father say. They almost ran inside. But one of the shells pierced through their home and into the kitchen. "Shit!" his father yelled as the two girls screamed. Quickly his father grabbed a pair of scissors. "Go, ill hold them off!" He yelled after them "Da-" One of the animals latched themselves to Alex's sisters head "What the fuck!" Alex yelled, as he stood their shocked. "Go Alex, run!" His father yelled, almost crying. Alex did all he could and ran for the window, opening it and squeezing  through, as he saw his family, be killed in front of his very eyes.

Alex ran outside, looking around, tears streaming down his face. He saw people running everywhere in different directions, trying to find some sort of safety. Alex ran to the only place he could, the woods. As he went farther and deeper into the woods, he heard only faint screams, he rested against a tree for a moment, crying his eyes out. He knew that his family were dead, his friends were dead. And that this, had to be a new beginning.

Alex went through the forest, stumbling every so often. Almost blinded by his tears. He kept running. Knowing he had to go somewhere else, somewhere safe. He ran onto a desecrated road, looking left and right. Until he saw a car full of people drive towards him. He stuck his hand up to get the cars attention. It stopped about five metres in front of him and a big, burly man stepped out. He walked towards Alex slowly, before kneeling down and putting his hand on Alex's shoulder and saying "You are safe now.." Alex stepped on the vehicle staring at everyone aboard. All of them were crying softly, knowing that everything that they had, was destroyed. Alex just stuck his head in his arms, before closing his eyes. And drifting to sleep on the bumpy road.

Alex woke up later and stared outside the vans window. He gasped as he saw a desecrated city stand in ruins before him. He just turned, not able to cry any more. And fell back asleep.

A loud voice bellowed "I am stopping here!" Alex woke up suddenly, looking around. Everyone mumbled quietly. The car came to a stop, before the driver got out and opened the back doors, "Everyone out please!" He bellowed. He looked straight at me with sad eyes, not saying a word as i stepped out. "I heard that there was a place just west of here!" Someone yelled out. Everyone looked at him and one woman replied "How do you know that?" He got something out of his backpack and wiggled it "Handheld radio, anyone with half a brain would stock up on this stuff before the apocalypse" Everyone looked at him, not sure what to say. "Comon!" He yelled out. Everyone followed him, including Alex, as they knew there was no where else to go.

Chapter three: The Out lands

As Alex stared at the the empty wasteland known as the Out lands from atop his mountain peak, he mourns his parents death. But he knows that this place might be his only chance of survival or death, he was prepared for either, as he stared down at his diary, writing his past experiences, so that he could keep the memories with him forever. After done with his diary, he hopped down the small mountain, trying to keep upright. Everyone else had already left for this new place, Alex had stayed back to write his diary, unsure of what to say or do any more. He just knew, that his parents would have wanted him to carry on.

Alex finely reached a large pipe system, which was big enough to walk through. He walked around aimlessly, only small hints gave away where people had gone before, and only red lights, to show the way. Finnally a large tunnel appeared to his right, he went into the dark abyss. And when he came out, saw the light, for a second his vision was blinded, but as it disappeared he saw it, The Out lands.  He knew this place was his home from now on. And he knew, all he had to try and do. Was live.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The ability for new role play for me and other Outlands players
Small knife handling skills/survival skills (Being able to skin animals and have quick reactions, to be able to cook. And live in general
He is quite independent this could help in many situations.

He would be very shaken up from what happened before
He would not be very tough
He would have a lot of fears
He might have a hard time trusting people

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to make new RP for me and other people who play Outlands. I believe this character will give very interesting RP, for both me and others.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Masturbate furiously

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