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Messages - Technical Abbreviations

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I don't. Ever. BTW, what is this outside you talk of?
Damn right

General Discussion / Re: SkeptiK - Goals for 2012.
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:58:31 PM »
Can't believe i'm having to do this, but 5% warning for single word post. You're supposed to be upholding the rules and setting an example. Don't do this again.


Anyways, damn I should have made some serious goals ;-;
Learning to make toast without some sort of horrible failure isnt much of a goal

This is going to sound lame, but re-watch MLP or read fandom.
I do go outside on my bike with my brother from time to time....

That's pretty much it, I use to have a social life but now I go college and I'm like fuck yo'bitches.

The bold/underlined words in the above quote shows how fucked up our world is.

Ive got to say, haters gonna hate, and it could be worse (or in my opinion, better ;D )
Click to see the original size.

I don't see how "haters gonna hate" applies to MLP. It's not like anyone who isn't a bronifuck couldn't just turn into one.
Im reading that as anyone who isnt a brony cant become brony. Youre confusing me.

If you wanted to be a brony, you can just become one. So how could we be "haters" when it's as simple as turning into one?
[insert argument of gay people are people too here]

This is going to sound lame, but re-watch MLP or read fandom.
I do go outside on my bike with my brother from time to time....

That's pretty much it, I use to have a social life but now I go college and I'm like fuck yo'bitches.

The bold/underlined words in the above quote shows how fucked up our world is.

Ive got to say, haters gonna hate, and it could be worse (or in my opinion, better ;D )
Click to see the original size.

I don't see how "haters gonna hate" applies to MLP. It's not like anyone who isn't a bronifuck couldn't just turn into one.
Im reading that as anyone who isnt a brony cant become brony. Youre confusing me.

This is going to sound lame, but re-watch MLP or read fandom.
I do go outside on my bike with my brother from time to time....

That's pretty much it, I use to have a social life but now I go college and I'm like fuck yo'bitches.

The bold/underlined words in the above quote shows how fucked up our world is.

Ive got to say, haters gonna hate, and it could be worse (or in my opinion, better ;D )
Click to see the original size.

Social Discussion / Re: RON PAUL 2012
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:26:51 AM »
No jk, I'll either vote for Obama
Not much of a fan of politics... Im more of a "Get youre goddamn act together, you fucking morons" type of person...

News and Announcements / Re: [12/30/2011] Forum Update
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:31:33 PM »
First of all...
Not trying to troll here, its really pissing me off ...

Social Discussion / Re: RON PAUL 2012
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:52:20 PM »
Gents, I have finally found my candidate that I will follow. Ron Paul will change America, and make it what it is supposed to be. I love politics, and which shows as I am in Speech and Debate in my school. I will right my whole report and ideas when the Iowa Caucuses are over. Put in your thoughts about who you want to be the next president and btw, I am in NYC and supporting a Libertarian is saying something big as 75 percent of NYC are liberials (But Im not, Im a moderate)

Santyarev: ... Youre talking about sopa arnt you...
A Fancy Christmas Viking: sopa?
Santyarev: ... Stop online piracy act
A Fancy Christmas Viking: I spend my cash
A Fancy Christmas Viking: yes
A Fancy Christmas Viking: I support sopa
Santyarev: the biggest crapshoot of a bill ever conceived
And you said you were a libertarian, now a moderate. Whu

Creations / Re: Free signaturs! [One time offer]
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:44:09 PM »
Colors: What fits the theme, brown in general
Theme: Stalker CoP
Text: (like: Zynced) Degtyarev
Size: 600x200-250 (about :\)

/ vague as fuck
Okay, i will try.
Will await

Suggestions / Re: Minecraft Board
« on: December 30, 2011, 01:56:00 PM »
Good idea! I play minecraft some times but I found that is a rather boring game after you have built some crazy stuff. 2 years ago I built the Capital Building. Most of Washington DC I built.
I never had the patience for large scale buildings... I just did redstone and such
But yeah an MC board be nice for those who play, share ideas and whatnot among cg

Support & Help / Re: Thread is gone after forum (2nd) update
« on: December 30, 2011, 12:20:59 PM »
Any PMs send soon before update seem to be gone along with the thread. Im missing 1-2 myself... :c

All this drama is not needed...

Some of the demotions might be too harsh and could get off with a warning, but why is there so much drama created every time someone is demoted for making a mistake?

They will have a chance to get admin again if they werent demoted for something major.
You cant just take it w/o saying anything, itll just turn you to someones bitch.

I really don't think there needs to be some revolution here. I think Crazy should get admin back, but that is my opinion. I really don't think there needs to "WE WANT OUR RIGHTS ROFL" when he is the guy who pays for this. Its like going to someone's house and freeloading them, then telling them their food tastes like crap. Yea, maybe it does taste a little like crap,  but its free and it should be the way he wants it.
If hes a bad cook thats a thing, but when the food is intentionally cooked poorly, its a bit much
Yayaya rofl owns the host, good for him, but removing decent admins and letting an entire server go to waste for shit and giggles wont keep him hosting too much longer

General Discussion / Re: New Years Eve Wishes
« on: December 28, 2011, 12:43:57 PM »
I have a freind who's resolution is to quit drinking alchohal! That is a good one!
Nice double post

Media / Re: glitch hop??
« on: December 28, 2011, 09:29:48 AM »

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