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Messages - [FPSN]Bokslag

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IC Chat / Re: City 45 news! Applications open!
« on: June 18, 2011, 08:39:51 PM »
OOC section.
Reason you want to join:

Any buisness licenses/BM flags:Nope

One paragraph backstory: Arny Leonard was born in Ireland. He was born into a family of two, him and his brother. His mother had disappeared from his life when he was young and whenever he asked about her, his father got a dark look in his eyes and muttered something about keeping your mouth shut. He never quite found out where she went but as he got older he formed his own ideas. He usually helped his father look after the fishing boats. He wasn't much of a fisher -that was his brothers job- but he was good with numbers and maths and was in charge of the money in the family. Of course, he wasn't give this responsibility until he was older. Eventually is father got injured in a fishing accident and never fully recovered. Luckily, his brother and him were ready to take over the business and did it with ease.

But, when the Combine came his brother was sent to another city far away while Arny and his father were sent together. Rumor has it that his brother was killed in some criminal activity. Arny soon joined the CWU there which had a newspaper called ''The Vigilant Times''. He was an assistant Journalist there and helped organize meeting and prepare questionnaires and let sit in to listen to the meeting and give his insights. He was never allowed to talk in the meetings though. Unfortunately, he was sent away from his father to City45 where he soon found this newspaper and this is where it ends for now.

IC section.
Name: Arny Leonard
CID: N/A (Get in a second now)
Age: 21
Birthdate: 1997 (I THINK that this server is set in 2018. Not too sure.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dark Brown
Job you will do: Journalist
Reason you want to join us: I'm looking for a good, reliable job that I'll enjoy. I'm a good Journalist and I think I'm good with people. This is a good past time for me when I'm staying in the city although I know that it won't all be easy work. I worked in the CWU in another city and I did well there, even though I just started there and I was at a fairly low rank. I think I'm ready to step up and do this job, as it doesn't seem like that much of a difference from the other city. I was an assistant Journalist so I chose journalist this time, move up a step in life. The Newspaper in the other city was quite successful, the owner was a very honourable man. It was called ''The Vigilant Times''. We had a group vote on that and I think it was a good choice. We could do the same with this neibourhood? I haven't seen a name on any of the signs or advertisements so it's an option.

Have you ever been detained, if so, explain: Never, and I have Loyalist status if that helps you decide.

Sign below.
Arny Leonard

Additional notes: Couple of things, will we have a badge and what about pay, if there is any? (I don't mind about pay by the way)

Hm... Seems all good, but you forgot the Reason you want to join in OOC. Fix that, and accepted for interview. Oh and, also, you will get payed, but it's not like Every day, you get so much, or even every issue.
NOTE: all Accepted need an interview.

OOC section.
Reason you want to join: So I can have some fun passive RP while not on my CP.

Any business licenses/BM flags: Nope.avi

One paragraph backstory: Damien lived a normal life in England. He was in the middle class money-wise, so he lived an okay life. His father left him when he was six, and his father was an alcoholic. His mother did the best to take care of him, but it was a tough life growing up. When Damien left his mother's house, he was sad. But, in his sadness, he felt courageous. He was ready to take on the world. He worked as a journalist for the local news, getting stories. Damien had one eye that was bad, so, reasonably he wore a monocle. He lived life regularly, not much to do. However, that all changed soon enough when the Combine came. He was interviewing someone who had just accidentally killed her cat with boiling tea, when suddenly blue portals began popping up in the sky. Screams filled the country, and people were trampled on their way to their homes. Large, strange creatures began cropping up. Soldiers in bulky large suits began dropping from the sky, using some sort of alien gun. (AR2) Of course, with everyone else, Damien ran for his life to his apartment. From there, the rest of most of his life was a blur.
(1 year later)
Damien has been shipped to C18, and is living life as a malnourished citizen. He gets rations regularly with everyone else, his mind blanking whenever he drinks the water. He's gradually becoming more and more oppressed, more looking up to the Combine.
(A few months later)
Something went wrong in C18, so Damien has been shipped to C45. He must re-earn his trust with people in town, and try to avoid getting beaten. First impressions always count, so Damien makes himself quiet and minds his own business. Suddenly, a news area crops up. It's called the City 45 News, so he goes and he signs himself up as a Journalist.

IC section.
Name: Damien Revelin
CID: 98965
Age: 24
Birthdate: 1994
Eye color: Turquoise
Hair color: Black
Job you will do: (Writer, supplier, editor, Journalist, delivery worker. NOTE: for supply, you must have v flags or general goods) Journalist
Reason you want to join us: So I can get to know some things about the city and have some fun with it, also I was a journalist before the combine came, and I want to relive that.
Have you ever been detained, if so, explain: Nope, never.

Sign below.
Damien Revelin
Accepted, But... You might want another job. Someone needs to be a writer and an editor.

OOC section.
Reason you want to join: I would like to have some more roleplay, passive roleplaying all by myself does get boring.

Any buisness licenses/BM flags:

One paragraph backstory: It's hard making a story using the wiki when most of it is confirmed, but here's my shot.

Danny Matthews, when he was around 5 years old. Xen invaded the earth, killing his mother, he had a brother who was 15 years old and a father which was 32. He and his brother weren't the best friends, they had to do with each other, the death of his mother had hit them and their father very hard. He never talked to anyone, he ignored everyone when they went to the ruins of the city, a lot of people lived there most of them became rebels later on, he did talk to his family, but not in a personal way. As if they were colleagues. Still scared of the portal storms that kept hitting the surroundings, he began to get used to it all. His father was a scientist, he had invented a power shield a month after the Xen came in. It kept the monsters away, he never understood how it kept the aliens inside his house or surroundings away, but nevertheless he never was curious about it. If they left him be himself it was fine to him. It was still scary because new forms kept coming. Some were friendly, some were dangerous.

He continued to live his life as combine took over earth in 7 hours. The combine only bothered them once. They were to inspect the house, he never understood why. He thought it was because they were checking for contraband. He was getting old now. 2011 he was 16 years old, he went to the city that used to be ruined. Now it's full of combine. There were fights, rebels tried. But the combine always had an advantage in technology, and the rebels. They had nothing, spare weapons. Danny himself, never underestimated the combine and obeyed them. His social skills started to come back when he got bored of his house and started to visit the city.... City 45..

IC section.
Name: Danny Matthews
CID: #04902
Age: 21
Birthdate: June 3rd, 1995
Eye color: Blue eyes.
Hair color: Suede but bold.
Job you will do: Journalist. // This would add more roleplay, since I only have citizens and no other jobs it would encourage me to play HL2RP far more often, if position is filled I would also like to help the writer with mistakes he made, editor. \\
Reason you want to join us: I'm a quick chatter, when my mother died I hated everyone, didn't talk to anyone, I have grown over that and I think my social skills are better then they were before. I was always afraid of the combine, but I do know this. Don't annoy them in any kind of way, and they will accept you. //OOC: Do I work for the combine?
Have you ever been detained, if so, explain: No.

Sign Below.


Danny Matthews,
You didn't say if you have licenses or Black market. If you do, you may want supplier. Other than that, accepted.

To all who have applied, and want to apply. We need at least 1 of each job to start, aaand, you CAN have two jobs. So you could be a journalist who also passes the papers around to people. Also, delivery workers get the most steady pay, every paper they sell, they get a margin of the profit.

IC Chat / Re: Cristina Rizzo's Diary
« on: June 18, 2011, 06:26:44 PM »
Dear diary
I got shot today... By a CCA unit. One of the other ones... 399, healed me. I am feeling a bit better now, I can walk around my apartment, and I got an amazing mirror. I am trying to start up a giornale. Io vado a dormire ora...

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: The Resisting.
« on: June 18, 2011, 06:02:51 PM »
Yes please. I want, REALLY WANT, to be interogated for being in a group. That would be epic RP! I hope the CCA get tougher.

IC Chat / Re: Newspaper (name to come. Anything really, to come)
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:31:20 PM »
Apps are open people!

IC Chat / Citadel Daily Official Thread.
« on: June 18, 2011, 03:52:41 PM »
(IC) Notices: 6/20/2016| Welcome to the new city, We are going to, hopefully, have our first newspaper by friday, //Where I live it's monday today\\ I hope to see all my workers working hard this week!

Job descriptions:
Writer: Pretty obvious, you are the one who writes the paper.
Editor: You find the writer's mistakes.
Journalist: Interview people, find stories, Ect.
Supplier: You need a general goods license for this. You supply us.
Delivery worker. Easiest job, you deliver the written papers to the people, and take their money.

City45 news roster.
CEO: Cristina Rizzo.
CO-CEO: John Rane
Writers: Abele Capardo
Editors: Sesmo Iridimo, William D. Harrington.Damien revelin.
Journalists: Danny Matthews, Sesmo Iridimo, Damien Revelin, Abele Capardo
Delivery workers: Danny Matthews, Michael Goldberg.

All papers we have written are below
(No papers yet.)

Guides / Re: Gambling (Namely, dice.)
« on: June 18, 2011, 01:22:17 PM »
You got the problem with 96 because you didn't round it up.
If i round it up to 17, 17x6 is 102. So there would be less of a chance to get sixes. Which may sort of make sense, because in general 6 is better, but dice have 6, equal sides. so no. Also, changed yellow to... eh.... green?

And to this:
Sounds good!
I may be mistaken but is the dice OOC?
Also, do you mean that Gambling is illegal IRL or IC?

I am not sure I understand, but the /roll command rolls a number 0-100. The dice are an IC item you'd pretend you rolled. Then, for each dice you roll you would use /roll, and use the chart up there. If I misunderstood, tell me. And it's illegal in the game is what I meant.

Guides / D6 conversion.
« on: June 18, 2011, 12:29:06 AM »
D6 Conversion

Alright, I think I have finally found a use for the /roll system. Gambling! Namely, dice games. Alright, so how it would work is between X and X is 1. Here is the chart I figured using the fact that 100/6 = 16.66666666666666
1-17 = 1
18-34 = 2
35-51 = 3
52-68 = 4
69-85 = 5
86-100 = 6

But here is the problem, if you /roll 86-100, It's slightly less of a chance (eg. 1-17 = 17 where 86-100 = 16). A simple fix is avoid things where 6 less chance can unbalance the game
Note: Yes, I realize gambling is illegal, in the HL2 universe. IÂ’m just putting this out there.

Edited and approved by Statua

Yankee, remember how I can;t download from Still applies, please post me a nice download on ma steam page if you have the time. Thanks! :)

IC Chat / Cristina Rizzo's Diary
« on: June 17, 2011, 05:42:59 PM »
Dear diary,
These bastardo Polizia think they can do whatever they want! Just because they have guns and weapons! Cazo! They ripped up all my notes on the scanners! I was just admiring them! Cristo... Dio mio these polizia are Idiota... But luckily, I found Fratello mio, balisio. It is nice to know someone here... That;s all for now

General Discussion / Re: My livestream
« on: June 12, 2011, 06:38:06 PM »
Amniesia the dark decent.
Or minecraft.
Maybe even... something else.

IC Chat / Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« on: June 12, 2011, 01:55:22 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
                                             Clearance: 02
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 000013
Text: I haven't done a log in a while, probably because I have been in stasis WAAAY too long. Well, good news, I got promoted! 509 is the new DvL and I asked him for a promotion, he stopped me midway and said he wanted to promote me anyway! So, now ?I have a new primary directive, I'm not sure how much I can say about it in this log, as 509 wants it kept a bit... Quiet, and I am not sure who can and can not read these logs. So... that's about it. 729, For the union!

// If someone meta's this and goes up to me and says "I know you have a new directive, wat is it?" I will have a horrible, deadly, spasm. That is all.

Saving File under Log: 000013
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

IC Chat / Re: John Joost's Log
« on: June 07, 2011, 09:09:49 AM »
// They cyber about every 10 minutes, real life time. Whether it be in a dark alley, an apartment they rented, an apartment they just walked into, in the bar, behind the generator, behind a dumpster, in a tunnel, in the sewers, they do it.
It's untrue. Mostly it's just talk actually.

IC Chat / Re: John Joost's Log
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:15:59 AM »
John Joost's Log
Oh,My,GOD. She, we.. god.. That was...

IC Chat / Re: John Joost's Log
« on: June 05, 2011, 04:52:07 PM »
* All there is on the page is a scratched out picture of the sun*

Civil Workers Union / Re: [CWU] Union Cafe Applications
« on: June 05, 2011, 03:50:21 PM »
Ffuuu, Sorry, missed that bottom part. Sorry bout that.

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