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Messages - BltElite

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Suggestions / Re: Meth, even once.
« on: April 30, 2013, 05:14:33 PM »
Different skill book for meth production.


Accepted Suggestions / Re: Starting your car
« on: April 30, 2013, 12:59:01 PM »
Yeah this is a good idea, and maybe have a 1/2 second delay from pressing R with the engine starting sound so they can't just drive off.

It won't stop people driving off as its just hit e to get in then hit r, only one extra button its not a big deal for running off if they're trying. A half second delay is a good idea though, and I still like the idea.


Suggestions / Re: "admin to me" detection?
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:27:59 AM »
What would be cool is if there was something available to the admins that will let them put in these sort of phrases themselves, and anytime someone does "/a INSERT PHRASE HERE" it will tell them to be more specific or whatever. That would help Craphead or whichever coder by not having them put in every phrase themselves.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
so basically if someone sends a report, we could have the option to either teleport or send them with a message "Please resend your report and include your location and what you need help with."

I would really like this. Also, while on the topic of this, can we have the f2 option pop up for every report? Not just ones with key words?
Perhaps have a menu we can go on where it comes up with reports from last 10 minutes or so with a log of them;

jon doe  |  rdm at bp  | 5 minutes ago
rolfwofl  |  stuck in wall at drugdealer | 8 minutes ago

and so on with a button to tp to them or something to the side of it also?

Suggestions / Re: "admin to me" detection?
« on: April 30, 2013, 10:41:40 AM »
You want to block a phrase when a player says "stuck help"? So you're just going to let him stay glitched in a wall or vehicle?...
Sometimes teleporting isn't a good idea depending on whats going on, and them just saying 'stuck help' without saying where isn't very helpful

Suggestions / Re: "admin to me" detection?
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:13:09 AM »
Yes! Pleaseplease do this! Perhaps block other phrases such as just saying stuck help and them sort of ones that just dont help us at all

Support & Help / Re: Computer question.
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:29:35 AM »
I severely advise against that PC. My school had a batch of them and they absolutely sucked with the system setup, which wasn't even games.

I suggest building your own PC, the price of that will get you a barebones setup and you can scavange other pc's/freinds for cases or other little bits easily normally.

Denied Suggestions / Re: Motor bikes
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:36:05 AM »
They would end up handling like ATV's because I don't know if the current vehicle scripts will support two wheels.
This basiclly

The models are fine and anims make it look like a bike, but it doesn't handle fully like a bike

Suggestions / Re: Extra weapons mabey?
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:14:25 PM »
Maybe in certain places yes, but it looks really silly when everyone walks around with 3 billion weapons on them, we need some variation and less military grade weapons IMO

Suggestions / Re: iPhone radio
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:13:27 PM »
What if the iPhone radio played music we placed in a folder? Like a real MP3 player.
  Make submissions on the forums for the music to be added?  If aproved and clean it can be added to the server?
Too much content to download. Either stream or have a folder for you to put your own in is the best way to do it or we will end up with a 10gb content pack with 99% of it full of music
Make a radio station in the server?  You would have to use your mic for this though sadly, it transfers your voice over the radio, two stations, one for the government of the city, mayor can buy this, and one for the peoples radio, you use HLDJ for the music station, I have seen this done on many servers.
We have cgFM which does exactly what you've described but with proper stuff and programs rather than HLDJ

Suggestions / Re: iPhone radio
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:58:40 PM »
What if the iPhone radio played music we placed in a folder? Like a real MP3 player.
  Make submissions on the forums for the music to be added?  If aproved and clean it can be added to the server?
Too much content to download. Either stream or have a folder for you to put your own in is the best way to do it or we will end up with a 10gb content pack with 99% of it full of music

Suggestions / Re: Extra weapons mabey?
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:57:27 PM »
I'd like to see the old PERP uzi, or even any other uzi added into OCRP2. I do agree we've been using the same weapons for a good while now and some change/additions couldn't really hurt.
I agree. Even if its just a model change and still a few pistols, a couple smgs and rifles I think are fine.

Perhaps we could try and do a few more weapons that people would have at home rather than desert eagles and aks/m4's?

Like hunting rifles and that sort of line of things. You don't see hundreds of people with an m4a1 in their house realisticly

The first shitty nokia phone should also double as a baseball bat, they're like bricks.

Im in agreement with cheaper phones with less features but not having 30000 smartphones that do the same thing as its more stuff to download just to have a different asthetic. get diff skins yourselves

Maybe a better idea for headlights at least to be binder to +flashlight ??

Suggestions / Re: OCRP Police car idea...
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:06:38 AM »
I support an SUV. Perhaps improving the dodges handling to not be a bitch all the time would be nice too.

Suggestions / Re: Weather.
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:50:46 AM »
Rain and tornados on perp weren't bad, and were either able to be turned down or off completely

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