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News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:01:39 PM »
Now craphead, set your playtime back to 0 so youll have to grind up for weeks like everyone else, just so you can go swat and do a proper raid.
Come on craphead, lets do it...

To inform you, I already reset mysel to 2 hours when coding the system for gold members to have free jobs. I'm on 7 hours now from dev server and the live server.

And if I want to change it back to 2 days, well then I will do that. I never go swat nor mayor seeing as I'm either busy coding updates for all of you guys on OCRP, or I administrate the server or having a life.

Anything else you want to dig up now that you are shitposting in another update thread?
Its not shitposting, Im trying to get you to understand why almost the entire OCRP community hates the incredibly long playtime for swat. Reducing playtime for golds and vips for the rest of the jobs, yes, good. But swat and mayor? Were still talking weeks before any raiding by police can occur, because there is no mayor, and no chief. Why do you continue to set it up so that all the police can do are yell at you to stop growing weed next to windows? It failed badly on semi-serious OCRP, what makes you think it will succeed here? Its still promoting crimeRP over any other kind of RP. If you continue for force idea this then OCRP will become nothing more than darkRP with cars.

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:37:09 PM »
Now craphead, set your playtime back to 0 so youll have to grind up for weeks like everyone else, just so you can go swat and do a proper raid.
Come on craphead, lets do it...

Social Discussion / Re: People are monsters
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:40:53 PM »
delete all my topics please
... Huh?

General Discussion / Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:38:39 PM »
It wasn't attracting any new players. I said that we'd give it 2 weeks, and if either
A) v33x pulled in new players(regardless of whether or not V2D was populated)
B) Both servers averaged roughly 20 players for a good amount of the day(and at the same time)
then we'd keep them up. However, none of the above happened and OCRP can't sustain itself on the same players(for more then a few months, that is.)
Yes but think, craphead himself told everyone that it would take several weeks for the server to start up, due to the stupid long playtime. For the average player it can take 3-4 weeks just to have gotten cop. But shutting it down after 2 weeks for "lolfailure" is only setting it up to intentionally fail. How can you say that the server failed under those circumstances?

General Discussion / OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:17:32 PM »
* Degtyarev flips table
I dont see much point of OCRP if rules are enforced as strongly and a 1 weight contraption. RDM is only frowned upon, fail driving gets other players yelling, and so on, and so on, a complete lack of rules in the name of liteRP.
Its funny though, because the semiserious server couldnt have been any more serious, seeing as there were no additional rules. That means that the rules were mildly enforced, and still encouraged failRP and general lack of RP. All it was was a map change, not the creation of a semi-serious server. Not much different than putting darkRP on an hl2rp map and call it hl2rp. I would say the main reason for its failure was that fact that there was no police and no mayor. Half a dozen "regulars" I guess you can call them, that I know of, more or less quit because of this. Why play on  a server where youre not allowed to do anything other than shoot other players and AFK to grow weed? So how can you call it a failure if you didnt let it begin? Craphead said it himself, that it would take several weeks for the server to get started, yet it was shut down this early. Yes, there was fail driving, but those rules were hardly enforced, and there were no police to deal with it in an RP manner. But on the opposite end, there was lots of passive RP. Izzie's almost always had a small party going, and there were often 2 shops going at once, competing for low prices and the public's desire.
So I ask, how can you call it a failure if you yourself, craphead, said that the server would take weeks to start up?

Donation Questions and Trades / Trading OCRP money for gold membership
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:51:30 PM »
Yeah its about time I do this. Willing to trade 350k for gold membership(25USD). Pretty simple, the usual bits apply. (Through admin and all that)

News and Announcements / Re: [2/11/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #7
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:08:32 PM »
WAY too far craphead. Thats months without a half-decent police force, as in, say, more than 2 police at a time. Why not make everything, at most, 1 day. Thats still a very long time ( 2 weeks - a month for the first players to appear). It might sound like a short time, but 24 hours in game is nothing to laugh at. At the very least, allow playtime to go up, but players to use these jobs for the first month, so that at least 1 person by then can perform one of these jobs

Social Discussion / Re: Drama School
« on: February 11, 2012, 06:15:33 AM »
Thats better than most schools actually.

Social Discussion / Re: How should I handle this?...
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:17:34 PM »
Please do not misread this! I do not like the VIEWS of a communist or liberal. Now that does not mean I hate the person now does it. This is what needs people need to understand. The same with religion. (No, Im not a commie, just because my avatar says that dosen't mean Im a commie)

Do what I do. Say nothing.

General Discussion / Re: Video card(s)
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:23:05 PM »
Ok but i mentioned in first post that i have to get these cards now because of the fact that my friend wants to buy my current ones. I also want something newer so i dont have to upgrade video cards in 2 years.
Go with the 560TI then, it will bottleneck, but it will work

General Discussion / Re: Video card(s)
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:20:21 PM »
Well i have no idea how this stuff works, so thats why i made this topic. If i am able to overclock my CPU would it still bottleneck the card(s)? Ive read on other forums that people can overclock the core 2 quad Q9400 to 3.0GHz or more.
As blt, bottleneck... And there arnt many CPUs on the 755 socket that wouldnt bottleneck, and none that are well priced.
Honestly if you want to get 500 series or later, start saving for a new mobo, ram, and cpu too... That prebuilt is due for a rebuild anyways.
Those 260s should get you part enough.

General Discussion / Re: Video card(s)
« on: February 01, 2012, 01:36:48 AM »
Well if i were to get 2 GTX560ti's, would it work alright with my computer?

Off topic: plz fix ur sig its too big :c
2 560s would waste money, but it would work. Dont know if your CPU would bottleneck it though.

Off topic: Bad Behavior has blocked 19349 access attempts in the last 7 days.
And blame karma for not allowing spoilers

General Discussion / Re: Video card(s)
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:26:26 PM »
Just not 580. Its shitty plan, always. Its a renamed OC'd 570
The warranty on that prebuilt of yours expire? Otherwise you'd be voiding warranty.
Also 2 560s is unneeded. They will play just about anything maxed out alone.

General Discussion / Re: Photoshop?
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:23:22 PM »

Erm... Wrong section

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