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Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:29:56 PM »
Everyones argument for WW3 being completely and utterly impossible for the sole reason that "It would be bad". This amuses me to watch.
Look, that fact is, it will happen, and nuke probably wont be very involved, because thats foolish, and the entire damn world realizes that. Any gov who uses a nuke in a war will have half the world population at the capital beating on the door with some very sharp instruments. Why are you all so obsessed with nuclear weapons? WW3 will come, like it or not, but its unlikely to be nuclear. Im not saying it will come next week, or soon even. For all I know it will be a century or even a millennium from now, but chaos will always spring up, and saying "chaos isnt good" wont stop that. What can go wrong, will go wrong. I wont even try to assume how it will occur, like you guys seem to be...

Wow you basically just tried to undermine almost 40 years of history :L
Ofc nukes will be involved just not in the sense that you are thinking. Nukes will be involved as a failsafe for the superpowers, which is what the cold war was. Anyone who tries to attack the superpowers e.g. China trying to invade USA because USA will pull their nukes out and say one more step and we blow you up and china will say, we will blow you up. Bam you have a stalemate. Again.

It won't "happen". War will happen, war always happens but the entire world won't split into two sides because they wouldn't be able to fight. A war between superpowers plays out as political manoeuvres, economic strategies and technological advances. Big countries might fight little countries but the main contenders won't throw any punches at each other. The idea of "ww3" is foolish.

Also don't try to undermine my argument by making it sound simplistic, it was much more in-depth than "It would be bad" etc.
Wow you basically just tried to undermine almost 40 years of history :L
Ofc nukes will be involved just not in the sense that you are thinking.
* Degtyarev counts the numerous number of times that nuclear bombs have been used as a typical explosive in wars
Yeah, not really. People are not going to be using them like you're saying otherwise US would drop bombs is the middle east because they arnt giving us free oil. You clearly dont understand how a single nuclear explosion a doesnt just affect the area of its explosion, it affects a good chunk of the planet.

It won't "happen". War will happen, war always happens but the entire world won't split into two sides because they wouldn't be able to fight. A war between superpowers plays out as political manoeuvres, economic strategies and technological advances. Big countries might fight little countries but the main contenders won't throw any punches at each other. The idea of "ww3" is foolish.
* Degtyarev counts the numerous irrational people put into power of a large country
You realize thats a lot, correct? Youre arguments for it being impossible for third world war to occur are "big guns exist" and "only good natured and rational people are put into positions of power"

And genocides are myths and wars are fought with baguettes and plastic shields...

General Discussion / Re: Post Your Computer Stuff
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:43:37 AM »
CPU: 2600k @ 4ghz
Mobo: Asus p9p67 duxluxe
RAM: G.Skill 8GB @ 1600mhz
GPU: 2x 570s (I normally have 1 disabled for lower power use)
ODD: Disk drives for massive epeen
PSU: 750 watt, certified gold I believe? Forgot and too lazy to open case.
Case: HAFX
Monitor(s): 1920x1080, 120hz, 3d able, and most importantly, Asus.
OS: Windows7 hurr

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:12:58 AM »
Everyones argument for WW3 being completely and utterly impossible for the sole reason that "It would be bad". This amuses me to watch.
Look, that fact is, it will happen, and nuke probably wont be very involved, because thats foolish, and the entire damn world realizes that. Any gov who uses a nuke in a war will have half the world population at the capital beating on the door with some very sharp instruments. Why are you all so obsessed with nuclear weapons? WW3 will come, like it or not, but its unlikely to be nuclear. Im not saying it will come next week, or soon even. For all I know it will be a century or even a millennium from now, but chaos will always spring up, and saying "chaos isnt good" wont stop that. What can go wrong, will go wrong. I wont even try to assume how it will occur, like you guys seem to be...

General Discussion / Re: Most Stupid War In History?
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:20:34 AM »
I think some of you are confused on the definition of "war":
Noun: A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

This means arguing about internet censorship is not a war, it's a legal decision.  Drugs are also not a war as it does not involve another nation or state, it's civil enforcement.

With that said, Vietnam was a depressingly bad move.
"A conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation"
Words are as much of a weapon as gun or sword, so the war on piracy, is indeed a war.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:54:14 PM »
The people who are "Suspected" to cause World War 3;

North Korea - No, they're incapable of causing a large scale war, a lot of the contact between North Korea and any other country has been dismantled, North Korea is a very isolated country, and they won't be willing to expand their territories, unless they're given a golden opportunity, which pretty much means; Never.

China - Nope, they get their own resources from trade through countries like Iran, and China is focusing on sustainable growth and renewable resources and energy.

Russia - Never, they have plenty of natural gases to trade and use, they are also focusing on renewable energy too.

America - Most likely, because they pissed off pretty much most of the world in the middle east and Asia.

Europe - I don't see much imperialism going on, apart from the United Kingdom, but otherwise they're trolling the citizens that they have to pay higher taxes to "bail out" poor countries.

Iran - Nope, they simply have the ability to create nuclear power, how fucking cute. America has over 300 nuclear missiles and are still producing more powerful ones, Iran are, rightfully afraid of the U.S. building military bases AROUND THEIR COUNTRY.

"Al-Qaeda" or "Tu'rrism" as W pronounces - Never, they have no capability to causing a large scale war, they never will, they rely on buying foreign weapons and foreign training.
Incapable of causing a large war. How cute. What caused WWl? The assassination of 1 man, and a lot of tension. What does the world have now? A lot of tension. Its really a matter of time, though its unlikely to happen very soon

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:31:24 PM »
Wait am I being trolled? WW3 is an impossible event, it cannot happen for many reasons. Some of those reasons are:

1. Super powers (USA, China etc.) won't fight because of Mutually assured destruction, we can learn from the cold war that it won't happen. Not to mention that we are much more grown up then we used to be, we don't just start world wars

2. The countries that might war each other our 3rd world countries and are economically unstable and full of extremist politicians. They might rant on about war but at the end of the day we will have USA rush in there and then we have a Super power vs Guerrilla war, which ends up in deaths and no victors. Oh and that isn't a world war is it?

3. North Korea and South Korea won't fight because the North won't want to fire off nukes cause they will win and the south has a huge army so the north won't invade like that any way

And the reasons go on. This ain't MW3. This ain't Homefront. This ain't a damn video game. The world is too big now days for a world war to start, when you look at it back in ww1 and ww2 countries still believed in having empires and controlling the world. That don't exist. If China wants to rule the world they will do it economically because amazingly the leaders aren't nuke happy morons.

Oh and to a point earlier nukes are HUGE now days. 1 Nuke would be enough to take out countries as big as Russia and America. They generaly have a massive initial radius but then they jam pack the war head with smaller nukes which leads to all kinds of fun. So you wouldn't need to "carpet bomb" American with nukes.

Now please stop with the 1950s Communist threat paranoia. WW3 is not coming. We are not all going to be irradiated freaks in 20 years time. Look at the facts and get on with your lives.

Your friendly neighborhood panda :3
Its something that will happen eventually though. Anything that can go wrong, will. Were you never taught that? Given enough time, the world will cripple itself by war, because one angry guy was in a position of power. It could be a year from now, a century, a several millenia from now, but its going to happen.
Saying it wont happen because we have "big guns" is a horrible argument by the way...

General Discussion / Re: The first game you played as a child.
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:08:28 PM »
Gameboy color, pokemon gold c:

But for PC, the glorious Titan quest.

General Discussion / Re: A suggestion and solution.
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:53:13 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Dead Island
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:32:42 AM »
Dont buy the game, keys are leaked and you could get the game for free or 1$
They were...?

General Discussion / Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:42:46 PM »
Here is also how it is, in semi-serious, I never saw anything passive like shops, contests, etc. But in lite, I see those all the time. Basically semi-serious was a server for people for lite without a stable economy or anywhere around it.
Me and wake are excluded from the "when exclipse is online time" I assume. Because when you were on, multiple times, both me and wake were competing with eachother, there was almost always something going on at izzies, and occasionally a few other things. The reason v33 failed so bad is because craphead doomed it from the start with the playtime, saying it would take weeks for the server to start up, while he knew the server had 2 weeks to prove itself. I dont mean to sound like an asshat making accusations, but Im saying it how its seen.

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:33:23 PM »
Yes also that the p228 has less penetration than the glock (but it still has its good damage)

Pretty sure every weapon should have the same penetration "power". Some walls are to thick for it to go threw btw.
Not true from what Ive been checking on it. No gun will penetrate 3 concrete cades, but occasionally, and m4 will. Very few guns will penetrate 2 concrete cades, bu the m4, ak, 57, and the DE will (all weapons that are normally good for penetration in reality). If this penetration bit is going to be kept, which I hope it is not, different weapons should have different penetration

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:30:40 AM »
Now all we need, crap head, is the damn model changer. And i say that the bugatti shouldnt be 1.85 mil because who has that much? AND PLEASE put the amount of weed you get for growing back to normal it makes growing super boring when i wait 15 minutes for 12 weed. Mmkay? I want it to be i wait 15 mins for like 96 weed.

Try doing RP on an RP server.
What a concept

This is a public server with a scripted gamemode and weak moderation. You are NEVER going to get proper RP like that, and you'll only alienate the playerbase you have by assuming otherwise.

Also, it's a bit hypocritical of you to criticize him for not passively RPing when all you've been doing in this thread is whining that you can't play SWAT. Crime RP isn't any less valid.
Swat performs crimeRP by growing superweed.
I never run shops.
Ive never hosted events.
I am hypocrite for supporting passive rp.
All clearly true facts.
Please try to make sense of what you say. Youre saying that passiveRP should not exist in that comment, and I hope that was not intentional.
Also bullet penetration is horrid...

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:30:33 PM »
Now all we need, crap head, is the damn model changer. And i say that the bugatti shouldnt be 1.85 mil because who has that much? AND PLEASE put the amount of weed you get for growing back to normal it makes growing super boring when i wait 15 minutes for 12 weed. Mmkay? I want it to be i wait 15 mins for like 96 weed.

Try doing RP on an RP server.
What a concept

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:11:44 PM »
Main reason to put that time limit on is to get everybody to actually play OCRP to gain a nice job like swat or mayor. When did I say it was to limit abuse? That was for the police officers. This is to get everybody to have another goal in OCRP, gain access to these two jobs that IMO is the two best jobs, also the two ones that got a good paycheck.

You need to gain something new. This is not something you can buy with your millions of money gained over the years. That is a good reason IMO. Everything in OCRP evolves around money. This time, I've added something new that doesn't evolve about money.
I agree with you that it shouldnt be all about massive amounts of money, but I hardly think that encouraging crimeRP will get you far in that direction.

News and Announcements / Re: [2/20/2012] Orange Cosmos RP 1.5 Update #8
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:46:29 PM »
Now craphead, set your playtime back to 0 so youll have to grind up for weeks like everyone else, just so you can go swat and do a proper raid.
Come on craphead, lets do it...

To inform you, I already reset mysel to 2 hours when coding the system for gold members to have free jobs. I'm on 7 hours now from dev server and the live server.

And if I want to change it back to 2 days, well then I will do that. I never go swat nor mayor seeing as I'm either busy coding updates for all of you guys on OCRP, or I administrate the server or having a life.

Anything else you want to dig up now that you are shitposting in another update thread?
Its not shitposting, Im trying to get you to understand why almost the entire OCRP community hates the incredibly long playtime for swat. Reducing playtime for golds and vips for the rest of the jobs, yes, good. But swat and mayor? Were still talking weeks before any raiding by police can occur, because there is no mayor, and no chief. Why do you continue to set it up so that all the police can do are yell at you to stop growing weed next to windows? It failed badly on semi-serious OCRP, what makes you think it will succeed here? Its still promoting crimeRP over any other kind of RP. If you continue for force idea this then OCRP will become nothing more than darkRP with cars.

Right after the update was out, we had a mayor. There's around 5 people already that already have 2 days.
Ok so for any real raids to be done, most of them have to be on, simultaneously, and in gov positions
Mayor to create chief, chief to create swats(1-2) so that a raid has a fighting chance, who usually die when raiding a building anyways because they are disappointingly underpowered (but lets not go into that)
No police raids -> No weapon/ammo loss for criminals -> no need for shops -> no passive RP
What is your reasoning for 2 days anyways? No time for police but 2 days for swat/mayor? For swat, you need a mayor and a police chief, and that police chief needs to specify one person. Chances of the chief promoting a minge, low. Setting both to 1 day minimum, acceptable time, and almost 0 chance for minges to get swat. Swat is not godmode compared to the typical officer, in fact, they die just as easily, except they have an automatic weapon. Only slightly (very slightly) abusive, and can easily be demoted within seconds.
Overall chance of abusing swat, incredibly low. And to add on to that, by the time a person gets 2 days play time, they would have access to a police pistol/infinite ammo, and access to a dozen m16s and thousands of rounds. Being a civilian is infinitely more abusive then have access to being a swat officer.

Mayor. What can he do. Select bad choices for using the city money and set high taxes. Good mayor do that anyways.

Neither of these jobs were abused before this playtime patch, in fact, both these positions were rarely filled. All this patch does is promote bad RP such as constant crimeRP (Growing weed). So what is your reasoning for making them very tedious to get access to?
As it stands, HRP, the darkRP mod, is much more serious than OCRP. Very little, next to zero, rdm occurs, there are normally plenty of shops, services, and fishing. Granted HRP is a tad too passive for my taste...

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