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Messages - Zail

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IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:28:45 PM »
Glares through her scope, spotting fairly movement inside the inn, near the counter under the balcony, which was where she was aiming. Seeing the slight movement, her aim is locked onto it, the blue laser pointer following her aim to lock onto the side of the antlion, which stroke onto Keiji. Seeing the size of such a creature, would be enough for it to be merely enough visible to put in a clean shot.
She holds her breath, once more, lightly pressing the trigger of her sniper pulse rifle in, keeping her aim locked. As the trigger is pressed in to the max point, the large blast of the pulse rifle echoes through the valley and the bullet would hastily leave the barrel of the rifle, striking into what would be the side of the antlion, effectively penetrating the scales of it and buries into the flesh beneath them.
Due to the distance and the obstacles before, the bullet would have lost enough force, as it breaks through the window and strikes into the antlion. She shot itself wouldn’t be deadly, but enough to injury the antlion.
As she sees her shot strike into its target, she lowers her aim to start checking up on her ammunition, yet she has only shot twice. Neither the less, she starts checking up on the magazine, to check how much she got back, before she lets the magazine slide back into the rifle and aims back up, towards the inn. The blue laser pointer would still follow her sight, as she holds her breath to look for a new target.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:19:16 PM »
Spoiler for Hiden:
//Yes, it is a combine sniper rifle I’m using, so the common blue laser pointer would be there.

As she looks through the scope of her rifle, hearing the calls over the radio, she quickly manages to put two and two together, realizing the town is under attack by something. As she looks through the scope, she would notice the single standing antlion on the roof of the inn, taking it as her new target. As she locks her aim onto it, she starts to breathe deeply and slowly, before holding her breath entirely. She follows the antlion’s movement through the scope, before she decides the best time the shot would be. She slowly starts to press the trigger in, holding her breath as her aim is locked onto the antlion, aiming towards its main body. As soon as the presser is trigger far enough in, a single pulse bullet would leave the barrel of the rifle, seeking towards its primary target; The antlion body and the loud sound of the common combine sniper rifle would be heard, echoing through the valley hopefully enough to confuse the antlions and not reveal her position.
The bullet would fairly quickly strike into its primary target, hopefully hitting what it was supposed to, penetrating the scales of the antlion and digging through the flesh beneath. The force of the bullet would possible make the antlion lose its grip of the roof and grouped up with the horrible storm, possible ripping it off the roof.

((That is for Elions to decide, whether it strikes it target or not and if it falls off or not.))

As soon as she has pulled the trigger, assuming she did hit her target, she would look over the forest yet again, barely seeing what appears to be a larger figure, moving through it but aren’t in the position to tell what it would be. As she barely can see what it is, her aim shifts back towards the inn, aiming towards the windows, searching through the open spots, hoping she would be able to spot a few survivors inside. Due to the darkness and the weather, she isn’t able to see enough, yet she keeps looking.

Due to not realizing, what she’s currently doing, she haven’t had the thought of the blue laser pointer still being on, following her aim. As she have her aim towards the windows, the blue laser pointer would easily be seen, penetrate the mere glass of the windows, “searching” over the floor of the inn, in whatever it may seek. People would easily be able to see it, if they were in the main hall of the inn and on the first floor, near the fireplace.
As she searches, she slowly whispers for herself, freezing in the cold wind.

"Please, don’t be dead to me…"

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 02, 2012, 04:05:56 AM »
Not far away, on one of the cliffs, a small primitive cover of leafs and sticks would be visible to those who looked fairly good enough. A single person would step out, notified by the gunshots. It appears to be a female, around in her twenties as she looks down her Kevlar to find her radio. As soon as she found it, she would flick it on, hoping to hear a few words coming from people around the valley, remaining silent herself.
As she waits for anyone to start speaking, she heads back inside to start equip her items. Annoyed by the weather, she would notice some of her gear being damaged due to the rain and mud, yet fairly most of it would be functional. Her own Kevlar and cloths would be fairly soaked through entirely, making it even colder for her.
Inside her smaller cover, she did start to get warm by jumping a few times on the spot, before starting to sprint on the same spot, limited by the rations she has with herself. As soon as she is finishes, she reaches down on her smaller bedroll, uncovering the weapons of which she have.
She wraps the Sniper pulse rifle out, slinging it onto her back making a notice of, how dry the cover could keep it. As she looks back down, she would notice not all her equipment being as lucky. Her submachine gun were merely entirely soaked through, dripping with water, making it unable to fire. Neither the less, she slings it across her chest, before glaring down on the pistol of hers, seeing it would be slightly wet, but still able to fire a few shots possible. She holsters it back onto her belt, turning around to face the 'door' of her cover, looking towards the town.
At the distance, she wouldn't be able to see fairly much, making her unslung her rifle yet again, keeping the safety on, as she raises it to look through the aim, towards the city.

"Let's see what I can see from up here through this horrible weather..."

IC Chat / Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:34:06 AM »
// It's to prevent meta, so much more like a safety, than the fear of other unit's reading it.

IC Chat / Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« on: October 31, 2012, 06:42:39 AM »
UNIT: 27070.
CLEARANCE: Commander.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0009.

**A black uniform, easily categorized as a commander uniform, is seen sitting down on a chair in a brightened up room. The curves and movements of the human body, clearly shows she's a female. To her left is the figure of a larger console visible, barely some of its screen would be shown. What seems to be a stasis pod, which is open and hanging in a metal form for arm, is visible revealing the inside of it. The unit reaches onto her back and slings a single larger weapon off her back, laying it out of sight of the camera. Followed by, she reaches down to her belt, unholstering what seems to be pistol, classified as the magnum .357 caliber and lays slightly in front of herself, clearly visible on the camera.
The unit reaches up to her mask, moving her hands behind it. A small click is heard, as the face mask is released from its lock. The unit reaches forward, letting the mask slide of her head, placing it on the table t the left of the magnum.
As the mask is taken off, hair falls down, surrounding the face of the female unit. The hair has a slight dark blond color, covering the left side of her face and what seems to be a pale skin of the female. Her eyes has a slight hazel color in them, yet a dark green glowing color is dominating most of her eyes as she stares into the camera. The eyes clearly shows, she does not have most of her emotions and that she is ready to do, what she would be ordered to.
She stretches her arms out, letting out a slight yawn as if she was tired, before she lets her arms drop back down and focus back on the camera. As she starts to speak, the sound of mechanics is barely audible, giving her what appears as a slight robotic voice, yet she would still have the normal human voice. As she starts to speak English, a slight danish accent, mixed up with some British is audible.** 

<::||Video log; oh-oh-oh-nine.

When was my last video log... I can't remember,I should probably check up on it later. For now, I'll update, what have happened since last time, I did one of those logs. A couple of weeks ago, I was promoted to the respectable rank of the universal command of city forty-five, precinct one, two and three. I was promoted by unit commander one-five-two-four-zero, who demoted himself a few days later. I've got the feeling, I was to take over his role as a commander. Maybe not, I do note now, neither do I intend to ask regarding it.

Neither the less, I finally took care of unit oh-four-one. I do doubt, many remember her and what she were to do, which actually wouldn't surprise me. I assume this case has taken more than a month, since she's been... Hard to find around the city, assuming she hid from us. But well  i do not intend to forget a case, regarding two units having UPA in the UCH  which we clearly should take action towards. At the least, she finally had the courage to come back online as a unit, which I took advantage off, when I had the time.
I've spoken to the DvL of [CLASSIFIED] and we agreed regarding the punishment after speaking a while. Instead of amputation the unit was given 2 black marks, at least two weeks before promotion and was required to retake every single training from UNIFORM and GRID. The unit were given a few educations just as a "reminder" to never do it again.

What else do I have on mind... Oh right, GRID unit seven-three-six...
Wasn't very smart, let's say it that way. I had gotten reports of him and unit nine-oh-five having a "relationship" and he had shown clear evidence of "loving" her. Unit oh-one-seven came with the reports regarding it and I later called seven-three- six down to the High Command Meeting Room.
After charging him with the said verdicts, it was easily seen how he got re nervous as we progresses. In the end of the verdicts which was given, he attempted to pull a pistol and shoot me. I was a not surprised, he was attempting todo so, seeing two DvL's, a officer and a unit was in there with me. I assume one of seven-three-six's bullets stroke through the outside clothing of my Kevlar, not giving any reasonable damage to myself, just to the arm cloth of the Kevlar.
As a reaction, I gave punched him once or twice, which send him flying to the door, allowing me enough time to draw my magnum and pull the trigger...
I was saddened afterwards... Not because of the unit, that dumb piece of trash, I was more annoyed and saddened, that a good suit was ruined. Oh well, I had a few units clean up the brain- and skull pieces, before I ordered one-three-one to dumb the body in the acid pit. I'm annoyed I forgot to get myself a new bone necklace out of seven-three-six's spine... There'll be another time I bet.

Afterwards we called nine-oh-five down...yet again another GRID unit. She denied most of the reports against her, but admitted seven-three-six had told her, he was in love with her, even though she had denied him.
I did let her go... For now. I'll keep an eye on her...
I've been watching the GRID division, and I must admit the new DvL has improved it a lot. But who do I fool, four-nine-five always had great potential.. Always my first choice. I was glad, that the sectorial commander chose him to continue, in my spot.

For once, it's strange not to call commander oh-three-one-oh-nine sir anymore... I've been used to that, since my oh-three rank. He's always been the one I've looked up to. He's been the greatest of our leaders, in my opinion and I'm glad to stand as an equal rank, to him. Yet, it's been a since since I last saw him...
As the last thing, I've heard reports of some sort of group named "The movement"... They are highly annoying, spraying their so called logo all over the plaza... I wonder how they do, apparently not enough units patrolling... I'll get to that too, soon. Note to myself; remember to check up on the plaza cameras...

I assume that would be all, for now. I'll better get back to "work" and keep an eye on those damned citizens outside the nexus... I'll be on the lookout for a new necklace...

**A slight chuckling appears from the female unit, reaching out after the mask once again. She grabs hold it, lifting up and places it back on her face, covering it up. A single, slight click is heard, as the mask clicks back on and the two lenses glows up with a dark green color. She reaches back down, grabbing hold of the magnum, moving it back down to her belt and holsters it. As she lets go, she glares towards the pulse rifle, before she reaches out after it and a single radio click sounds from the mask. "Any level one malcompliant citizens in detainment? My pulse rifle needs to be checked if it still works accordingly... And I require a new necklace..." As she fishes speaking, a single click confirms the message has been given to the rest of the CCA.
Afterwards she slings the mask onto her back, a slight laughing coming from the mask, before the radio click is audible again. "Copy that... I'll be on my way." She looks back down on the camera, the mask showing no emotions as the laughing slowly starts to continue. After a few seconds she turns Round, still chuckling and starts to move out of the camera view. Just before she's out of view, the camera shuts down and stops recording."

Saving File As: Vlog-0009.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.UU.CmD.27070.
Console Shut Down.

Trading / A challenge of a trade.
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:37:51 AM »
Like everyone else, I'd like to trade.
I'm currently selling nearly everything I've got, except the pyro items because I love pyro.

Beside, if any got "the fallen imp" items, I'd like to buy them. This would now only be the tail and the demon horns for pyro. ~Smt already contacted.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: So, the other day.
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:51:53 AM »
That's... Just... Incredible.
I love the picture, really gives the impressive power of which the CCA contains, espacially the Sectorial Commander(s).
I did love, if you made new and updated logos for our CCA roster.

General Discussion / Re: Skype Names
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:46:06 AM »
I believe it's LolaRiktoson...
Not currently sure.

If you add me, don't expect me to be much online, since I rarely use Skype. Using steam instead. :)

Wel, I'm up for all the games you've mentioned;

Killing floor.

Got 'em all, you just notisfy me if needed. :P

Outside City 45 / Re: rp_ineu_pass_v1c_winter RELEASE
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:32:36 PM »
It looks incredible. I got in Christmas mood when I saw the first pictures. XD.
The only thing I think is weird, is that the gunship part is still on fire after so long, being through rain and now snow.  :P

Alright well, I'm satisfied, if there are no objections within a day, this'll be accepted.

There will always be objections, towards every action. When will you ever learn? :P
It would be nice, though, that this application finally got judged and recieved a verdict, after being up for so long. (Which it really shouldn't had been.)

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:52:59 PM »
Guessing this is accepted by Kom'rk, yet he forgot to revisit it.
Assuming I can do this for him, without getting in big troubles.

Accepted, locked, moved.

Sounds like a bit of a "troublemaker" / "bully" in my ears! Due to what you plan on using this character's auth to. This does not mean I dislike it, it's more likely I'm a bit.. Uncomfortable of having such a character rule Outlands.
The background is interesting enough, seems a bit hurried in the end, but gives enough reasons of, why he does have the items you're asking for.
For now, I'm a bit neutral, yet it isn't that much you're asking for. I did like to hear other people's opinion of this before I'll vote myself.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:54:07 PM »
Good enough background, I would say.
I wonder if you were tired, when you wrote this story, since I find a few small spell mistakes in it, which usually isn't laying within you.  :P
Yet, I doubt you can abuse those authorizations, but I'll let a SA judge on the pistol + ammo.
I would gladly support this authorization, but I want to hear other administrators opinion too.

Edit: Changed something on Reavers app. Feel free to ask him or me, why I did so as I'll not explain it here.

Interesting authorization application, I must say.
I've yet to see an application, regarding chemistry. Yet, I've got no doubt it's also a bit of a hard one. Such as; where you would get the different required components. Such as; Nb, Co and Pt.
In my opinion you would have to have to search for quiet a while or have some special contacts to recieve these kind of components.
Neither the less, good background yet I kind a see some of it;
Then he read this and did this for some years and experimented.
He then met this man, who showed him this and then he could it.

I've got no doubts, that Doctor was intentionally doing this, but this is my view.
The effects and defects is calculated fine, seemingly there isn't bigger effects nor defects done by this passive application.
I've known Doctor for quiet a while and I doubt any, of those who knows him, doubts his role playing experience.
I would like to hear another admins opinion, but I myself, would gladly support this application. 

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