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Messages - Zail

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"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: December 03, 2012, 08:12:31 PM »
I was bored, so just made it up.
Just a minor rule, from my own mind. If I find a question too private, I'll not answer on them. Or else, go on.

Yesterday I saw an addon on the Gmod workshop, which added glasses.
A picture of citizens, having class on were visible. I'm not sure if it's a prop / model for itself or citizen models with actual glasses on. I'll research on it a bit later.

That COULD add a bit on citizens model perhaps, if you are happy now? :P

Nvm, the glasses were a model by itself, being able to be "bonemerged" to the bodygroup of a citizen.
If anyone cares, here's the link:

Maybe if we had a modder, who could add these glasses to the models, it would be nice.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Who do your characters SOUND like?
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:56:32 AM »
Elions you didn't do your research very well. I clearly remember a thread like this, being up 1-2 months ago;

Correction; 3 months ago.

Inside the nexus, a low sound of mechanisms starting up is audible throughout the break room and detainment. The sound would be able; to be located in the stasis room, as it slowly stops once again. The stasis room remains in silence, before a couple of steps clicking against the ground are audible; the sound of leather and movement breaks through the clicks. The footsteps stop, as a slight click is audible.

"<:: Union commander 27070 reports on duty."

The sound of steps is once again heard, nearing the stasis doors before they are swung open, revealing a black and brown leather suit, with a single healthkit being placed on the left shoulder of the commander. On the person’s left side of her belt, a single magnum is hanging in its holster, with a HE grenade to the right side of the belt. On her back, a single pulse rifle is visible, hanging in its strap. Her facemask is in a dull grey color, with two bright green lenses, glowing up in the dark as she looks around to see if any is in the break room.

Creations / Re: Ragdol Posing
« on: November 09, 2012, 08:41:24 PM »
You sir, gave me the feeling to pose back.
I've got quite a few around, maybe I can find them and post them here to.
Either way, made this up in around... 10-20 minutes. Any opinion?

Spoiler for Hiden:

The models included is;
Skyrim; Draugr.
AvP; Female pilot, machinegun.
Map; Can't remember.

Introductions / Re: Back to hl2rp
« on: November 09, 2012, 08:33:25 AM »
So that's the famous Pyro person.
Well, welcome back to the game, even though I don't know you.
Hope you'll find fun in it, yet again. :)

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:24:27 PM »
Scouts over the valley from her position, looking over the damage of which the storm caused. Shortly after, during her search, she notices the small burrow in the distance. Already being interested in antlions, attempting to gain knowledge on them, she quickly gathers her items, slinging the rifle onto her back and holsters her pistol and her machinegun.

”I’m coming for you and this time, you won’t take me by surprise.”

She reaches down to her right leg, moaning slightly as she feels the bite scar, which was given to her not long ago by antlions coming from around the valley, possible  coming from the same burrow. She makes sure everything is in a working order, before she crawls down from her spot and starts sneaking through the forest, closing up on the burrow in the distance. At each step, she listens, not wanting to be ambushed by a sudden foe. She keeps her pistol in her left hand, yet the safety is still flicked on.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Mostly I don't care about the timeskip. Makes it a bit easier instead of spam of posts, saying they clean up the shithole.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:23:57 PM »
Let's her eyes roll, sighing lightly, displeased by the ordering male. She reaches back down on her vest, pressing the button in.

"Just so you know it, I don't take orders."

She pushes herself back up, letting the pressure on the button ease after she finished her sentence. She turns around, carrying the rifle in her arms, back to her cover, laying the rifle back down on the bedroll.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:56:39 PM »
Flicks the safety rather hastily back on, flicking the pointer off slightly shaking as she lets the sniper drop down to rest on her leg. She prays in her inside, no one was hit by the bullet. She gulps lightly, reaching down to her radio as a person speaks into it and presses the button in shortly after. 

"A person. And that bug, friendly? I've got my doubts."

She lets go of the button, staring down at the town, resting her head on one of her hands, supported by her knee. She breaths lightly, shaking in the assuming she could of hit a person. She curses herself for her mistake and the person who surprised her when she were about to fire.
As the pointer is flicked off, the blue laser would vanish into the air, not revealing her own position anymore.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Impressive respond Darkshifter, I almost laughed as I tried to imagine your headcrab doing those actions. xD

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:37:39 PM »
As she scours the area through the scope, she would notice the creature sneak after the pointer. Slightly interested, she continuously let's the beam stroll around the area, while placing a finger on the trigger. Slowly she let's the headcrab come closer, before she swiftly corrects her aim towards its back. She starts pressing the trigger in, as a sudden yell on her radio breaks off her focus.
The blast of the rifle once again, echoes through the valley, yet this time she's unknown of what the bullet's target would be, as she were interrupted.

Spoiler for Hiden:
This shot is for everyone to use as I want it to randomly hit something.
Darkshifter Can choose, if he wants, to get hit or not or the bullet may strike into a building or the ground. I've opened posibilities for other people to choose, what happens. Go on.
Please, do not use it to make it hit another players character.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:23:16 PM »
Lets her eyebrow raise, as she follows the headcrabs movement with her aim, wondering what the female meant by friendly fire. She reaches back down to the radio, pressing the button in once again, to respond.

"Friendly fire? I'm not aiming at any person, just a bug..."

She releases the button once again, returning her focus on the scope and aims towards the last place, she saw the spider-like creature went to hide. The blue beam would slowly scour over the area, seeking a target.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 07:05:41 PM »

Reaches down onto her vest, pressing the button in on her radio, whispering lightly into it, as she makes the rifle rest against her leg.

"Anyone at the inn? If so, mind report of current status and hostilites?"

After her small sentence, she moves her hand back up to her rifle, resting it against her shoulder as she continuously looks over the inn. A small black figure catches her eye, moving around on the road behind a group of humans. Seeing its movements and body build, she quickly manages to come up with, what the creature is. She hastily flicks the safety back off, locking her aim onto the black figure with the blue laser pointer following her aim, to lock onto the figure.

"Damn no, you aren't going to have food this day..."

Spoiler for Hiden:
OOC: my character haven't met the headcrab IC, so she assumes its hostile. Beside, the blue laser pointer is the common one, Combine sniper units have. So yes, a clear visible blue laser is visible, aiming at the headcrab.

Creations / Re: [SFM] Scout v Pyro (First SFM test)
« on: November 04, 2012, 05:01:08 PM »

Totally love it... Because I love pyro.

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:52:30 PM »
Glares over the scene, remaining from the battle against the antlions. She sighs lightly, as she saw the antlion guard fall, aiming towards the “hero” who killed it, flicking the safety off slightly after. Her aim is locked onto Eli for a small amount of time,  the blue laser pointer being locked onto his chest, clearly visible, before she seeks towards the antlion guardian once again, the blue laser pointer following her aim over to it. She shrugs slightly impressed by the massive amount of damage, such a single small gun he were carrying, gave the guardian.

”That was one… Hell of a shot.”

She slowly scouts over the area nearby, watching the antlions flee back into the forest chuckling lightly, watching their chicken like escape, before she shifts her aim back towards the inn, aiming towards the windows to see, what’s inside of it and what’s possible to be seen.[/b

IC Chat / Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:07:44 PM »
Aims over the scene, the blue pointer following her aim as she spots the single male standing outside with some sort of a gun, fending off an antlion. She keeps her aim locked onto his body chest for a moment, before she follows his aim with her own to aim towards the smaller group of antlions, now for the first time, seeing the single trapped guardian. Assuming the guardian isn’t of much trouble, seeing it’s trapped, she aims towards one of the antlions standing merely in the background.
She takes a deep breath, before pressing the trigger and fires a single bullet towards one of the antlion, heading for Eli. A loud blast of the sniper echoes throughout the valley yet again, followed up by the thunder storm. The bullet would rip open the scales of the antlion, easily penetrating the flesh beneath to majorly injure the antlion, yet not enough to kill it.

”I feel like I’m duck hunting here…”

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