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News and Announcements / Re: Spacebuild ya
« on: March 17, 2012, 08:55:36 PM »
Spacebuild server is messed up bigtime. The following are bugs I have found personally.

- Many SBEP weapons are non-functional or do not operate as they should
 - Large torpedo is non-useable (no physgun, wire, damage, etc/)
 - AA blaster cannon has no explosion effect
 - Light rendering on small torpedo, small missile, etc. is static and will not move
 - Explosive weapons such as missiles, torpedoes, and mines are not removed when they expode
 - Rocket pods fire dud rounds
 - And others

- SBEP doors are considered to be world props when spawned and as such are non-physgunable
- SBEP weapons cannot damage other players items
- No-clip can be used on any world for short times even when not a breathable atmosphere.
- Likely other issues along with these

I highly recommend setting up a board for this server seeing as it was placed on the top board. This will allow the issues to be properly reported and fixed.

Creations / Re: Got bored made this.
« on: March 17, 2012, 05:28:33 PM »
And then we saw pkman with an mp5 in spawn. Sadly this is normal...
* Degtyarev sighs
Anyways, kind of nasty looking. It just covers up the other bits.

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:08:20 AM »
Quite a few of us playu now actually everything is on. This includes but isnt limited to me, nick, caek, max and a few others. We are often playing as it gives us a nice break from RP. Still waiting for this map change :D
Yeah its just a minor thing. Admins are on fairly often but it just doesnt feel like enough, though Im used to build servers with 2 admins on at any given time.
Map change c:
And players able to use world props or world props player owned instead of world owned
and [list here][/list]

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:55:55 PM »
Added spacebuild specific admins.
There are no admins that regularly play spacebuild, so minges are often free to get away with whatever they wish for 10+ minutes while admins are unavailable. HRP has them, why not spacebuild.

Creations / Re: My very first attempt at drawing with a mouse.
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:29:11 PM »
* Degtyarev smashes head on table
I cant draw a circle with a tablet
Good though

News and Announcements / Re: Spacebuild ya
« on: March 15, 2012, 01:59:00 AM »
Also smart constraint tool

People want this smart constraint and claim it fixes lag. But rather it CREATES a fuckload of lag.
You don't seem to realize that most lag is caused by the fuckload of constraints on a moving contraption. THIS is what's causing the lag. Not the contraption itself.

For example, your contraption exists out of 10 props. Weld them all together using 9 welds. (from 1 prop to another.) and it will go just fine. But if you use smart contraint, it will create 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 45 constraints for only 10 props = lag like shit if it's used more.

Last night I was building a ship out of the hl2 props and I welded and nocollided the best I could by hand. When I tried to fly it, it took 30 seconds to spaz the shit out and cause a server crash. (So sorry about that, didn't know it would happen). I took the save into singleplayer and ran smartweld, edited a few settings to use less welds and nocollides and then tried to fly it, it worked perfect. No lag, no spaz, etc. The tool works great if you know how to use it. Don't set the nocollide and weld to some high ass number. I still believe that smart constraint/smart weld would be a great addition. It'd also be cool if that resource transfer mod was added. This one. It adds wireless energy transmission (farther away gives less energy) and mass drivers. You can also package resources into barrels for a nice way to transport them. Mass drivers make refueling stations very easy. Low on water? Fire a ground-based mass driver lined up with the station, and now it has water. The only problem is that mass drivers can be used as weapons, as if the packet hits anything other than another mass driver, it explodes. I forget if it damages props or not. It's up to the server admins/devs if they should add these, but I personally think they would be nice.
Multiparent fixes the problem of "spasing" PERFECTLY, without causing any lag. Stupidcontraint just spams contraints, causing unnecessary lag to do something that can be done even better with less lag

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:19:55 PM »
The money thing isnt for Rp and the build aspect doesnt vanish. The money is just for weapons and also gives people a reason to explore, a reason to pirate, a reason to do more than just build, it gives player the opertunity to have a bit more fun. people can still build big, fun things. They can still be godded and make neutral ships. I could make a nice long thing if the idea is actually liked as a whole by the community.
If only for weapons, and somone adds ship cores, that would be acceptable. If money gets reset every server restart to prevent dick swinging competitions of everyones 1x1 ship with 800 8x rocket pods But not for props or anything else.
Added a list of problems with the items under entities menu.

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:02:30 AM »
I think once we have a better map, stable version etc then i think having it as a space war server would be good but REGULATED.

This means:
white ships are neutral, not to be attacked or to attack
No shooting on earth
Weapon restrictions - i think some sort of money would be good to buy weapons not just spawn the biggest and win

For the money i think some sort of mining would be good. earth has 0, other planets have various things, they are more expencive as the more cangerous the planet gets, so a lava planet will have more than a plain planet with water.
Just gives a bit of rp to the build and a bit of competition :)
But its not an RP server. Money would just remove the build part of spacebuild.
And I repeat, dont add stupid constraint. Add multi-parent.

Introductions / Re: Third Introduction .-.
« on: March 13, 2012, 03:16:08 AM »
3 of them...
Seems a bit extreme, in fact, seems a lot like post whoring...

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 13, 2012, 03:12:51 AM »
Smart constraint will be added.
Please dont add stupid contraint. Just add multi parent tools. Smart constraint spams tons of pointless constraints causing more issues than it fixes. Its weaker and generally worse than the multiparent tool

I doubt I'll add ship cores as it seems battle-centric and there is no weapons on Spacebuild.
Why not allow weapons then?
And enabling god for players seems... Pointless. It turns spacebuild into a plain build sever. That might just be my opinion, but its my opinion.

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 10, 2012, 05:08:43 PM »
Added Ship cores to that list. God damn, I played on a server with this mod awhile back, and its incredible. Classed ships (more hull, more shields, or more armor) and stats given to a ship based on its size, weight, and props used. Promotes proper war and battle between ships.
Also tossed statua's ideas into OP for the sake of looking pretty

Suggestions / Re: SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 10, 2012, 02:00:10 AM »
Shouldn't this have to be in suggestions?
* Degtyarev stares down jeff
Why yes, yes it should... Well shit.

Suggestions / SpaceBuild suggestion thread
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:41:37 AM »
Pretty simple, add your suggestions here
-Map change (current map is horrid)
-Multi parent tool
-Multi unparent tool
-Ship cores
-Stargate addon
-Spacebuild specific admins
-Give normal players control over world owned props/ents, or better yet, make the props/ents player owned/ unowned (First to physgun said prop, owns it. Many servers do this.) :c
-Advanced duplicator 2

-Mine layer should to be removed. Messy, colliding, explosive, world owned... Explosives
-Vierling swivel mount owned by world. Keep this!
-Large photon torpedo is owned by world, maybe remove?
-Grappling hook is world owned, maybe remove?
-Flak cannon fires messy, permanent, world owned bullets that go 5 feet. Remove.
-Small bomb mount needs to be removed, spams world owned props.
-Tiny flamer has no purpose except to cause issues with other players.
-All "Tiny turrets" are world owned
-Arwing... Not sure exactly what is up with this. It seems like nothing more than something to spam and never be able to remove.
-Asault boarding pod is world owned
-Assault pod bay is world owned
-Drop pod bay drops a pod, that is a world prop
-RBC is a world prop
-Side assault pod pay is "contrained to world prop"

-Gas Systems 2
-Smartsnap (not sure if server has scriptenforcer or not but my client doesnt work)
-Unofficial Wiremod
-VIP and Gold benefits such as increased prop count, special tools such as anti-noclip, and possibly others.

Maps put forward for a vote:
-Gooniverse SB2
-Omen SB2
-Twin suns

Keep adding suggestions c:

News and Announcements / Re: Spacebuild ya
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:18:06 PM »
I like Life Support 3, however, one thing that bugs me about it is that it's truly impossible to create a self sustaining space station. You'll need to have constant shipments of resources to power regulators.
Not impossible. Done it before
How? I always need a shipment of water every once and awhile.

General Discussion / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:57:06 AM »
I just watched a guy stream the entire game, and he called it the worst game he has played in a while, everything was too long and fucking confusing as hell.

Story is complete shit, all there is to say.

And also, the endings sucked.
>game too long
I agree, its not up to par with ME1 or ME2, but its still a good game

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