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Topics - Statua

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Suggestions / Sandbox Server Done PROPERLY
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:46:46 PM »
I've been waiting and waiting but I'm getting tired of waiting. Somone said he would get to Sandbox when he wasnt busy, like 4 months ago. Sooooo I'm pretty much tired of waiting so I'm gonna post a list of stuff that I think should be on the sandbox server:

Max Players: ~12
Max Props: 200 (Most good contraptions that are parented properly are between 50-200 props)
PvP: Disabled
Admin Mod: ULX (Simple and effective. No extra crap nobody will use)
NPC Limit: 0
Construction Limit (thrusters, hoverballs, etc): 10
Ragdoll Limit: 3

Map: Freespace_Revolution (it has everything you'll ever need to build any type of vehicle, contraption, or machine/robot)

A must in every sandbox server.

Unofficial Wiremod
Extra cool shit for wiremod such as advanced hud indicators for targeting systems. Basically really good addons for wiremod.

Wenlis Tools
Advanced builders tools. If you dont have these then the server is shit for building on.

Parenting is the best way to make optimized lagless contraptions. If you fear parenting, you are a mere rookie builder...

Good for sequencing props for people who cant use PA.

A must to balance out contraptions and reduce lag of wonky collisions.

Smartsnap (OPTIONAL)
Although this is client side, some game modes ban you for having this so its RP Player friendly to have it in the server.

Armored Combat Framework (ACF) (OPTIONAL)
People like me like to build my battlemachines on non-combat servers so I don't bet bothered. Would be nice to have a place to go for this.

Please set one up. I'm tired of server hopping trying to find one with all the tools I need to make proper contraptions.

Outside City 45 / Ineu_Pass2 Teaser
« on: September 11, 2012, 06:04:47 PM »

Tease tease. Here's the blueprints which will become a reality. When? Before next spring hopefully.

Guides / General Radio Usage and Dispatching
« on: September 04, 2012, 12:30:54 AM »

General Radio Usage and Dispatching


Radio communication is the most effective way to communicate during emergencies as well as emergency and law enforcement services communicating with each other on a regular basis. However, it can turn into a total mess if those using radio communication are uneducated and generally don't have a clue what's going on. This guide will not only help you understand radio communication but also help those interested in dispatching organize their crews correctly and efficiently.

General Radio Usage

The best way to keep radio clutter down is to use the standard radio communication protocols. Here's a list of things to remember when using the radio. An example is provided under each listed item.

-Always contact the person you want to and wait for them to acknowledge contact before speaking.
[1-01]: Dispatch, Unit 1-01.
[DISP]: Go ahead 1-01

[9-01]: EMS 9-02, 9-01.
[9-02]: Go ahead 9-01.

-Keep radio messages as short and to the point as possible. Use abbreviations if possible. Use 10 codes but dont overuse them.
[1-01]: MVA at BP. 2 vehicles involved. Two injured, both are leg injuries. Non-Life threatening.
[DISP]: 10-4. EMS will be dispatched shortly. Remain on scene for crowd and traffic control.
[1-01]: 10-4.

-Do not use the radio except for important messages. If the messages are personal such as what's for lunch, use your mobile phone.
[1-02]: Unit 1-01, do you want any pizza?
[1-01]: Sure.

-If there's an emergency you need to report such as a pursuit, contact dispatch and get authorizations for open air.
[1-04]: Dispatch, Unit 1-04, priority call.
[DISP]: All silent, go ahead 1-04.
[1-04]: 1-04 in pursuit of a black corvette, plate 4 5 whiskey tango 7 (45WT7), refusing to stop. Driver acting aggressive. 10-20 hospital, heading toward suburbs. Requesting additional units and open air.
[DISP]: 10-4. 1-03 and 1-06, meet with 1-04 at suburbs for pursuit of a black corvette, plate 4 5 whiskey tango 7, be advised driver is aggressive. Open air authorized.
[1-06]: 10-4.
[1-03]: 10-4.
[1-04]: Suspect is now passing the gas station outside of suburbs, moving toward country road.
[1-06]: 10-4. 1-06 setting up roadblock at country to central tunnel.
[1-04]: 1-03 help me pit him.
[1-03]: 10-4, will meet at country road/
and so on....

Count to three, four, or five seconds after a radio message has finished before transmitting. Change the number periodically to prevent multiple transmissions.
[9-03]: 10-4. 9-03 responding priority 2.
[9-12]: Dispatch, Fire 9-12.
[DISP]: Go ahead.
[9-12]: We're done here, 9-12 returning to station.
[DISP]: 10-4.

-Always notify when you are available.
[9-01]: Dispatch, EMS 9-01.
[DISP]: Go ahead.
[9-01]: Patient has been offloaded at EGH, 9-01 returning to station.
[DISP]: 10-4.

You only need to use the prefix UNIT, EMS, or FIRE on initial contact.

10-4 is cleaner and faster then copy or copy that, however it is not mandatory.

If you are directly contacting another unit, you do not need to contact dispatch first.

If dispatch is available, let them tell you to respond to calls. They know what unit is where and who will be the best to respond.

If a police chief is available, he is in charge of persuits, hostage situations, raids, etc. Otherwise, its dispatch's duty to orgaise said situations.

Police Radio Communication

As an officer, you should report what you're doing and where so dispatch can find the appropriate unit closest to the call when the time comes.

-Report what you're doing at all times and state the location or locations.
[1-08]: Dispatch, Unit 1-08.
[DISP]: Go ahead.
[1-08]: 1-08 will begin patrols between City and Industrial immediately.
[DISP]: 10-4.

[1-03]: Dispatch, Unit 1-03.
[DISP]: Go ahead.
[1-03]: 1-03 initiating traffic stop of a blue oracle, plate number Bravo Bravo 4 7 4 Charlie, traffic violation.
[DISP]: 10-4.

-Request open air only when needed. If you can communicate without radio communication during a raid, do so.
This is pretty straightforward

Fire Radio Communication

Fire radio is fairly simple. All you have to do is tell dispatch you're on your way to the fire, give updates when requested to do so, and contact them again when you're done.

EMS Radio Communication

EMS is also fairly simple, however life alert calls require a little extra work .

-When you see a life alert, you have to call it in.
[9-02]: Dispatch, EMS 9-02.
[DISP]: Go ahead.
[9-02]: 9-02 is responding to a life alert at the nexus.
[DISP]: 10-4, notify if additional support is required.


Dispatching is the best way to organize law enforcement and emergency services. A good dispatcher will have control over their units and can get calls done and over with in a timely manner. There's a few basic yet crucial steps to take when dispatching.

Know what units are available when calling.
Check the scoreboard constantly to see who's available. Keep track of units who are busy and who are available. Keep track of where units are and where they might be going. A good idea would to have a spreadsheet to keep track of names and what their status is

Keep yourself updated if you are unsure about a units status or location.
[DISP]: EMS 9-01, dispatch.
[9-01]: Go ahead.
[DISP]: 9-01 whats your current status on the GSW?
[9-01]: We are currently stabilizing the patient. Transport to hospital is urgent.
[DISP]: 10-4.

Listen to 911 calls carefully and gather as much information as possible.
[DISP]: 911, whats your emergency?
[Man]: I need a medic to subs three.
[DISP]: Ok can you give me some details on what happened, who's injured, and what the injuries are?
[Man]: My friend fell off the roof. I think he broke his leg. He's on the ground in pain.
[DISP]: Alright I'll send an ambulance immediately. Would you like me to stay on the line?
[Man]: No thanks, just sent medics quickly please.

Don't tie up the entire police force.
For raids or aggressive vehicle chases, send as many units as required, but always leave one or two out to maintain the city. If a police chief is available, give him control.

The mayor is protected by Secret Service. He is not your business.
Let secret Service handle situations with the mayor. You are not in control of Secret Service and they are not in control of the police force.

Give Fire and EMS as much information as possible.
For EMS, let them know the location, the injuries, how many are injured, and if possible, the cause of the injuries.
For Fire, let them know how large the fire is, if there are any people trapped in the fire, if it's spreading or not, and if possible, the fual/cause.

Just remember to be patient, remain calm, and focus on what's going on, keeping track of everyone you're controlling.

Mapping / RP_Rockford Dev Page
« on: August 24, 2012, 09:07:57 PM »
Somewhere on the Wet coast of North America

    This thread is where I will keep all of my development pictures and notes. I'll post updates and pictures as time goes on. Feel free to comment on anything you see here but don't get your expectations high that it will change. Some things are there or not there for a reason.

This thread is NOT for suggestions. Rather, please visit THIS THREAD to post a suggestion.

To do list:

  • Gather all required content :D
  • Move buildings I want to keep :D
  • Set up basic city roadways and base land X
  • Organize buildings already built :D
  • Edit buildings for optimization and texture flow X
  • Edit government center for optimization and usability (court, offices, ????) X
  • Nice ApartmentsX
  • Gas Station X
  • Taco Bell X
  • Hardware Store X
  • Library X
  • Police Department X
  • Tow Scrapyard X
  • Garage X
  • Bus Station X
  • Trucking Yard X
  • Factory X
  • Warehouse 1 X
  • Warehouse 2 X
  • Suburban Housing X
  • Suburban Park X
  • Semi-finish the city with exterior walls, occluding walls, and background buildings X
  • Add traffic lights X
  • Add road and street signs X
  • Set up the land around the cities X
  • Add trees X
  • Add roadways around the city X
  • Add signs X
  • Set up the beach X
  • Construct outer Gas Bar X
  • Build country homes X
  • Add final lighting to everything X
  • Optimize X
  • Go nuts with decals and detail props X
  • Closed Beta X
  • Open Beta X
  • Massive Release X

Development Images:

Spoiler for 24/08/12:

Spoiler for 08/09/12:
Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

Spoiler for 10/09/12:
Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

Development Videos:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Public Downloads:
Content is required but stuff I use comes in huge packs totaling ~4gb

Old Rockford BSP

Non-official Groups / Valley EMS [V-EMS]
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:32:23 AM »

Valley EMS
Saving lives while dodging pulse rounds.


-Large supply of canned and freeze dried foods
-Moderate supply of First Aid equipment
Click to see the original size.


Green = Primary Care Paramedic (PCP)
Blue = Intermediate Care Paramedic (ICP)
Orange = Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP)

Violet Collins - Statua [Service Manager]
_______ - _______ [EMS Supervisor]
_______ - _______ [Leading EMR]

Emergency Medical Technicians
Violet Collins - Statua [ACP]
_______ - _______ [ICP]
_______ - _______ [PCP]

Creations / RP_Rockford Video (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
« on: August 07, 2012, 11:34:42 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

What I have so far.

IC Chat / Violet Collins and Her White Truck
« on: August 04, 2012, 04:05:44 AM »
//(OOC) Before you read, this has already been authorized by Kronic so sit back and enjoy the story.

0700h August 3rd, 2017

Violet Collins had been planning on creating a little organization that provides free meals to those in the outlands who need it. However, in order to do this, she needed food and lots of it. She couldn't quite figure out how she would be able to find that much food and bring it back safely and securely. She had decided she would go on a hike to the surrounding valleys to try and find some food to scavenge.

1400h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had been searching all day. She checked vehicles, houses, crates, and just on the side of the road. She was beginning to lose hope and was contemplating calling it a day and returning to the pass. Especially considering her legs and feet were sore from walking for so long.

1530h August 3rd, 2017

Violet came across an old weather station. She checked the kitchen and found some canned food, but there wasnt much. She was feeling a bit hungry though and decided to take a few, cracking one open to eat in the weather station.

1800h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had finished her lunch and carried on down the road. She came across an overturned cargo truck which had the door cracked open a bit. She could see the label of a food container through the crack so she decided to open up the entire container to see what was inside. To her surprise, it was an entire shipment of canned and freeze dried foods which would last for decades. She knew this was what she would go to for her food organization. She wondered to herself how she would get this food to ineu.

2100h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had finished examining the pile of food. She found hundreds of cans of beans and soup as well as many packages of noodles, granola bars, and crackers. The sun was heading down so she headed for the forest to spend the night. She created a little camp fire to fend off the cold and got some much needed sleep.

0600h August 4th, 2017

Violet awoke to the sun shining on her cheek. The fire had died out completely so there was no need to worry about it. She got up and headed off, looking for a way to bring the food back to the pass. She decided to head down deeper into the valley to an old town.

0900h August 3rd, 2016

Violet found the truck in a barn at the edge of the town. It was a small quarter ton white utility truck with lock boxes in the back. The tires were in relatively good condition with a few dents and nicks from driving on gravel roads. The paint was also in fairly good condition with only a few scratches by the door and back end of the truck. There was a crack in the windshield, however it wasn't really big enough to be serious.

She found the keys on a desk off to the side of the barn. The truck was being stored for the winter of 2015 so there was conditioner in the tank, keeping the fuel in usable condition. She climbed inside the truck and looked around inside. The upholstery was also in good condition. A few cigarette burns here and there and years of dust, however there wasn't any damage. The truck had  62,637 miles on the odometer which meant it would still last for thousands more miles.

She turned the key to the ignition. After a few rounds of turning the engine over, it started to life. Bells rang inside reminding Violet to put on her seat belt. She smiled, sitting back in the truck. The gas gauge was at the 3/4 mark which could take her home and possibly find more fuel. Violet hopped out, pushing the big barn door open. She drove out, destined for the cargo truck.

1200h August 3rd, 2016

Violet arrived at the cargo truck roughly 15 minutes after leaving the barn. She hopped out and began filling the rear with boxes and containers, stacking as much on as she possibly could. She found a rope and rolled up blue canvas tarp she could use to secure the load. After checking to make sure everything was tied down and nothing would move, she got back into the truck and headed for the Ineu mountain.


Creations / HL2RP Chibi Art
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:43:39 PM »
I'll just organize my HL2RP related chibis away from my casual chibis. So, here it is. Starting off with what I have so far:

Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian
Click to see the original size.

Skyler Remanton
Click to see the original size.

Metrocop Attempt
Click to see the original size.

Violet Collins
Click to see the original size.

"Ask Me Anything" / Wanna know me more?
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:33:23 PM »
Serious questions only. No questions like "Can I has ur babies?" please. Questions like "What time of day do you poo?" are ok.

Mapping / rp_mountaincastle
« on: July 28, 2012, 06:53:44 PM »
Some pictures for a map I'm making for another community.
Spoiler for 28/07/12 Compile:
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Creations / Statua's Casual Chibi Art
« on: July 26, 2012, 10:16:43 PM »
I feel I rely too much on technology to convay my artistic self so I wanna get into drawing, particularly chibi's. I'll be posting them here.

 Lets start off with my first ever chibi. Me wearing my girlfriends panda spirit hood.
Click to see the original size.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Official In-Character Information
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:30:29 PM »
Time and Date

Date: Today's date +5 Years
7 Hour War Date: August 11th 2015


Unofficial List

Spoiler for Unofficial:
City 1: New York City, U.S.A.
City 2: London, United Kingdom
City 3: Moscow, Russia
City 4: Anchorage, U.S.A.
City 5: Montreal, Canada
City 6: Islamabad, Pakistan
City 7: Berlin, Germany
City 8: Tokyo, Japan
City 9: Oslo, Norway
City 10: St. Petersburg, Russia.
City 11: Lhasa, Tibet
City 12: Seoul, South Korea
City 13: Pyongyang, North Korea
City 14: Paris, France
City 15: Cairo, Egypt
City 16: Ankara, Turkey
City 17: Kiev, Ukraine
City 18: Stockholm, Sweden
City 19: Venice, Italy
City 20: Tunis, Tunisian Republic
City 21: Madrid, Spain
City 22: Prague, Czech Republic
City 23: Mumbai, India
City 24: Lisbon, Portugal - Citadel
City 25: Jakarta, Indonesia
City 26: Osaka, Japan
City 27: Shanghai, China
City 28: Manila, Philippines
City 29: Los Angeles, U.S.A.
City 30: Kolkata, India
City 31: Lagos, Nigeria
City 32: Dhaka, Bangladesh
City 33: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
City 34: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
City 35: Hong Kong, China
City 36: Toronto, Canada
City 37: Phoenix, U.S.A.
City 38: Kharkiv, Ukraine
City 39: Athens, Greece
City 40: Melbourne, Australia
City 41: Cape Town, South Africa
City 42: Istanbul, Turkey
City 43: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
City 44: Brisbane, Australia
City 45: Bucharest, Romania
City 46: Cologne, Germany
City 47: Pune, India
City 48: Monterrey, Mexico
City 49: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
City 50: Lima, Peru

Ineu Pass: East Romainian Mountains
Nova Proskpekt: East of Sevastopol, Ukraine.

General Knowledge

Freeman: No information known by the public.
Black Mesa: Authorized people.
White Forest: Authorized people.
Canonical Characters (Alyx, Eli, etc): Authorized people.
UU Locations (Nova Prospekt, etc): Only high up UU personnel.

Administrators, feel free to add to this list. If you want to correct something though, it should be discussed in the admin only section.

Social Discussion / Ai-Kon 2012 (Bonus Sniper Cosplay Pictures!!!)
« on: July 23, 2012, 01:03:21 AM »
Well, I didn't take as near amount of pictures as I had planned but here's a few from my trip to Ai-Kon this year.

Spoiler for Mass Pictures:

And a few pictures of me and my sniper cosplay.
Spoiler for Some Sniper Pics:

Events / [OUTLANDS] Stormy Season (ONGOING)
« on: June 18, 2012, 02:13:13 AM »

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Mood Setting Sound

    Every day brings more surprises for the inhabitants of the Ineu Mountains. As spring nears the end and summer is around the corner, the change in temperature and pressure has been the main cause for the stormy weather. The morning could start off with some clouds and a bit of light rain, followed by sunshine after lunch, and a storm brewing for an evening show sometime after supper.

    During the beginning of the summer months, these strange weather patterns can be expected to last. By summertime however, only an evening thunderstorm or a morning shower will be somewhat common.

TL;DR, lots of changing in weather in game due to the season.

Administrators can do things such as landslides (dont be destroying landmarks such as the inn) or fallen trees. Winds will be fairly high during these storms so take that into effect.

People are wondering why the changes in weather. And yes this is realistic. It's going on were I live and has been going on for almost a month now.

Do we need to participate?
Yes. Its raining with strong winds. You should probably RP it, even if you plan to be inside all day.

What can we do for it?
-RP being soaked after doing something outside
-Catch a cold
-If you are outside, you might find it hard to climb hills. If you try to climb hills, theres the risk of sliping and falling
-If you are outside, surfaces will be slippery so walking across logs or climbing unstable wood stairs may cause you to fall off

Outside City 45 / More Ineu_Pass Teaser images
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:09:00 PM »
Title says it all. Drool:

Click to see the original size.
The chateau from a distance

Click to see the original size.
The valley with thick fog/heavy rain turned on

Click to see the original size.
The environmental control room.

Click to see the original size.
Where the old spawn used to be.

Click to see the original size.
Same tunnel.

Click to see the original size.
The other side of the tunnel.

Click to see the original size.
Underground bunker.

Click to see the original size.
Bunker door.

Click to see the original size.
Updated water texture.

Click to see the original size.
Inside the chateau.

Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
Outside the chateau.

Click to see the original size.

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