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Topics - Statua

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Outside City 45 / ANNOUNCEMENT: F2 System
« on: January 26, 2013, 08:53:54 PM »
The F2 system has been disabled for a time of one full week. The system under no circumstaces will be turned off during that time frame. After one week, we will review what has happened and if we should keep it off or turn it back on. For now, please try to get used to it. We feel it will benefit your RP in the long run :)

Accepted Authorizations / Violet's Authorization Application
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:24:17 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 7 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: ~4 years

Character Section


-Voiding the truck I had and saying it was a van (truck approved by Kronic as a gift for a favour)
-Raised Van Suspension
-Tire Chains

Name: Violet Collins
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
I apologize for how long this is. If you want, I can make a short condensed version.

Replace the truck in this story with a van.
Spoiler for Truck Story:
//(OOC) Before you read, this has already been authorized by Kronic so sit back and enjoy the story.

0700h August 3rd, 2017

Violet Collins had been planning on creating a little organization that provides free meals to those in the outlands who need it. However, in order to do this, she needed food and lots of it. She couldn't quite figure out how she would be able to find that much food and bring it back safely and securely. She had decided she would go on a hike to the surrounding valleys to try and find some food to scavenge.

1400h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had been searching all day. She checked vehicles, houses, crates, and just on the side of the road. She was beginning to lose hope and was contemplating calling it a day and returning to the pass. Especially considering her legs and feet were sore from walking for so long.

1530h August 3rd, 2017

Violet came across an old weather station. She checked the kitchen and found some canned food, but there wasnt much. She was feeling a bit hungry though and decided to take a few, cracking one open to eat in the weather station.

1800h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had finished her lunch and carried on down the road. She came across an overturned cargo truck which had the door cracked open a bit. She could see the label of a food container through the crack so she decided to open up the entire container to see what was inside. To her surprise, it was an entire shipment of canned and freeze dried foods which would last for decades. She knew this was what she would go to for her food organization. She wondered to herself how she would get this food to ineu.

2100h August 3rd, 2017

Violet had finished examining the pile of food. She found hundreds of cans of beans and soup as well as many packages of noodles, granola bars, and crackers. The sun was heading down so she headed for the forest to spend the night. She created a little camp fire to fend off the cold and got some much needed sleep.

0600h August 4th, 2017

Violet awoke to the sun shining on her cheek. The fire had died out completely so there was no need to worry about it. She got up and headed off, looking for a way to bring the food back to the pass. She decided to head down deeper into the valley to an old town.

0900h August 3rd, 2016

Violet found the truck in a barn at the edge of the town. It was a small quarter ton white utility truck with lock boxes in the back. The tires were in relatively good condition with a few dents and nicks from driving on gravel roads. The paint was also in fairly good condition with only a few scratches by the door and back end of the truck. There was a crack in the windshield, however it wasn't really big enough to be serious.

She found the keys on a desk off to the side of the barn. The truck was being stored for the winter of 2015 so there was conditioner in the tank, keeping the fuel in usable condition. She climbed inside the truck and looked around inside. The upholstery was also in good condition. A few cigarette burns here and there and years of dust, however there wasn't any damage. The truck had  62,637 miles on the odometer which meant it would still last for thousands more miles.

She turned the key to the ignition. After a few rounds of turning the engine over, it started to life. Bells rang inside reminding Violet to put on her seat belt. She smiled, sitting back in the truck. The gas gauge was at the 3/4 mark which could take her home and possibly find more fuel. Violet hopped out, pushing the big barn door open. She drove out, destined for the cargo truck.

1200h August 3rd, 2016

Violet arrived at the cargo truck roughly 15 minutes after leaving the barn. She hopped out and began filling the rear with boxes and containers, stacking as much on as she possibly could. She found a rope and rolled up blue canvas tarp she could use to secure the load. After checking to make sure everything was tied down and nothing would move, she got back into the truck and headed for the Ineu mountain.


Chat logs for the in-game RP:

Spoiler for Suspension and Painting Chat Log:
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] lugs in two large duffle bags with considerable strain. Given her size and stature, it's little surprise.
Violet Collins says "Need a hand?"
** Violet Collins readys to help if needed.
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] sets the bags down on the floor, ignoring the question.
** Violet Collins chuckles. "I guees it's too late."
[LOOC] Layla 'Razors' Blackburn: alright
[LOOC] Layla 'Razors' Blackburn: Fancy.
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] kneels down by the front-right tire, fiddling with the axil.
[MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] says "Active suspension is good... Shocks are alright..."
Violet Collins says "Is it possible to lift the whole thing for like, water and mud and deep snow?"
[MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] says "With air-springs, probably."
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] stands up, walking back over to the pair of rugged, duct-tape patched bags in the corner.
[MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] says "Torsion bar would be the second big leap. Beyond that, it's just a few little adjustments to what you already have."
** Violet Collins finds a blue paint can on the shelf. She takes it down, almost dropping a brush that was on top.
Violet Collins says "Hmh."
** Violet Collins slides some carsboard in front of her and kneels on it, opening the can of paint.
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] looks up from the bag for a moment, eyeing what she's doing.
** Violet Collins takes the paint brush, cleaning it up a little.
Violet Collins says "I never got your name hun."
** Violet Collins dips the brush in the paint. She takes it out, letting the excess drip into the can.
** [MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] raises an eyebrow at the moniker 'hun', but answers all the same.
[MatteBlackHair|GreyEy...] says "Most people know me by the name Razors. Now, so do you."
** Violet Collins raises the brush, but stops. She puts it back in the can. "Razors huh? Alright then. Well thanks for helping me with this.
** Violet Collins moves all her shit to the passenger side door.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn shrugs. "The only other vice I have other than fixing shit is smoking."
Violet Collins says "Yeah. I know what you mean by that."
** Violet Collins takes the brush again, raising it to the door, just under the window.
Violet Collins says "Someone's looking for you."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn picks up her radio off the grimy cement floor.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I heard."
** Violet Collins begins by putting one smooth long stroke vertically on the door.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn radios in "I'm here. Up at the ware-house with Violet."
** Violet Collins strokes back up, eventually making a long blue rectangle.
** Violet Collins uses her palm to wipe up any driippings. She then wipes her palm on the cardboard.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn fixes a new bit into lug-wrench, before shifting over to the rear-tire.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "You're a doctor... right."
** Violet Collins dips the brush in again. "Sorta. Not really a doctor. I just do first aid, on an insane level."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's tone is so expressionless and pallid that it's hard to tell whether she's asking a question or making a statement.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn fits the lug-wrench bit into the first nut on the rear tire, twisting before it locks into place.
** Violet Collins positions the brush to the right and a little bit down of the first stripe. She cocks her head, finding the perfect spot.
** [6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] walks into the warehouse, looking around.
Violet Collins says "I dunno. I used to be a paramedic. I really loved doing that."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn cranks on the wrench, the nut slowly becoming looser and looser before falling out.
** Violet Collins begins making a second stripe, diagonal to the first on a 30 degree angle.
** Violet Collins does this also in a slow, steady mannar.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn sets the nut on the piece of card-board to her left, moving onto the next nut.
** [6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] notices the truck/van, and the woman next to it.
Violet Collins says "What about you?"
** [6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] walks closer.
** Violet Collins finishes the second rectangle stripe, cleaning it off with her palm.
** Violet Collins looks over.
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Uh, hello..."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Lots of sidework... nothing amounting to much."
Violet Collins says "Uh, Razors. SOmeones here."
** Violet Collins sets the brush down standing up.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn looks over her shoulder, setting the wrench down on the cardboard and wiping her oily hands on her jeans.
Violet Collins says "Hello. Can we help you with something?"
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Are you 'Razors'?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn is about a foot shorter than the man before her, and her demeanor (while somewhat cold) still resonates with youth.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, I am."
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Uh, I was told that you might know where I could find a working computer processor."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I could. Who told you this, anyway."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn bites her bottom lip, her glare directed down at the floor, refraining from eye-contact.
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "About three different people over radio, Beans... Matt I think.. And some other guy, I didn't recognize his voice."
** [6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] observes the girls behaviors.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn shrugs, seemingly contented with the answers.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "What's it for."
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Well my computer that I had managed to build, for storing information etcetera, had not made it through the winter very well -"
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says " - The processor was toast."
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Would I be able to attain oe from you?"
[LOOC] Nate Lee: one*
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "For an ordinary desktop, without a doubt. Give me a day or two, I'll get in contact with you."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn abruptly kneels back down by the car, seemingly done with conversation.
** Violet Collins returns to her painting.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn picks up the wrench, fixing it on the next nut. She twists with some difficulty before the oxidized metal gives way and begins to loosen up.
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Alright, thanks. I'm Nate Lee by the way." follows the girl with his eyes, "I think we're on the same frequency when it's  available."
** Violet Collins starts on the third stripe, this time 30 degrees to the left.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn nods, still concentrating on the wheel.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn picks up her radio off the ground, somewhat frustrated by the constant interupttion.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn radios in "Yes, I'm here. What do you want."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn sets the radio on top of the hub-cap, resuming work while she waits for a response
[6'1 | Black Beanie ov...] says "Alright I'll see ya."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn nods, still working.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tugs her back over nearby, pulling out the gas-jack and adjusting it to the approximate height of the car's suspension.
** Violet Collins finishes the third stripe, all three stripes resembling the star of life.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn pumps the jack about 12 times, tilting the car a fraction on that particular corner.
** Violet Collins cleans up the stripes a little and stands up, grabbing her stuff.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn picks up the lug-wrench from the card-board scrap, twisting off the last nut before pulling the tire off the spoke.
[Short, graying black ...] says "Note to self, if I ever need that jeep fixed I'll just call my favorites psycopath."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn rolls the tire over against the chainink fence.
[LOOC] Matthew 'Old Man' Henderson: Favorite*
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn rolls her eyes.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "When did I earn that title?"
** Violet Collins begins with the first verticle stripe on the other side. Moving her hand in slow, smooth motions,
[Short, graying black ...] says "Around the time I caught you toruting someone."
[LOOC] Matthew 'Old Man' Henderson: torturing*
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "With good cause. The pig raped someone."
[Short, graying black ...] says "So you respond with one Heinous act with one even more so?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn pulls the adjustable wrench from her back pocket, adjusting the suspension up.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Fighting fire with fire."
[Short, graying black ...] says "Gets the whole world burnt down."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I know my limits."
[Short, graying black ...] says "Right.."
[Short, graying black ...] says "Anyway, next time the jeep breaks down I may ask you to help me."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Better than sitting on my ass doing nothing."
[Short, graying black ...] says "Also, Beans is my favorite psychopath."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Darn, and I thought I'd finally won something..."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn pulls her pressure guage off her jacket, testing the suspension of the vehicle.
** Violet Collins begins on the second stripe.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Might have to prop up the rear end of the car."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn kneels, setting the jack behind the rear bumper, same as before.
** Violet Collins starts on the third stripe of the star.
** Violet Collins sits back, examinig her work.
** Violet Collins closes the lid of the paint can, stomping on it a couple times to ensure it's sealed.
** Violet Collins takes it and the brush, bringing them back where she found them.
** Violet Collins moves back over to the other side. She then begins to scratch in the blue paint the outline of the snake and spear.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn twists off the last lug-nut on the rear tire-
** Violet Collins finishes the outline for the speak, scratching it out completely.
[LOOC] Violet Collins: spear*
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn twists off the last lug-nut on the rear tire before pulling the whole wheel of the spoke.
** Violet Collins then begins by scratching out the curvy outsides of the snake.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn crawls under the rear of the vehicle, shouting out to Violet from underneath.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Can you grab something from my bag?"
Violet Collins says "Sure. *she scratches a little, then moves to Razors bag."
Violet Collins says "What did you need?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "There's a brown bottle in there labeled 'Alternator Fluid'. I need it."
** Violet Collins sifts around in the bag, looking at a few different bottles. She grabs the brown one.
** Violet Collins walks over to Razor.
** Violet Collins kneels down. "This one?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn sticks her hand out from the back.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, that's it."
** Violet Collins places it in her hand.
Violet Collins says "Here ya go."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's arm abruptly vanishes back underneath the car again, back to work.
** Violet Collins giggles to herself, returning to her paint job.
** Violet Collins finishes scatching the outline of the snake. She then takes the brush and uses the corner to detail the snakes eye.
** Violet Collins outlines the sakes curvy body on the spear.
[LOOC] Violet Collins: snakes*
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn grabs at the corner of the cardboard matt, tugging it closer over to herself. She curses under her breath as a few of the lugnuts spill over onto the cold floor.
Violet Collins says "You alright down there?"
** Violet Collins peeks under the vehicle.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn nods awkwardly, mostly to herself.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, good."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn grabs the steel oil pump from the cardboard matt, corking some alternator fluid the alternator (duh).
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "There's one down-side to higher suspension... I'll need better coil-springs to compensate for the pressure on the spokes."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Otherwise the axil will snap in half every time you make a 2 foot drop."
Violet Collins says "Where do you think you'll find those?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I've got some at the inn that can be temporary... but even keeping those on are a risk."
Violet Collins says "Would large cargo trucks have some?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Some thicker, two, maybe three centimeters in diameter would be better."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Depends on the truck, I guess... springs off the trailer would be best."
Violet Collins says "If you want we can head down the old highway tomorrow morning to find some."
Violet Collins says "There's lots of goodies scattered along the highways."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I'd imagine... I've normally got no way to get out there."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn winces as she exerts her strength on pulling the alternator back into line with the suspension cables.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn gasps a little in pain before the alternator locks snugly into place.
Violet Collins says "Alright?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn crawls out from the back of the van, dusting off her jacket and jeans.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, fine..."
Violet Collins says "Alright."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Don't suppose you overheard any of mine and Matt's conversation..."
** Violet Collins finishes the star of life, admiring it. "Now thats cute."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tosses her lug-nut wrench into her bag.
Violet Collins says "Hm? About what?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "It's not important."
Violet Collins says "Sounds good to me."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn raises an eyebrow at Violet's work.
Violet Collins says "I can keep my mouth shut. Used to do it for a living."
** Violet Collins begins to scratch out the rod on the left star.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Never had a good relationship with doctors... so I try my best to not be regarded as a 'patient' out here."
** Violet Collins chuckles. "Thats an excellent state of mind to keep."
** Violet Collins finishes the second star of life.

From here, me and Frolie agreed on the following story:

Spoiler for Trip to the Highway:

  Violet waited outside the inn in her somewhat raised van. She had a slight feeling of being stronger, probably cause she felt higher off the ground in such a large vehicle. Violet watched the doors. "C'mon Razors, let's go before the helicopters do their passes." she said to herself. Razors emerged from the inn, hauling the two large dufflebags on her shoulders. She dropped the dufflebags  in the back of the van, shutting the doors. Razors then climbed in the front seat sitting on the old bench seat. "Ready to roll?" Violet said to Razors. Razors said nothing, instead simply nodded. Violet shifted the van into reverse, slowly pulling out of the small inn parking lot. She set the vehicle into gear and began driving through belles, down the hill, and out the south tunnel.

  Razors took out a small box of cigarettes. "Alright if I have a smoke?" she said to Violet. "Sure that's fine by me. I'm pretty much used to people smoking around me anyway." Violet replied cheerfully. Razors lit the smoke with her lighter, taking the first drag. Violet looked over to Razors. "So what do you think of the mountains?" she said. Razors shrugged, taking another drag from the cigarette. "Not one to talk I see. That's totally fine with me." Violet said hesitantly. They continued driving slowly down the highway, taking it easy on the vehicles raised incomplete suspension.

  They came across an overturned cargo truck. It had split its cargo down the ditch and the front end was mangled from a head on collision most likely. "Lets check this one. This would have the springs right?" Violet asked Razors. "Might." Razors replied briefly. Violet slowed the van down and set the park brake, leaving the vehicle running. The girls hopped out the van and walked over to the truck. Violet, not knowing what to look for, simply stood back, watching down the road. Razors walked toward the front end of the truck. "Yeah this one's no good. Coils are all bent and disfigured." Razors said, examining the front suspension. "Huh. Well I'm sure there plenty more down the road then." Violet replied optimistically. The girls hopped back in the van, proceeding down the road.

  About 15 kilometers down the road, they came across a SUV. "Stop here." Razors said. Violet slowed the vehicle, setting the park brake. The girls got out, Razors heading toward the SUV, examining it. The vehicle had already been salvaged for two wheels and the engine block. Razors knelt down, poking her head under the vehicle, pushing some of the snow out of the way. "This one's got what you need. Byt the looks of it, they're all in good condition too." Razors said, drawing her head from under the vehicle. She proceeded to the back of the van. "Excellent!" Violet exclaimed. "Anything you need me to do?" Razors shrugged. "Grab my other bag?" Violet walked to the back of the van, heaving the other bags straps over her shoulder. The girls walked toward the SUV. "I'll uhh, watch for anything funny." Violet said, heading back to the van. She grabbed her MP5N off the bench seat and used the wheel to climb atop the roof of the van. She sat on the roof, watching both ways of the road and the surrounding mountains. Razors opened her dufflebags, grabbing a jack and some other tools. She began removing the coils from the SUV.

  After a good hour and a bit, they finally finished with the SUV. Razors had taken off all the coil springs and set them back in the van. While packing her tools, Violet walked over to Razors, clutching her MP5N. "You cold? I got some blankets if you want." Violet asked Razors. Razors simply shook her head. "Well I'll make some lunch anyway." Violet said. She went to the van again setting her MP5N on the bench seat. Violet proceeded to grab her rucksack and take out a couple cans of beans and a spotty rusted can opener. "Hope you like beans." She shouted from within the van. Razors zipped up her bags and brought them back to the back of the van. Violet started the vans engine, letting it heat up a little. She opened the two cans of beans ad after waiting a few minutes, pulled the hood release. Razors lifted an eyebrow at Violet. "What are you going to do, cook them in the engine?" she asked Violet. "Pretty much yep." Violet replied without looking back. She opened the hood, resting the two cans in a little s[ace between a heat shield and the engine block. "You gotta do what you gotta do right?" Violet said to Razors.

  After eating lunch, the girls began their slow journey back to Belles. Razors had another smoke and violet just enjoyed the sunny snow covered mountains which reminded her of home. The girls pulled back into the warehouse, shutting off the van again. They hopped out of the van and got to work on the suspension.

More in-game chat for finishing the suspension and painting.

Spoiler for Finishing Suspension and Paint Chat Log:
** Violet Collins finishes the - in the cardboard. She starts cutting out the E.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn attached the first bolt-hook into the allotted notch, then tightens up the grib with the drill-gun.
[LOOC] Layla 'Razors' Blackburn: *grip
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn repeats the same process with the other two bolt-hooks, pausing occasionally to spray some grease onto them.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tries to push up on the thick coil-spring, to force it into the grooves where the original spring had been, but to no avail; the spring is much too thick.
** Violet Collins accidentally makes the bottom line in the E too long. "Ah shit."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn gasps in exertion as her efforts are put to waste. She calls out from beneath the vehicle: "Violet?"
** Violet Collins sighs, starting with the M. The bottom line of the E is so long it connects with the M.
Violet Collins says "Huh?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I need you back here, for a second,."
** Violet Collins puts down the knife, standing up. "K."
Violet Collins says "What's up?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's tiny, porcelien-esque hand jets out from under the vehicle, tapping on the hand of the jack.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Give that a few pumps, I need the rear-end up a little higher."
** Violet Collins walks over to the handle.
** Violet Collins exerts some foce on it, pumping it a couple times.
Violet Collins says "Like so?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, just a few more times."
** Violet Collins pumps it 2 more times. "How's that?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn pushes up on the spring as Violet pumps on the jack. With the last pump, the bolt-hook slides into the groove.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Got it, good."
Violet Collins says "Alright."
** Violet Collins straightens herself up. "Anything else?"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn fits the drill-bit back into the first bolt, tightening up the screw. For the first time since the two have met, she asks a defined question.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "You have some kind of music thing in here?"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I'll listen to anything, if you do."
** Violet Collins thinks for a bit. "Hm. I dunno. This ain't my shop. Heh I just felt like using it."
** Violet Collins startles herself with an idea. "Maybe the van had a stereo."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tightens up the second bolt-hook some more, speaking awkwardly over the noise.
** Violet Collins runs over to the passenger door, whipping it open..
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I know the guy who uses this place... I don't think he'll be using it much any more."
Violet Collins says "Why's that? *she ducks under the bench, looking at the oddly angled front panel."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn begins tightening up the third-bolt hook, the whole vehicle somewhat off balance due to the different sized coil.
** Violet Collins pokes a few things. She takes her keys, inserting them into the ignition, turning them to utilities.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "He uh... lost his thumb."
Violet Collins says "Huh. Yeah that would do it."
** 'Beans' notices the van, stepping slowly forward, hand on his sheath.
'Beans' yells "Keiji?"
** The vehicle hums as electricity flows from the old battery to the lights and interior electronics.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "He lost his thumb."
** Violet Collins slides out of the van seat.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn appears to be talking to beans, that time.
'Beans' says "So this is a garage, now? is that it?"
** Violet Collins walks around the van, looking at beans. "Hi."
'Beans' says "Hey."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn does a sort of crab-walk out towards the suspension frame, to adjust the balance on the axil.
Violet Collins says "I thought it would be a little warmer then outside."
** 'Beans' nods.
'Beans' says "That's the problem with my car. ICe formed in the engine, cracked through some stuff."
'Beans' says "Still fixin' it."
[LOOC] 'Beans': Waiting for vehicles to be fixed.
Violet Collins says "Shitty. *she returns to the cab*"
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Don't expect any help from me...."
'Beans' says "I don't."
** Violet Collins examines the old cassett stereo. She flicks it on. White noise emits from the rigght speaker of the van.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tightens the drag on the suspension frame, accordingly adjusting the alternator cables to compensate.
** 'Beans' walks for the back room, peering through the glass.
** 'Beans' contorts his jaw, eyeing the empty bottles of booze.
** Violet Collins turns the dial on the radio, randomly seeing if she can pick up any stations.
Violet Collins says "Damnit why cant that radio station still be up?"
** Violet Collins turns off the stereo.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Keep an eye on your brother. He steps out of line again, he gets the same treatment Keiji did."
** 'Beans' turns, looking to the van.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn speaks up a little louder, up towards Violet.
Violet Collins says "I'll br right back Razors. I'm going to see if there's any cassets in the cars outside."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "I might be able to modify the range on the antennae. Maybe..."
'Beans' says "If you touch Beef like you did Keiji, I'll fucking blow your head off."
'Beans' says "How about that."
Violet Collins says "I dont think there's any stations out here at all."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Just a warning. Keep your brothers in line."
Violet Collins says "But! *she exclaims suddenly* Could be useful for boosting our walkies in storms."
'Beans' says "They'll do whatever the fuck they'll please. I'm not their keeper."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn ignores Beans and Violet alike, going about the second bolt-nut instead.
Violet Collins says "I'm not familiar with electronics but if you could make an external antenna attachment for mine and a plug to the vehicle."
Violet Collins says "Anyway i'll be back."
** Violet Collins zips up her coat, stepping into the snowy outside.
** Violet Collins bends over, popping the glove compartment of the red vehicle.
** Violet Collins searches the compartment, finding a single assett. The name on it is worn off.
** Violet Collins closes the glove compartment, moving to the next vehicle.
** Violet Collins notices this vehicles glove compartment no longer exists. She shrugs, walking back down the road to the third vehicle.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn undoes all three bolt-nuts accordingly, pumping up the jack so she can reach the other three.
** Violet Collins pops open this vehicles glove compartment, searching through it.
** Violet Collins finds a megadeath cassette and another cassette in a foreign language.
** Violet Collins closes the glvoe compartment, returning to the warehouse.
** Violet Collins unzips her coat, exhaling audiably.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn pushes the coil-spring into place, immediately beginning to tighten the bolt-nuts without noting Violet's return.
Violet Collins says "I found three. One megadeath one, one russian, slavik, whatever one, and one i cant read the lable of."
** Violet Collins hangs her coat on the doorframe
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Pick your poison. So long as I have something to listen to, I'm happy enough."
** Violet Collins opens the passenger door, climbing in the vehicle.
** Violet Collins slides the unmarked cassette into the stereo, turning it on.
** Country music begins playing out of the vehicles right speaker. There is no bass and no trebel. It sounds like a telephone
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn struggles to pump on the jack from such an awkward position, but none-the-less manages.
Violet Collins says "Better then nothing."
** Violet Collins hops out of the van, walking toward the cardboard sheet.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn grunts a little from the work, nodding to herself.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, I guess."
Violet Collins says "Unless you'd rather listen to megadeath. *she chuckles*"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn winces a little as the coil-spring locks into place. "Not really my kind of thing."
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "So, you have a guy out here?"
** Violet Collins stops for a second, a frown crossing her face. She sighs. "No. Not really."
** Violet Collins continues finishing the M of the cardboard..
** Violet Collins starts on the S, trying her best to keep the curvs curvy and not jagged.
** Violet Collins finishes the S. She looks at the 'V-EMS' carved out of the cardboard.
** Violet Collins picks up the cardboard, bringing it over to the hood.
** Violet Collins holding the cardboard with one hand, shakes the black spray can.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn tightens the last bolt-nut on the new coil-spring, crawling out from under the car.
** Violet Collins begins spraying in strokes over her makeshift decal.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn slowly releases the pressure from the left-side jack, the corner of the van dipping down a qaurter of an inch every other second, before all the weight is on the other jack.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn repeats the process on the other side before tugging the jack away, all the weight again on the wheels.
** Violet Collins finishes spraying the word 'V-EMS' onto the hood of the van.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn jumps up onto the back-bumper, giving a few test bounces on the rear-springs.
** Violet Collins takes her cardboard decal aaway from the van, tossing it onto the ground.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn wipes her arm across her brow, raising an eyebrow at their collective work.
** Violet Collins stands off to the side, admiring her work and layla's work of raising the vehicle.
Violet Collins says "She's looking good."
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn nods in agreement, a light expression that could almost be percieved as pride over-coming her regularly expressionless demeanor.
Violet Collins says "You got all the coil springs in place"
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn nods frevrently before volazing: "Yep."
** Violet Collins admires the van a little more. "Wanna take it for a drive?"
Violet Collins has used '/Me admires the van a little more. "Wanna take it for a drive?"'.
** Layla 'Razors' Blackburn smiles a little, bitting her bottom lip.
Layla 'Razors' Blackburn says "Yeah, I kind of do."

Story for the trip to get some tire chains.

Spoiler for Story for the Wheel Chains:
    Violet say in the finished ambulance the next morning. She waited, again in the inn parking lot. Razors was already sitting in the passenger seat. "Let's just go, she's not coming." Razors spoke to violet finally. Violet shrugged, shifting the van into reverse. She began pulling out of the parking lot. Suddenly, Hanoku. "Wait!" she yells softly. Razors rolls her eyes. Violet stops the van. "Hurry!" Violet shouts to Hanoku. Hanoku hops in the side door, sitting on the little folding seat. "T..there's no seat belt?" She says to Violet. "Nope. Hold on tight and try not to fall out. If you somehow manage to fall out though, we'll get you fixed up." Violet replies, chuckling to herself. She continues reversing the van, heading down the hill and out the south tunnel.

    They drove down the road a bit. "Wh..what are we looking for?" Hanoku asked over the sound of the engine and wind rushing by. "A vehicle with the right size tires. Then we'll check to see if it has any chains." Violet shouted from the front. "Oh." She replied. Hanoku looked out the window, watching the world go by. Violet slowed the vehicle as the approached a small transport van. "How do you know you'll find some?" Razors asked. "It's the mountains and it snows out. What do you expect?" Violet replied. They hopped out the van, walking over to the transport.

    After searching the little transport van for some time and finding nothing but a few cassettes for the van's old stereo, they hopped back in the van and continued down the road till they approached a utility truck. "This has to have something." Violet said as they got out of the van. They searched the truck for awhile. Hanoku opened one of the side compartments and began looking. She saw a big black bag and dragged it out. It was heavy. The bag fell out of the compartment. Hanoku, having little to no strength, dropped it. Something that sounded like chains clattered on the ground. "I..I found something." she said to the other girls. Violet walked over to Hanoku. She bent down, unzipping the bag, revealing the contents. There were 4 tire chains, bundled up. Or at least sort of bundled. They came apart after Hanoku dropped the bag on the ground. Violet took one of the bundles, unbundling it. "Yep. Thats definitely a tire chain. Lets try em out." She brought the chain over to the passenger side wheel of the van, laying it out. " you know how to use that?" Hanoku asked. "Of course. I used to live in British Columbia. Chains were a necessity for some of the roads there." Violet replied. She signaled to Razors. "Let me know when I'm on the chain." Razors simply nodded to reply. Violet hopped in the van, slowly letting it roll forward onto the chain. Razors held up one hand in a stop gesture, and Violet. She hopped out of the van, approaching the chains. "Alright, to chain up tires, you simply loop this chain through the  rim of the vehicle and connect it here." Violet explained as she did so. "Then you do the same to the rest of the linking chains and the rest of the tires." Violet said as she finished the last chain. "Let me know if it rolls properly." Violet said to Razors who simply nodded a couple times as a response. Violet hopped back in the van, letting it roll slowly forward. The chains on the tires followed along with the tire rotation. "Yep." Razors said after a couple rotations. "Excellent!" Violet exclaimed, hopping out of the van.

    After disconnecting the tire chain, rolling off it, and returning it to the bag, the girls hopped back in the van and headed back to Belles. The trip home was short and quiet as they really hadn't driven for long. They made it back in time for lunch, and just in time for another snowstorm to roll in.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-an ambulance outfitted for the outlands for emergency response to injured refugees
-a shelter if stuck somewhere
-a quick transport for some refugees if needed

-lots of shit to maintain (fuel, tires, oil, other fluids, some parts)
-good chance of breakdowns considering the age of the vehicle
-a target for overwatch, need to keep it hidden, especially during a raid or patrol
-easy to roll the fucker

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Use the vehicle as an ambulance and something to work with in passive rp (cleaning, maintenance, refueling, etc.)

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Not unless you count Frolie helping me with it as someone else.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
After using the van model so much, i think it's a better platform for this case. Once vehicles are working, I'll use those in conjunction with chairs to have a working ambulance that's not drunks on ice.

Creations / Garry's Mag - The Official Unofficial Garry's Mod Magazine
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:59:42 AM »
Click to see the original size.

Something I made back in high school. Thought it looked cool enough to post here lol

Suggestions / Player Resizer
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:47:15 PM »
One thing PAC had that I really wanted was the fact you could change the width and height of your player. Fat guys, skinny guys, tall guys, short guys, etc. But PAC does defeat the purpose of physical descriptions. Which is why I searched for this:

The player resizer. Should be included with tooltrust. So if you're short or tall or you are authorized to be a kid, it will show it.

Now before anyone goes "ABOOSE" remember, people with tooltrust can spawn mass props, attach thrusters to random shit and cause havok, make annoying spazzy lights. If they can hendle themselves from this, I'm sure they can handle making themselves mice size or giant sized people.

If this gets accepted, I'll create a table for player sizes.

Outside City 45 / Ineu Valley Names (SUGGESTION MINITHREAD)
« on: January 18, 2013, 03:00:35 PM »
As I continue working on Ineu, I am getting to the point where I need to start naming things. If you guys wanna make suggestions, here's what I need named:

Town A

Town B








Guides / Statua's Recommended OCRP2 Content Mods
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:48:35 PM »

Statua's Recommended Mods
All your mods, in one place...

    In this thread, you can find a list of Mods that I recommend you use for OCRP. These are in my opinion excellent mods that change textures, models, and sounds in-game to give you a better experience.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the mods posted in this thread were not made by me. The original creator (if available) has been posted under each mod as credit. I can and will not be held responsible if any of these mods break, ruin, mess up, or alter your game in a negative way. All mods have been tested by me and as far as I know, are in working condition. Please notify me immediately if a mod here is not working or it is causing you problems.

The Mods

Better SMS Tone
Recorded straight off the real device and a muffling equalizer added to sound like it's in your pocket.
Created by: Statua
Spoiler for installation:
Install by putting this file into garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/(your OCRP2 content folder)/sound/cg_ocrp/phone/ringtones

Longer, More Awesome Nitro
Its more of a valvey sounding nitro and sounds like you're going fast. Not accidentally hitting the gas pedal.
Created by: Statua
Spoiler for installation:
Install by putting this file into garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/(your OCRP2 content folder)/sound/cg_ocrp

Better More Realistic Ringtone
The real one, recorded straight off the actual device.
Created by: Statua
Spoiler for installation:
Install by putting this file into garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/(your OCRP2 content folder)/sound/cg_ocrp/phone/ringtones

Longer Louder Better Pager
I made the original quiet but if you want improved immersion, this one has a dispatch voice and is 2x louder.
Created by: Statua
Spoiler for installation:
Install by putting this file into garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/(your OCRP2 content folder)/sound/cg_ocrp2

Realistic CS:S Weapon Sounds
Makes the CS:S weapons sound much better.
Created by: Anonymous
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'weapons' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod/sounds

HD HL2 Weapons
Makes all the HL2 weapons (Gravgun and Physgun for OCRP) more hi-def.
Click to see the original size.
Created by:  VertThrasher
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'materials' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod

HD CS:S Weapons
Makes the CS:S weapons look much better.
Click to see the original size.
Created by: Worshipper
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'materials' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod

HD Blood Texture
More realistic blood.
Click to see the original size.
Created by: BakaKemono
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'materials' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod

SWAT Reskin
Makes the SWAT look more SWAT.
Click to see the original size.
Created by: FineCheeseLover
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'materials' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod

Classic HUD
Replaces HUD1 with the classic OC design.
Click to see the original size.
Created by: Half-Dead
Spoiler for Hiden:
Install by putting the 'materials' folder into garrysmod/garrysmod

If you have any mods that you think are awesome and you would like to share them, post a link here with a description of the mod and the name of the original creator (if available). I will test them myself then post them here if they're any good.

Mapping / [W.I.P] RP Ineu Valley Progress (CG RELEASE: 02/16/13)
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:13:52 PM »
Ineu Valley
Somewhere in the Romanian Mountains


    This thread is where I will keep all of my development pictures and notes. I'll post updates and pictures as time goes on. Feel free to comment on anything you see here but don't get your expectations high that it will change. Some things are there or not there for a reason.

This thread is NOT for suggestions. Rather, please visit THIS THREAD to post a suggestion.

    Be sure to check out OzJackals thread about City38! It coming along rather nicely.

To do:

  • ???
  • PROFIT!!!

  • Basic Layout
  • Riverbed Brushwork
  • Riverbed Details
  • Riverside Cliffs
  • 0 Level Land
  • 0 Level Roads
  • Bridges
  • River > 0 Level Transition Paths
  • Lake
  • Log Cabin (Blt)
  • Town A Homes
  • Town A PD (The 11th Doctor)
  • Town A Store
  • Town A Ruined Church (Sexy Frog)
  • Town A Inn
  • Town B Homes
  • Town B Gas Station
  • Town B Warehouse (Skrillex)
  • Junkyard (YankeeSamuri)
  • Junkyard Trailer (Calo Nord)
  • Cellar (Frolie)
  • 0 Level Foliage
  • Castle Mountain
  • Castle Mountain Road
  • Castle
  • Castle Mountain Foliage
  • Graveyard (Frolie)
  • Bunker Mountain
  • Bunker Mountain Path
  • Bunker
  • Bunker Trenches (TRAY)
  • Bunker Mountain Foliage
  • East Mine Enterance
  • West Mine Enterance
  • Mine Tunnels
  • Mine Details
  • West Mountain
  • West Mountain Foliage
  • North Mountain
  • North Mountain Foliage
  • Combine Outpost (Inquistor Spiderman)
  • East Mountain
  • Observation Towers (3.14)
  • Detail prop texturing
  • Decorate Everyfuckinghting
  • Spawn Room
  • Spawn Room
  • 3D Skybox
  • Weather Control Room
  • Closed Beta
  • Easter Eggs
  • AI Nodes
  • Credit Stamps
  • Signs
  • Optimization
  • Open Beta
  • Areaportals
  • Tree Fade
  • Optimize nodraw blocks
  • Fix all reported bugs
  • .VMF Obfiscuator
  • Final Compile
  • Final test (repeat compile if needed)
  • Buildcubemaps

  • Town B Store (Wasn't needed)
  • Dugouts (3.14) (Would require too many base land displacements which would make the map laggy)
  • Barn? (Frolie) (Didn't have anywhere to put it)
  • Tower (inquistor spiderman) (Already had enough stuff jammed atop that mountain. Didnt need any more)
  • Shed/Mine (Frolie) (Had a hard enough time finding spots for the entrances let alone this shed thing. Sorry)
  • North>East Mountain Train system(Red yes) (more of a background detail then anything. The only place I could fit it would be too small to even make a difference)
  • 3Dsky Hydro Dam (Red yes) (was causing weird invisible glitches with the mountains in the background)
  • HDR (kept breaking no matter what I did -.-)

Development Images:

Spoiler for 11/09/12:

Spoiler for 31/12/12:
Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

Spoiler for 09/01/13:
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Spoiler for 10/01/13:
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Spoiler for 11/01/13:
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Spoiler for 17/01/13:
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Spoiler for 28/01/13:
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Spoiler for 29/01/13:
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Spoiler for 30/01/13 (30 images):
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Spoiler for 02/02/13:
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Spoiler for 02/02/13 (2):
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Development Videos:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Public Downloads:


Beta Changelog:

  • Fixed lighting bug with rocks
  • Fixed landslide escape path
  • Fixed all known holes in displacements
  • Added missing CG logo to pak files
  • Flipped doors around in houses for easier access
  • Added clip brushes to rope bridge guard rails
  • Added areaportal to bunker garage door for improved FPS while in bunker with door closed
  • Lowered water by 64 units to help show the slow loss of water (similar to the riverbed found in the pass)
  • Fixed the solid water by the combine outpost
  • Added a clip brush to the wine cabinet in the villa
  • Improved tree render optimization
  • Improved water planes
  • Enabled HDR
  • Removed non-functoning NPC nodes
  • Cubemapped

Outside City 45 / Ineu Valley Suggestions
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:12:59 PM »
Please post anything you want to suggest for Ineu Valley. Keep in mind this map is going to be released for all public servers to use so anything strictly CG related might be rued out. Also keep in mind that just because you make a suggestion, doesn't mean it will be implemented. I will post whether it will be implemented or not and will add it somewhere on my to-do list.

PLEASE for the love of GMod use the format I have provided below fully unless stated otherwise.

An example has been given below the format code.

Spoiler for Map and features list:
Click to see the original size.

North Town/Town A/Town A1
 >Ruined Church (Sexy Frog)

South Town/Town B/Town A2
 >Gas Station
 >Warehouse (Skrillex)


Castle Mountain
 >Castle Mountain Road

 >Bunker Mountain
 >Bunker Path
 >Bunker Trenches

West Mountain
 >North/South Mine Enterances
 >Shed/Mine Enterance

North Mountain

East Mountain

General Land
 >Observation Towers

Easter Eggs

3D Skybox

Code: (Format) [Select]
[b]What are you suggesting?[/b]: [REQUIRED]
[b]What style will it be in?[/b]: [REQUIRED] (Combine, Rebel, Ruins, Old, Modern, Etc.)
[b]Will it have any special features such as moving doors or traps? If so, list them below.[/b]: [REQUIRED]

[b]Reference Pictures[/b]: [REQUIRED] (picture of something you're resembling]
[thumb](IMAGE URL HERE)[/thumb]

[b]Extra Notes[/b]: [OPTIONAL]


What are you suggesting?: Bunker
What style will it be in? : Ruins
Will it have any special features such as moving doors or traps? If so, list them below.: Old lifts, sliding doors, science equipment

Reference Pictures:
Click to see the original size.

Extra Notes: Similar to Portal 2's Aperature Sciences

Outside City 45 / "Quest" Characters [IDEA]
« on: January 01, 2013, 08:39:42 PM »
Well this is an idea I've had for awhile now. That idea being administration utilizing non-developing characters known as 'quest characters' who are available when nothing much is going on. These 'quest characters' will give players a task in return for IC items such as food, clothing, medical supplies, or tools. These 'quest characters' would give players something to do, whilst promoting rp through the reward of passive RP items. The reason these characters are admin only are because only administrators can authorize said items for players.

Some tasks you may be told to do:

-Gather firewood
-Fetch water
-Transport goods
-Locate certain plants
-Clean a building
-Deliver a message

Some items you may receive:

-Canned foods such as; soup, vegetables, meat, or juice
-IC Medical supplies such as; drugs, splints, slings, antiseptics, admission tools (cotton swabs, syringes)
-IC Items such as; notebooks, small musical instruments (harmonicas, ukuleles), tools (hammers, saws, nails), dishes (bowls, cutlery, plates)

So, thoughts on this? It wouldn't be a dedicated thing, more of just volunteer work for administrators. So there won't always be a quest character. It's up to administrators if they want to go on or not.

Outside City 45 / Ineu2 Teaser 2
« on: December 31, 2012, 06:32:09 PM »
Started work on it. I pretty much have nothing going on, not even work for the next month so don't be surprised if I finish it by February. Keep in mind everything is uber blocky cause they're dev bases. As in, I build off them. So this basically shows the general layout of everything. Not the final product.

Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

« on: November 01, 2012, 07:55:47 PM »
I dun goof'd and forgot to pack 2 important textures into the map. here's the updated like. I modified the OP too.

Outside City 45 / rp_ineu_pass_v1c_winter RELEASE
« on: October 25, 2012, 08:43:24 PM »
Well. Not sure about you guys but up here in Canadaland, we're getting some snowfall. I can only assume that up high in the rmoanian mountains, there's also some snow falling. Since we base our date off IRl date + 5 years, Ineu Pass will be snow covered fairly soon. So here it is, Ineu Winterized. Feel free to make your Christmas snowman movies and pictures while you wait for Outlanbds to return.

DEV NOTE: This map is almost identical to v1c. Only difference is the water is solid, the textures have changed, and the models for the trees have changed.

Without futher adoo, heres some eyecandy:

Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.

Click to see the original size.
Snowfall fog.

Click to see the original size.
Snowstorm fog.

I removed the thunderstorm button for obvious reasons. I also separated the sound and fog density for reasons stated below:
-Fog has 2 levels, Snowfall and Snowstorm
-Sound has 2 levels, Strong Winds and Stormy Winds
-Sound does not control the fog density considering wind and snow density are not related.

I guess you guys want a link so here's one:

Outside City 45 / Tease tease :P
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:16:29 PM »

Outside City 45 / What have you done during downtime?
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:30:31 AM »
Title says it all.

I worked on Violet Collins' character template. Heavily. No more cliche hot chick with guns and a medi bag who has no worries. I added lots of stuff to work with like low self-esteem, the lost boyfriend she cares so much about, and the independence of someone with little friends for her entire life. She's also bulkier then last time, however this gives her strength.

In other words, I made her more enjoyable to play with and less cliche badass.

Suggestions / Sandbox Board?
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:12:57 PM »
Should make one for suggestion, tutorials, creations, and discussions. /thread

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